Jack Viney

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How is this karma *******? Wasn't Viney's decision to rub Wojack out. Karma would have been if Viney broke Wojack's jaw then had his own broken.

Karma because Wojcinski was rubbed out due to a soft, unavoidable bump which happened to break a young, immature Viney's jaw. Now, the same has happened to Viney, but he's on the other end.

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Ignoring the fact the guilty verdict is so utterly wrong, how can he only be given two weeks given the parameters set? Not sure what's worse, the verdict or the sanction.

Totally agree and i think he should of got off from the start but how the hell is that medium impact???

It reeks of the AFL having their cake and trying to eat it to. That hit is either a 4 week penalty minimum IF found guilty of a bump like he was sadly or nothing. Middle ground has no card to play here and what a joke.
No, I just remember all the Melbourne supporters whining and crying about the Wojcinski/Viney incident, which is really no different from this one. Like this one, it was an inadvertent bump and Wojo never left the ground. You were all ready to cry foul then and happy to tell us what a terrible sniper Wojcinski was. Well, you were on the favorable end of that one, and now you don't seem to be handling being on the other side all too well.

It's karma is all. You benefit from the soft rules of the game at one point, revel in it, and it will come back to bite you too.

Yep, 2 weeks is about right.

"Oh but he braced for impact....."
The most gutless snipe out there for years from McKernan only got 2 weeks. Its a joke to consider that the same as a collision that was unlucky to have caused an injury.
That's exactly it. The tribunal have found him guilty then actively worked to reduce the sentence.


Yep. So instead of trying to get the right decision, they've made one which actually pisses everyone off.

Those who think he should have gotten off anyway are filthy he's got games.

And those who reckon he should have gone for the clash are filthy he only got two.

Death by committee. :thumbsdown:
Totally agree and i think he should of got off from the start but how the hell is that medium impact???

It reeks of the AFL having their cake and trying to eat it to. That hit is either a 4 week penalty minimum IF found guilty of a bump like he was sadly or nothing. Middle ground has no card to play here and what a joke.

That is exactly what it is, and nothing else. Melbourne should take that gift and run.
Gleeson says #Viney could have avoided contact by pushing off his left foot and getting out of the road?

They've got to be kidding, they want players to avoid a contest lol

and it would have every opponent,opposition fan & media dipwad call them "soft"

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Totally agree and i think he should of got off from the start but how the hell is that medium impact???

It reeks of the AFL having their cake and trying to eat it to. That hit is either a 4 week penalty minimum IF found guilty of a bump like he was sadly or nothing. Middle ground has no card to play here and what a joke.
Agreed. Had to be 4 weeks or not guilty. There is no middle ground, yet they managed to somehow make it materialise. Absolute farce, no matter which side of the fence you're sitting on.
Medium impact, 200 points.

How the hell did they arrive at that result? Given that they'd already found him guilty, "Severe" was the only option open to them. He broke Lynch's jaw - how is that not "severe impact"?

There is not one single aspect of this judgement that makes any sense. For those who knew he was guilty, the final judgement is a farce. For those who don't understand the rules, the guilty finding itself is a farce. What an absolute joke.
Vader you're good at this stuff....

What would Negligent, High Contact and High/Severe Impact have come back with??
And as for calls for Gillon to over-turn the suspension...there's an old term that should be invoked here.

Accept the umpire's decision (in this case the tribunals) and move on. Easiest solution.

Gillon claims he's there for the fans.

The fans are all screaming that this is wrong.

Here we go.
Ever heard of a tackle Jack? You know where you can pin the bloke.

You had the chance but took the easy way out and now a bloke has a broken jaw and will miss probably 6-8 weeks. Anyone who thinks this is a joke has no idea about football...YOU DON'T HAVE TO BLOODY WELL BUMP!!! That should be only a last resort.

HAd Viney attempted to tackle- he would've likely ended up with a fractured sternum, a few ribs, a punctured lung and perhaps a broken jaw, nose, eye socket and a few lost teeth- possible bonus of fractured skull!

ANyone who thinks you have an idea about football is a joke o_O
Terrible decision but not surprised with the way the game is going.

Soon they'll be suspending players for tackling too hard.
It will happen before the end of this year you watch...
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