Bret Weinstein, his brother Eric is next level smartThe BursonMarsteller crisiscomms101 route why on earth is this politically relevant, the leaders of western states have scarce time resource, his time should be used for important things not be prone to take his Isaac medicine, why on earth the left ethics crowd think this was valid use of time and using kids on Romper Room or Sesame Street and bi-racial or black kids. If it was the Pms motive to educate kids which it was obviously NOT, equally important to have White <English/French> kids. The purpose of intersectionalism to see EVERYTHING thru a racial lens only divides people, it does not seek harmony, it aims to atomise on a victim scale.
Well done Trudeau, you could have made an average social worker to a meth-head in a small country town like geelong, what a waste to the guild
Brett's fellow theoretical evolutionary biology wife Heather exceedingly wise too
_______his brah Eric is Peter Thiel's chief of his VC firm, Ph.D. mathematician from penn/Harvard
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