Just not footy!

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Norm Smith Medallist
Dec 7, 2000
Melbourne, Victoria
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
New Orleans Saints, Detroit Tigers
By popular demand this thread has been created for ALL off topic discussion and will be used in a variety of ways, the main benefit is to keep all other threads on this board to strict football discussion.

  • Posters can talk about anything off topic that fits within the guidelines of Bigfooty.
  • Posts in other threads that are considered off topic will be moved to this thread.
  • Replies to posts in other threads that are seen to be answered in an inappropriate manner will be moved to this thread as it does nothing to help the discussion at hand.
  • Posts about the moderation of this board will also be moved to this area and will be answered appropriately.
The same rules apply in this thread as they would in any others (posts will be deleted and acted upon if necessary) so please treat each and every poster the way you would expect to be treated.

If we can all do this Im sure we can get this board back to where it once was and hopefully the Club will follow.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
Ho hum......another insipid performance, another thrashing, and hopefully, another week closer to the removal of Williams from the coaches box.
Anywhere between a 10 - 20 goal loss.

I would just like to hear one comment from you that actually indicates that you SUPPORT the Port Adelaide Football Club.

You throw more sledges at the club than any crows supporter I know including jmorg1.

It would be nice if everyone could get behind the club in its time of need rather hoping that we get thrashed so they can be justified in their desire to get rid of someone. Wouldn't it be so much better if you sat back and hoped someone would prove you wong.

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Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
Ho hum......another insipid performance, another thrashing, and hopefully, another week closer to the removal of Williams from the coaches box.
Anywhere between a 10 - 20 goal loss.

I predicted this type of comment
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

portentous said:
Attacking footy, great youngsters. Sign Choco up for life. :D

To both you and GBear. One game proves nothing. For once the team came out and played some decent football not this constant ******** game that he has been instructing them to play.

We will go back and play the chippy chippy crap game again again and be thrashed by our cross town rivals and the young guys will have the confidence knocked out of them again.

You both need a huge reality check. Choco is not the coach to take us to a premiership.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
... Any little excuse to take a cheap shot.
I agree that it seems to be this way, however the same thing happens after losses. There seems to be cheap shots flying all around every single week and some of them are bordering on getting a bit personal. IMO that is not a good thing for our board.
Is it really too much to ask (again) for everybody to ease up till the end of the year?

The alternative (one for the mods) would be to have one sticky thread for everyone to go all out in and thus not pollute every thread by this pro or anti Choco stuff week after week, game after game and even day after day.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

missionpossible said:
I would just like to hear one comment from you that actually indicates that you SUPPORT the Port Adelaide Football Club.

You throw more sledges at the club than any crows supporter I know including jmorg1.

It would be nice if everyone could get behind the club in its time of need rather hoping that we get thrashed so they can be justified in their desire to get rid of someone. Wouldn't it be so much better if you sat back and hoped someone would prove you wong.
Now you go back and read what I posted, and tell me exactly where I said I HOPE we get thrashed in order to facilitate my desire to see the coach removed?

You and your cronies on here are really starting to get up my nose, with your vitriolic, pugnacious tone and misquotes.
Lets get a few things straight. I do not throw sledges at the club at all. And I have posted more messages of support for this club over the years than you have had hot baths.So get your facts straight before you come on here gobbing off.
I have expressed an opinion that I do not believe that Mark Williams' style of coaching is what this club needs in order to develop the current list and reascend to the upper echelons of the AFL ladder. I do not believe he is capable of being a mentor to our large numer of youung kids. I happen to believe the players should want to play FOR a coach, not IN SPITE of him.
If you disagree with my assessments and opinions, that is your prerogative. You have your reasons. But your continual venomous attacks are becoming rather wearing.

For the record it was very encouraging to see the way those kids threw themselves in last night . It shows that with the right man leading them, and mentoring them, this club had a huge future over the next 5 - 8 years.

Take off your blinkers. A 'sledge ' at Mark Williams is not a ' sledge ' at the club.
Port Adelaide as a club is, and always will be, bigger than the individual
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Ive cleaned up this thread. Come on people. The club has just had a great win. Lets celebrate it instead of ripping each others heads off.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

*PAF said:
I agree that it seems to be this way, however the same thing happens after losses. There seems to be cheap shots flying all around every single week and some of them are bordering on getting a bit personal. IMO that is not a good thing for our board.
Is it really too much to ask (again) for everybody to ease up till the end of the year?

The alternative (one for the mods) would be to have one sticky thread for everyone to go all out in and thus not pollute every thread by this pro or anti Choco stuff week after week, game after game and even day after day.
Great post *PAF.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
Ho hum......another insipid performance, another thrashing, and hopefully, another week closer to the removal of Williams from the coaches box.
Anywhere between a 10 - 20 goal loss.
Righto....I think you're absolutely entitled to your negative view on Choco and I can accept if you tell me that you posted this with more than a dash of exagerration.

