Japan Cup & True odds

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You said it's the fastest run mile and a half, I clarified because they race on the fastest tracks, there is a difference.

mate, i follow the gg's a bit and have for the best part of 20 years. both here and overseas. i probably don't need you to "clarify" my comments for me because i'm fairly confident in any posts i make.
i pretty much started off defending you regarding the supposed "plagiarism" on the jc but i'm starting to see that you've got a few posters offside. do me a favour, check your posts for any signs of condecension before submitting them and maybe stuff like this won't happen.
See Starz,even posters who feel sorry for you initially,quickly work out what a sad try hard you are.
1st it's o/s racing,then pedigree matching.....give it up it's embarassing

The irony of you of you accusing someone of having multiple ID's.......
Must be tough without your "friends" defending you.

See Starz,even posters who feel sorry for you initially,quickly work out what a sad try hard you are.
1st it's o/s racing,then pedigree matching.....give it up it's embarassing

The irony of you of you accusing someone of having multiple ID's.......
Must be tough without your "friends" defending you.


So what are you doing here apart from stalking someone from thread to thread, you don't add anything but negativity to the forum.
Like you said,
" I don't give tips"
"I don't bet on thoroughbreds"
All you ever do is whinge, moan and hijack threads it's sad really.
I guess that sums you up.

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mate, i follow the gg's a bit and have for the best part of 20 years. both here and overseas. i probably don't need you to "clarify" my comments for me because i'm fairly confident in any posts i make.
i pretty much started off defending you regarding the supposed "plagiarism" on the jc but i'm starting to see that you've got a few posters offside. do me a favour, check your posts for any signs of condecension before submitting them and maybe stuff like this won't happen.

I've only pointed out a fact which you didn't mention. Whether you knew it or not is beside the point.

Perhaps you can look it over and tell me what exactly is bothering you?

usually the fastest run grass mile and a half in the world. pretty sure horlicks broke the world record with a 2:22.

"Wouldn't pay too much attention to that, they usually race on the fastest tracks in the world too."
29 posts in this thread and only a few on topic, par for the course with sethlad & the_fresh/fadge around.

Let's keep it on topic from now on.
Which topic Starzraiser?

1.The topic of you stealing someone else's work
2.The topic of you still not finding any 2 mile Danehill's,even with European dams
3.The topic of your post count going through the roof as ATM you can only post as yourself

Dylan Thomas has been scratched.

Keep on whinging you paranoid bore.
No point talking pedigree when you don't even look at half of it.

I'm sure nobody clocks up as many hours as you do on here.
Easy to see why you don't bet on thoroughbreds.
Keep on whinging you paranoid bore.
No point talking pedigree when you don't even look at half of it.

I'm sure nobody clocks up as many hours as you do on here.
Easy to see why you don't bet on thoroughbreds.

ill talk pedigree starz, its my specialty!! ill eat you for breakfast
Paranoid,funny stuff from someone who invents posters to praise him in his own lame threads.

I dont claim to be anything here unlike you,master of nothing.
I wager on what I can win on, although your thoroughbred tips have been a consistent highlight.
$2 chances rated $6,$8 hopes rated $40.
$16 chances rated $2.70.......its been a smorgasboard.

You keep raving about Danehill yet you still havent answered the question?
Where are these wonderful European Danehill 2 milers?
Do we have to wait til you find an article before you answer?

So should we get admin to post about why you were banned?
Or do you finally have the balls to admit your fantasy friends?

I am closing this thread because I think that it has just turned into a flame war. I would like to ask people not to use BF Punting Board as your own personal battle field against other users. If it continues then further action will be taken. This goes for all parties involved.
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