USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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There are usually strong specific policy statements in POTUS elections I think. Clinton had "It's the economy, stupid." They have to appeal to wider audiences and don't want to held to their word in case they can't get it done, ie. Trump's Mexican paid border wall. As said above, policies are also a part of the party's position, not just the POTUS.
Character, integrity, and intelligence are all important aspects to a candidate. You have to trust his/her ability to make smart, measured, and effective decisions under stress. Selecting a good staff and appointing a good Cabinet is also crucial. The POTUS often has no expertise in a subject, so he/she decides based on them. It has forever been true that the appearance of a potential leader was important. Even more so in the television age. Nixon sweating on TV. Dukakis might have had amazing policy ideas and an ability to push them through, but he just did give off leader vibes.
What clear policies have candidates in the past 30 years had?
I believe Harris has no more radical ideas as Obama had. She will have to work with the rest of her party to get things done. That is politics.
And as was posted above, her opinions on issues have already been made clear.
Shes a corporate democrat, maybe slightly less corporate than Biden, but she is miles away from being a genuine progressive.

I say this as a negative thing. Walz as VP would be great on that front, but the Dems bow down to corporate interests and Israel, so I am convinced they will go with Shapiro.
The birth certificate has been available on Kamala's Wikipedia entry since 2020. Her father is Jamaican which a simple google search will show was an island nation central to the development of the slave trade. The Spanish brought large numbers of Africans to Jamaica as slaves after the arrival of Christopher Columbus - the explorer most Americans (weongly) think discovered the continental US.

To say Kamala Harris is not black is ignorant BS. But that doesn't matter to Trump and the MAGAs. Like he did with Obama birther BS, he makes the statement not because he thinks it's true but because he thinks it will ring the racist bells of his ignorant flock.
Thing is no one gives a shit about this apart from republicans. For people who hate identity politics, so many of them seem obsessed with race and gender.
Thing is no one gives a shit about this apart from republicans. For people who hate identity politics, so many of them seem obsessed with race and gender.
As someone who (briefly) worked in the US, and visited there many times I have to differ.

Racial identity and history is critical to understanding power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression in the US in a way that we just cannot comprehend in Australia (my Indigenous Australian friends aside of course). It was central to the spread of European culture across the US (the ruthless overthrow of Native American culture) and the founding spark of both the civil war and the civil rights movement( slavery, segregation, voting rights etc.)

To call someone out as not being who they say they are in terms of their racial identity is to strike at their very heart of self acceptance. Even more so in the modern history of the United States where race has so often been at the central of the fight for equity and freedom.

Which is what makes Trump's claims repugnant in the extreme. It's aim is to create diversion and distrust amongst black Americans, who as a group sit amongst those most at risk from his divisive policies.

Donald Trump, a white man of wealth and privilege, questioning how much a black woman truly belongs to Black America. Think for a moment about what that says about him and his MAGA disciples and what they want for their country going forward.

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As we know, when there is an insurrection and failed coup attempt the wannabe dictator who failed goes "oh terribly sorry, won't do that again" then everyone lives happily ever after.

Its amazing how people have normalised what he set in motion in during 2020 up to Jan 6 2021. Also what he continues to say now.
And dismiss the assessments of his senior WH colleagues, producers/directors from The Apprentice, business associates and Courts.
Shes a corporate democrat, maybe slightly less corporate than Biden, but she is miles away from being a genuine progressive.

I say this as a negative thing. Walz as VP would be great on that front, but the Dems bow down to corporate interests and Israel, so I am convinced they will go with Shapiro.
Totally agree
Shapiro is good, but has only recently been elected in PA. I would like to see him stay there a while and sell Pennsylvanians on being blue. It would be nice to win PA again someday against a non-MAGA type. I also don't like the running for another office before even completely half of their initial term is completed.
Walz does look an interesting prospect.
As someone who (briefly) worked in the US, and visited there many times I have to differ.