But....I'd like to hear your view on where the performance last night originated from if you are correct in your view that Choco is a bully who doesn't have a clue on developing young players, that he has destroyed the careers of White and Thurstans and is well on his way to destroying a number of our other young guys.

IMO Choco has not justified a new contract yet and the club should wait till part way through next season before making a decision. I'm just hoping that yourself and one or two others may be prepared to moderate the tone of your posts a couple of notches down from the vitriol that is normally displayed and be a little more balanced in your criticisms.

(Edit:- Posted this without reading posts on the previous page and missed stuff that Macca has deleted. In reponse to the suggestion that we have a thread where people can let rip - I think it's unrealistic. People have strong views and they will be brought to the table in whichever thread we discuss these issues. I don't for a minute believe that anyone here wishes ill on the club and I'm sure we're all happy to see a good performance. I agree that there is an element of score settling that takes place. I hope this post isn't seen in that light. It's not meant to be. I'm speaking my mind that's all)
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Toots Hibbert said:
I'm just hoping that yourself and one or two others may be prepared to moderate the tone of your posts a couple of notches down from the vitriol that is normally displayed .
Practice what you preach, then maybe I'll follow suit.

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Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

I think I do FSC, and I hope you took note a few days back that I don't accept other club's posters coming here and dissing our people amongst whom I have always included yourself. The fact that many of your views give me the sh*ts doesn't stop me from thinking of you as a Port person and while I have had a go at you I have not got into the gutter.

I'm simply asking for you to stop being vitriolic in your posts about Choco and display a bit more balance. I'm still interested in your response to my earlier question:-

"But....I'd like to hear your view on where the performance last night originated from if you are correct in your view that Choco is a bully who doesn't have a clue on developing young players, that he has destroyed the careers of White and Thurstans and is well on his way to destroying a number of our other young guys."

Not asking for you to accept that he's the messiah, just to back away from the position that he's the devil incarnate.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Toots Hibbert said:
I think I do FSC, and I hope you took note a few days back that I don't accept other club's posters coming here and dissing our people amongst whom I have always included yourself. The fact that many of your views give me the sh*ts doesn't stop me from thinking of you as a Port person and while I have had a go at you I have not got into the gutter.

I'm not going to get sucked into another one of these arguments. I don't know about other posters dissing anyone. I heard about a few incidents last weekend but didnt see them.
I will say this though. Your view of going into the gutter, and mine, are very different.

I'm simply asking for you to stop being vitriolic in your posts about Choco and display a bit more balance.
In other words, what you want me to say is that because we won a game, the sun shines out his arse?
Sorry. No dice. My mindset stays. Several times last night Footscray threatened to take us apart and for a moment we reverted to chippy chippy bang bang, because Williams has no plan B to counter an opposition attack. His plan A looks great when we play assertive, running football and have a goals lead - but when we are challenged by the opposition, he's stuffed.
Do yourself a favour Toots, and go look up the word ' vitriolic ' in the dictionary.
Criticism of a coach and his coaching style is not vitriol.
Personal abuse, and unwarranted remarks aimed at an individual, and / or their persona, is vitriol.
Show me where I have levelled any personal remarks about the man himself as opposed to his lack of ability to coach the side and lack of people skills.
Unless of course, you want to point to my reference to him as a ' goose ' . In which case, I think you'd be a little bit hypersensitive.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Toots Hibbert said:
... In reponse to the suggestion that we have a thread where people can let rip - I think it's unrealistic. ...
It is unrealistic but the post was meant as a hint that most of us are fed up with this crap. Hint hint. ;)

Toots Hibbert said:
... People have strong views and they will be brought to the table in whichever thread we discuss these issues. ...
Strong views are fine and extremely welcome.
One view or rather one debate
over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
is a different matter when it hijacks every thread.

Toots Hibbert said:
... I don't for a minute believe that anyone here wishes ill on the club and I'm sure we're all happy to see a good performance. ...
I doubt anyone here believes that to be the case. Irrelevant really.

Toots Hibbert said:
... I agree that there is an element of score settling that takes place. ...
Yes there is. It comes across very strongly and that is what hijacks the threads more so than the various opinions.

Now hopefully everyone will let bygones be bygones and stop this, shall we say rubbish, else as I suggested and others have agreed use one thread only.
Use this thread if need be but please leave any new threads alone.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
...I don't know about other posters dissing anyone. I heard about a few incidents last weekend but didnt see them.....
:confused: You clearly saw the personal attack on you by NorthBhoy because you responded to it before the mods rightly removed his post.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Toots Hibbert said:
:confused: You clearly saw the personal attack on you by NorthBhoy because you responded to it before the mods rightly removed his post.

