JFK Assassination: What is the Truth?

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I've immersed myself in this area of study at various times over my life since I was around 10 years old. And eventually you arrive at a position where, of all the possible theories that have been proffered for this crime, the official one, although problematic, may be the most likely scenario. But it's easy to add up all the little granules of doubt (Oswald's demeanour post-arrest, the difficulty of the shoot, the range of eyewitness testimony, the shadiness of Oswald's excursion to the USSR and subsequent attempt to enter Cuba, the whole Cuban-exile-CIA operation in New Orleans and its possible connection to Oswald, the conclusion-first approach that the Warren Commission took, Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald and its circumstances, the wholly unsatisfactory findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the subsequent doubt over the killings of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, just to name a whole lot) and arrive at a generic "conspiracy" conclusion.

Many years ago I arrived at the viewpoint that Oswald would have been a highly problematic prosecution. It wouldn't have needed the Chewbacca defense to create reasonable doubt. On the other hand he may have confessed on the Monday if he had lived that long. And that's the problem: we'll never know.
Left out a couple, Johnson and or the mob were behind it.

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I've read extensively on Johnson, and the greatest biographer of all time says he couldn't find anything to suggest Johnson.

Good enough for me. Take or leave the Mob.

As amusing as the 'theories' are, the evidence has always overwhelmingly pointed in only one direction.

Some people can't handle that there are lone nuts out there.
Wow read all the books huh. You must know heaps about the assassination. Is it true they found the 'magic bullet' like lying on a stretcher beside the governor guy? Is this true? How did it just fall out of his leg?

When they were moving him around on the stretcher it came out of his thigh. Seems highly implausible but that's what happened.

Bear in mind, for all these other shots that were allegedly (fictitiously) fired, no other bullets have ever been found except those from Oswald's rifle. And while pink unicorns might have shot from the grassy knoll with special pink unicorn bullets, until they are physically present there's no need to take them seriously.
I don't know what the truth is. I don't know what the lies are.

If it wasn't Oswald, I liked Col McLarens take on it which certainly made me think

It made me think a few things. Such as "do you know what research is?", "how are you a detective?" and so on.

People can propose any theory they like; they just require one little thing. Evidence. There's an overwhelming amount of it pointing squarely at the seriously deranged Lee Harvey Oswald. There's nothing remotely approaching evidence pointing anywhere else.
ffs. its 2016 and people still trot this shit out:rolleyes:

that's the thing about conspiracy theories. the fact that they're nonsense is the reason they will endure. if they could be proven, people would move on. you don't hear too many "alternative thinkers" (lol) sooking about watergate.
that's the thing about conspiracy theories. the fact that they're nonsense is the reason they will endure. if they could be proven, people would move on. you don't hear too many "alternative thinkers" (lol) sooking about watergate.

The supreme irony of course being that Watergate WAS a conspiracy.

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Conspiracy Claim: Lee Harvey Oswald had a notoriously poor shot with a rifle, the rifle he used also was notoriously inaccurate, and nobody has been able to replicate the notorious number of shots Oswald supposedly fired in the notorious time frame given by notorious government reports.

Debunking Claim: Oswald scored as a sharpshooter and a marksman while in the Marines, the rifle was determined to be “quite accurate,” and an Army specialist using Oswald’s rifle was able to replicate the number of shots in a time even faster than Oswald.

Rebunking Claim: That Army specialist probably did it.
Conspiracy Claim: Lee Harvey Oswald had a notoriously poor shot with a rifle, the rifle he used also was notoriously inaccurate, and nobody has been able to replicate the notorious number of shots Oswald supposedly fired in the notorious time frame given by notorious government reports.

Debunking Claim: Oswald scored as a sharpshooter and a marksman while in the Marines, the rifle was determined to be “quite accurate,” and an Army specialist using Oswald’s rifle was able to replicate the number of shots in a time even faster than Oswald.

Rebunking Claim: That Army specialist probably did it.
Now theres an X-Files episode waiting to be - oh wait they did that

Conspiracy Claim: Lee Harvey Oswald had a notoriously poor shot with a rifle, the rifle he used also was notoriously inaccurate, and nobody has been able to replicate the notorious number of shots Oswald supposedly fired in the notorious time frame given by notorious government reports.

Debunking Claim: Oswald scored as a sharpshooter and a marksman while in the Marines, the rifle was determined to be “quite accurate,” and an Army specialist using Oswald’s rifle was able to replicate the number of shots in a time even faster than Oswald.

Rebunking Claim: That Army specialist probably did it.

Not sure what this has to do with the bullet riddled car, other than act as a deflection.....Oh those amazing bouncing, deflecting, ricocheting bullets.

And followed by the set-up killing of Oswald.....Which was prime-time, front-row seat pantomime.....If ever a preconceived murder could be spoken of in that way.

These guys must have been studying their Nero to be sure.
Stumbled across this video.

Former US flight captain says Ben-Gurion ordered killing of Kennedy @ 1 min 23 s


Interesting, nah, laughable probably! Its like the Mountain monster thing on TV who ever stumbled on across the video had a great imagination.
I think History will say Oswald, and all the experts and ideas men will come up with anything they think is far fetched enough to get an audience.
But definitely I would say Oswalds death , Mafia?????? Ruby died in prison , Cancer ?? embolism??? poison???
So all that has to be said about the Kennedy assassination is every one thinks they know and some are sure they know , but all we will ever know is Kennedy is dead . And Oswald shot him. We don't even know why.
But how can people mix this rubbish up with Ben Gurion and the Mossad.
Bring on Mulder and Scully, its our only hope!
As amusing as the 'theories' are, the evidence has always overwhelmingly pointed in only one direction.

Some people can't handle that there are lone nuts out there.

True....Only it points in the opposite direction to the one you're intimating.
It made me think a few things. Such as "do you know what research is?", "how are you a detective?" and so on.

People can propose any theory they like; they just require one little thing. Evidence. There's an overwhelming amount of it pointing squarely at the seriously deranged Lee Harvey Oswald. There's nothing remotely approaching evidence pointing anywhere else.

Oh Dear.....This is what happens peeps when a drop in drops by, proffering ignorance as knowledge.
As amusing as the 'theories' are, the evidence has always overwhelmingly pointed in only one direction.

Some people can't handle that there are lone nuts out there.
Yep the Boys from the Dwarf did it!

The overwhelming evidence-
Whatever way you look at it is the Secret Service /CIA
His own security detail is totally complicit.

The car slows to a virtual stop after the shots commence.

The body is illegally removed preventing a full autopsy at Dallas

The video clearly shows a frontal headshot

The zapruda video has clearly been tampered

Oswald is an incompetent - the rifle unsuitable

Rudy assassinating him way too convenient

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