USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Yes, I'm all for Mark Kelly - astronaut, swing state and after a few drinks he does a great Uncle Fester.
Yeah I get that Mark Kelly is somewhat of an Alpha male - fighter pilot, test pilot, astronaut.
Donald Trump? Reality tv show host and overall creepy mofo.
Yeah I get that Mark Kelly is somewhat of an Alpha male - fighter pilot, test pilot, astronaut.
Donald Trump? Reality tv show host and overall creepy mofo.
Shapiro seems to be the first mentioned. I only know Mark Kelly because he took part in the famous twin study. Who ever it is, I'm pretty sure he will be a white, straight, male with plentiful children, probably from a swing state.

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I also thought Kelly would be appealing, but saw a comment that he would be similar to Tim Kaine, Hillary's choice for VP. He was a disaster, so I hope Kelly would be better than that.
I also thought Kelly would be appealing, but saw a comment that he would be similar to Tim Kaine, Hillary's choice for VP. He was a disaster, so I hope Kelly would be better than that.
I have heard Shapiro, Beshear and Cooper speak. Thought Cooper spoke very well.

Good breakdown of main candidates.

I think a woman of colour/gay man combination would be a stretch too far. I like Boshear because I think the Democrats need to reconnect with the south but that could appear to give too much credit to Vance with the Kentucky connection when the Democrats should treat him with disdain.
It's amazing that woman of colour/gay man is the point rather than policies.
American presidential policy has come a long way.
So cackling Kamala has started her campaign, not by telling Americans what she is going to do for them or their country, but by attacking her opposition. Here comes another four years of playing the man while continuing to allow the country to crumble.

As for "rebuilding the middle class", Biden has just spent the past four years dismantling the middle class, so it's difficult to get a grasp on what exactly she intends to do, if anything. Is she planning on undoing all his 'good work'?


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I hope the dems don't get caught up in reactive language.

Like slurs about the GOP / Reps.

-Campaign the dangers of a Reps win
-Outline policy positively

That's all KH and co need to do, dragging themselves down to the level and describing the Trump as he is, won't win over the swing vote, it'll be swing voters rolling their eyes, 'still the same sh*tshow'

IF KH puts on a positive spin on a (warranted) fear campaign, she'll win it in a canter, if she gets sucked into a slinging match well then bye bye the world we know.

I have confidence that the radical maga voters aren't the overwhelming majority, to me it looks the media paint it this way (for obvious reasons), but I'd argue that like other liberal democracies the bulk of the populace are swing moderates, not how msm and social would have you believe.

At the moment, it’s the republicans playing defence.

It’s kind of odd how panicky they seem to have a candidate against them who can put a sentence together.
The reason I like this is because it shows the desperation of the reps.

No moderate will GAF if KH is a DEI hire, like that's weakest slur I've ever heard.

You'd have to be the weakest ever snowflake of all time to take offence to it, KH ain't that, she'd probably bait them back.

'Yeah and? So what I like diversity, equity and inclusion, whaddya gonna do about it? Gonna go have a sook somewhere?'

I agree if they keep this up by attacking Kamela for racist and sexist reasons, it’s just going to put the focus on the GOP and what complete pricks they are and what they represent.

I mean I knew we know what they’re about, but those who only take a cursory view of politics may not, but seeing them attack her because she is black and/or female seems like a real own goal.

Do they actually realise you can attack candidates based on non superficial reasons?
JD Vance should be careful with his comments re Harris's background on public purse.

He isn't exactly a clean skin. Thiel (ex PayPal) and other billionaires own him.

The Dems can really expose him I think. They have gone the more extreme MAGA type funded by Thiel (man who thinks democracy and freedom aren’t compatible).

Seems odd when he is making Donnie seem like a moderating influence on him than vice versa.
Would be perfect choice vote getter Pete

People worry that because he is gay it would be a bridge too far to have a black woman and gay man on the ticket.

Thing is would there be any negative consequences? Those people are all voting for the GOP now I’d have thought, unless this mobilises them more?

I also don’t think it would hurt amongst the Democrat base and independents.

I could be wrong and happy to hear counter arguments.
You OK dear? That's twice today you've quoted me with random nothingness. Anything wrong? You don't want a Baptist as President?
Yeah, im ok daddy, please don’t hit me again daddy……🥹
It’s only random nothingness because you lack the mental dexterity to see beyond your pathetic little worldview.
Ok, a question with about as much substance as you’re capable!
As an anti theist, I understand that there have been many atheist presidents in my lifetime, Kamala will join a long list of them, Carter being the last believer along with Biden, the in between were all non believers!👍
Have you taken the tampax off your right ear yet?
The way she talks
To be fair it was only a small news grab but I felt she needed to be more natural - and I think that will come - but it seemed to me she was waiting for the applause rather than making her points

It will be interesting now the focus is on her on how she presents this side - because lets face it communicating is the key
I like Buttigieg.
He's intelligent, articulate, competent.and compassionate.

However he's gay and America is still America.

Not the right choice
I tend to agree but the thought of a strong black woman and a intelligent Gay man defeating the republicans and breaking them mentally would be glorious

But I can’t see it working sadly…America lost their minds with Obama alone
People worry that because he is gay it would be a bridge too far to have a black woman and gay man on the ticket.

Thing is would there be any negative consequences? Those people are all voting for the GOP now I’d have thought, unless this mobilises them more?

I also don’t think it would hurt amongst the Democrat base and independents.

I could be wrong and happy to hear counter arguments.
You could argue that all those who wouldn't care a jot are already voting for the Democrats.

There's a chunk of voters who are traditionally conservative and thus lean towards the Republican Party but who hate everything Trump stands for. Especially middle-aged, middle-class women. I can't imagine choosing who to vote for based on their colour, gender or sexuality, but I think some of these traditionally conservative voters might feel "safer" with traditional establishment figure (middle-aged, white, straight, male) on the ticket.

It appears the Russians think she is pure evil, the devil in human form. If they hate her so much, she cannot be too bad.

Yep. Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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