MRP / Trib. Jeremy Cameron sent to tribunal - Harris Andrews incident - read Mod announcement at post #67

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I told you last night it would be Intentional and he would get more than 4 weeks. I hope the AFL appeals and gives him another 4 on top. Oh and did Mr Scott agree with you? no he didn't, no one does agree with on anything you have to say. Scott said it was alright of players to have a look at what was coming from behind then when going backwards and that he supports the bravery. Even if Andrews had a quick look he would have seen a pack forming and a collision was going to occur and probably he would still fly to spoil the ball from any marking attempt. What he couldn't have judged or expected was that one of those player would **** his elbow, abandon any attempt to mark or spoil the ball and recklessly continue to lead into the pack with an elbow first and turn his head away so he couldn't see where that elbow would hit. Trying to say an AFL coach supports you in any way is ridiculous. You certainly don't have the smartest brain but you could have the smallest brain of any sports follower I've seen.
If you want to appear smarter than someone you should perhaps learn paragraphs, sentence structure and spelling/grammar. If Andrews didn't turn his head for 2 seconds away from the contest he wouldn't have bleeding on the brain right now. He would have been able to protect himself, which to me seems the smart thing to do, like Scott the AFL coach mentions.

If anyone is teaching kids to do what Andrews did here they should be banned from coaching.
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It is what it is, 5 weeks without Jezza is frustrating but we’ll be fine, worst case scenario, we fall short in 2018 and look to 2019.

This is another great chance for the club to test its resolve, last year it was facing Richmond in a prelim where we were hopelessly outnumbered. But the boys still gave a performance all of us were proud of.

We go into these 5 weeks with the season on the line, another chance for someone to come in and prove they belong in our team and belong in the AFL. Whoever it is I hope they take their chance and give their all !!!

We start with hawthorn this weekend, Jezza helps obviously but we are still a major chance of winning this game, I expect the coaching staff to challenge the group to find a way to overcome this hurdle and move forward together to keep our season alive.

There’s no point bitching about it, it’s done, we all knew Jezza would serve a suspension, as fans, we can rally together and get behind the lads and keep supporting them.

We win, lose or draw as a team.


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I think the result is what most people expected and JC obviously didn't lear from the Mathison incident a couple of years ago and then also when he gave away the 50 from the Essendon game when Lobb was having a shot on goal he needs to be more disciplined on the field so hopefully the coaches can use this as an example for the whole playing group
I agree it was a careless act with no malice but it is all about positioning to avoid dangerous contact IMO and unfortunate that the impact was with the head
The season could be over for the club when he returns but i think this weekends game will determine if the club could be a chance although I can see the club missing out because of the draw
Very disappointing for the club.

Always think the best way of judging something like this is reversing it and thinking what we would want to happen to the perpetrator. My guess is most would say 5-6 weeks.

No no happy with the Victorian flog media who think it is their right to hang players but ultimately Jezz was quite careless and has a bad rap sheet so put himself in the gun.

Makes it almost impossible to make the finals from here :-(
He was putting his arms exactly where the ball was going before Andrews spoiled it. Watch the replay, two fists right where the ball was going to be.

Andrews shouldn't have recklessly avoided looking at the contest because he could have protected himself otherwise. The only coaching opportunity here is to educate players not to do what Andrews did, you would educate them to do exactly what Cameron did with his attack on the ball.
Wow, just wow.
The dust is settling, we move on, HH steps up, and Tommo goes forward.
Personally, I don't believe it was intentional.
JC has been throwing himself kamikaze style into marking packs from all angles this year, Backways, sideways, front ways.
He was guilty, in that split second before impact, of keeping his forearm tense and rigid, and bracing for impact. He did not aim for the chin or head.
Up to the split second moment before impact, he was perfectly entitled to attack the ball, probably pushed into it as well.
5 weeks is all about the impact on poor Harris and thoughts go out to him and a speedy recovery.

I wonder if we'll ever get to a point where stupid acts of blind bravery, such as running backwards into packs, which Jeremy does each game, and which Andrews also did at that moment, will be discouraged as foolish and reckless.

An article from the AFL website where Phil Davis attempts to put the incident in perspective, citing the speed at which the game is now played at makes it difficult to avoid these types of accidents.

Personally I don’t believe Jezza meant to intentionally harm Andrews, it’s a shame that many have not stopped think about the possible angst that Cameron may be going through.
Unfortunately we will see this type of incident again and we shall see how the media react and the MRP.

Consistency is all we ask.

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The hysteria around Cameron doesn't seem to follow every player. If jack riewoldt was Cameron in this incident do you think the same punishment would have occured? I don't. Vfl boys would have got around him and defended it for what it is.

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The hysteria around Cameron doesn't seem to follow every player. If jack riewoldt was Cameron in this incident do you think the same punishment would have occured? I don't. Vfl boys would have got around him and defended it for what it is.
The flip side of this would be if Jack Riewoldt, Scott Pendlebury or Patrick Dangerfield were the victim, got stretchered off, spent a night in hostipal with bleeding on the brain and had an uncertain playing future, the Victorian Media would have been screaming blue murder and you can bet your bottom dollar Cameron would have got more than five weeks.
The hysteria around Cameron doesn't seem to follow every player. If jack riewoldt was Cameron in this incident do you think the same punishment would have occured? I don't. Vfl boys would have got around him and defended it for what it is.
Nope. Would of been brushed off as an incident. My opinion of course.

But we will see soon how this new tough on headshots MRP is.

Oh wait we already have seen the high off the ball and from behind Thomas on Greenwood hit. 1 week and no media. Real tough.

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The flip side of this would be if Jack Riewoldt, Scott Pendlebury or Patrick Dangerfield were the victim, got stretchered off, spent a night in hostipal with bleeding on the brain and had an uncertain playing future, the Victorian Media would have been screaming blue murder and you can bet your bottom dollar Cameron would have got more than five weeks.
I dont think that's actually true. For all the media hysteria I actually think the process makes sensible decisions. It's changed a bit this year and Christiansen was always going to be pilloried, as umps are.
Everyone reacts emotionally, but as long he doesn't and the tribunal doesn't, the process is fine.
Have a look at the Jonas incident earlier this year, guys.

Worse IMO, but very similar (late to a contest, graded the same). Got an extra week on top of what Jeremy did.

An article from the AFL website where Phil Davis attempts to put the incident in perspective, citing the speed at which the game is now played at makes it difficult to avoid these types of accidents.

Personally I don’t believe Jezza meant to intentionally harm Andrews, it’s a shame that many have not stopped think about the possible angst that Cameron may be going through.
The article is a summary of his podcast. I wasn't that happy with it, but I guess a summary is just that. The podcast is in this thread with a lot more detail.
I quite liked the fact Leon has confronted the hate and called it out. It's always been there but the club has previously decided to ignore it, obviously. That might be best, but when it crosses lines, such as officials representing their official position then it needs to be confronted in my view.
That's why the press room thing pisses me off.
The flip side of this would be if Jack Riewoldt, Scott Pendlebury or Patrick Dangerfield were the victim, got stretchered off, spent a night in hostipal with bleeding on the brain and had an uncertain playing future, the Victorian Media would have been screaming blue murder and you can bet your bottom dollar Cameron would have got more than five weeks.
I’m wondering if the instigator was a Cotchin, Selwood or Zeibel and the injured player was say Davis or Nick Haynes what would the media say?

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MRP / Trib. Jeremy Cameron sent to tribunal - Harris Andrews incident - read Mod announcement at post #67

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