The mods removed the post by NorthBhoy after it was reported. I know this for a fact as Im the one that reported it.

His personal attack on here was unwarranted and unjustified so I did the right thing and demanded that it be removed immediatley.

So dont start saying that it wasnt seen by anyone before it was deleted.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

*PAF said:
It is unrealistic but the post was meant as a hint that most of us are fed up with this crap. Hint hint. ;)

Strong views are fine and extremely welcome.
One view or rather one debate
over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
is a different matter when it hijacks every thread.

I doubt anyone here believes that to be the case. Irrelevant really.

Yes there is. It comes across very strongly and that is what hijacks the threads more so than the various opinions.

Now hopefully everyone will let bygones be bygones and stop this, shall we say rubbish, else as I suggested and others have agreed use one thread only.
Use this thread if need be but please leave any new threads alone.

The reason why these multiple threads get hijacked is twofold.
Firstly, there is a small band of individuals - one of whom stands out like dog's balls - on this board, whose objective is to stir the pot. This they do incessantly and blatantly and despite the fact the board moderators know who they are, they are allowed to continue their antics without fear of recourse.

Secondly, there seems to be an insatiable desire on the part of some posters here to target other individuals every single time they come onto the board and regardless of what those individuals post. This can either be in the form of personally abusive remarks aimed at the person themselves, or in the form of ' slagging ' their opinions for no other reason except to score brownie points.
Inevitably, those individuals eventually get p issed off and utterly sick and tired with being targeted and blast back, which causes the situation you refer to. This process could be very easily shortcircuited if the people responsible for the attacks were removed, or made to understand in no uncertain terms that their antics will not be tolerated and any recurrence will see them removed.

I don't think anyone here is naive enough to think that just because we support the same club we will all get along and our personalities will all ' gel ' - but it would be a lot easier if those amongst us with a childish, immature bent and a thirst for one upmanship were smacked into shape and had their heads pulled in.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Toots Hibbert said:
:confused: You clearly saw the personal attack on you by NorthBhoy because you responded to it before the mods rightly removed his post.
Which personal attack was that? According to what I have been told, Northbhoy launched several vitriolic attacks last weekend and in midweek.
I didn't see the ones last weekend. I heard about them. But it doesn't take a degree from Cambridge to guess what the content was.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Noone is having a go at any one party here. I think all of us would like EVERYONE to stop the bickering and back and forth crap.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

Frank Spencer Clone said:
Inevitably, those individuals eventually get p issed off and utterly sick and tired with being targeted and blast back, which causes the situation you refer to. This process could be very easily shortcircuited if the people responsible for the attacks were removed, or made to understand in no uncertain terms that their antics will not be tolerated and any recurrence will see them removed..

I don’t mean to stick my beak in, and bear in mind I am new here and have no idea about the relevant histories but what is bolded above also greatly contributes to the pollution of good football threads.

I understand the want and need to defend yourself when you feel you are being attacked, but you would gain much respect, and indeed much more tolerance from the "neutrals", such as myself, if you let it be water off a ducks back. If you ignored the attacks, or responded with light hearted humour, I’m sure they would desist.

Be the bigger man, or women, and walk away, this might be difficult considering its a internet board but you know what I mean.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

shaz63 said:
The mods removed the post by NorthBhoy after it was reported. I know this for a fact as Im the one that reported it.

His personal attack on here was unwarranted and unjustified so I did the right thing and demanded that it be removed immediatley.

So dont start saying that it wasnt seen by anyone before it was deleted.
I think you've misunderstood me Shaz. I saw the post, so did others, I didn't like it and I made my feelings known in a post of my of my own. The mods in the meantime removed the post and, as I just said they should have done so too. I'm exactly in agreement with you on this one and you did the right thing reporting the post.
Re: Predictions: Port vs Bulldogs

morell said:
I don’t mean to stick my beak in, and bear in mind I am new here and have no idea about the relevant histories but what is bolded above also greatly contributes to the pollution of good football threads.

I understand the want and need to defend yourself when you feel you are being attacked, but you would gain much respect, and indeed much more tolerance from the "neutrals", such as myself, if you let it be water off a ducks back. If you ignored the attacks, or responded with light hearted humour, I’m sure they would desist.

Be the bigger man, or women, and walk away, this might be difficult considering its a internet board but you know what I mean.
Yes. You have no idea of relevant histories, so therefore, your comments are akin to waving a red rag at a bull.
It says a lot about the personality of people who feel so inadequate in their lives that their only way to bolster their sense of self worth is to beat up on someone continually on an internet forum. Bears no small resemblance to primary school really, where the kid with freckles, glasses, from a poverty affected family and couldnt afford new clothes, the smallest kid in the class, or anyone else who had a weakness that could be exploited - was ostracised and / or bullied.
It's time some people round here grew up and started to behave like mature adults.

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Just not footy!

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