Racial identity and history is critical to understanding power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression in the US in a way that we just cannot comprehend in Australia (my Indigenous Australian friends aside of course). It was central to the spread of European culture across the US (the ruthless overthrow of Native American culture) and the founding spark of both the civil war and the civil rights movement( slavery, segregation, voting rights etc.)

To call someone out as not being who they say they are in terms of their racial identity is to strike at their very heart of self acceptance. Even more so in the modern history of the United States where race has so often been at the central of the fight for equity and freedom.

Which is what makes Trump's claims repugnant in the extreme. It's aim is to create diversion and distrust amongst black Americans, who as a group sit amongst those most at risk from his divisive policies.

Donald Trump, a white man of wealth and privilege, questioning how much a black woman truly belongs to Black America. Think for a moment about what that says about him and his MAGA disciples and what they want for their country going forward.

I agree with all that, but obsessing over how black someone is as some kind of gotcha is something many on the right seem totally obsessed with.

My basic point is most people wouldn't see it as some kind of contentius thing, you need to be a terminally online RWNJ weirdo for it to factor in.

I know it makes them look like complete weirdos and racists in a bubble, because thats what they are.
Totally agree
Shapiro is good, but has only recently been elected in PA. I would like to see him stay there a while and sell Pennsylvanians on being blue. It would be nice to win PA again someday against a non-MAGA type. I also don't like the running for another office before even completely half of their initial term is completed.
Walz does look an interesting prospect.
I know most democrats are pretty shit on Israel, but Shapiro likened pro-Palestinian protestors to the KKK.

He seems a bit of an Obama wannabe the way he talks as well. Still he will be many multitudes better being a VP for Harris than the situation we would be in with Biden.
No, this is brainwashing:

a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas

The birth certificate has been available on Kamala's Wikipedia entry since 2020.

View attachment 2065501

Her father is Jamaican which a simple google search will show was an island nation central to the development of the slave trade. The Spanish brought large numbers of Africans to Jamaica as slaves after the arrival of Christopher Columbus - the explorer most Americans (weongly) think discovered the continental US.

To say Kamala Harris is not black is ignorant BS. But that doesn't matter to Trump and the MAGAs. Like he did with Obama birther BS, he makes the statement not because he thinks it's true but because he thinks it will ring the racist bells of his ignorant flock.

A quick google search will also show this photo of Kamala and he father.


Total honky's.
The Republicans clearly don't know how to attack Kamala yet. If the focus on blaming her for inflation, build some narrative about her being entitled, and tie her role as district attorney in a liberal city to the 'corrupt system', while hammering at her weird chuckle, they could get some cuthrough.

But at the moment they can't help themselves, and are trying to go the identity politics route by pointing out she's mixed race and a woman. This will play well for their base, but will not get them anywhere else. trumps weird rant about how she's suddenly black is not it.
My favourite policy is that Kamala Harris will protect the institutions of USA democracy.

And ultimately that is what is at stake at this election
I find this so hard to see as a great thing when those institutions have caused so much local and international harm.
Like sure, Trump could amplify all of this, but protecting American institutions I mean **** me.

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Why are you going on about Ukraine in the Kamala Harris thread, there is another thread for all that.

See above

Still no reply to post #600
Some of us have scope to think about foreign policy rather than yah Kamala / boo Trump.
I find this so hard to see as a great thing when those institutions have caused so much local and international harm.
Like sure, Trump could amplify all of this, but protecting American institutions I mean **** me.
So you believe it would benefit the American people for the administration to dismantle the military, police departments, justice system, public schools and the medical system??
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I find this so hard to see as a great thing when those institutions have caused so much local and international harm.
Like sure, Trump could amplify all of this, but protecting American institutions I mean **** me.

Do you not see the difference between having bad systems, and having no systems?

What do you think would be better, a slow and flawed democracy, or an efficient dictatorship?
I find this so hard to see as a great thing when those institutions have caused so much local and international harm.
Like sure, Trump could amplify all of this, but protecting American institutions I mean **** me.
It is not the institutions themselves that cause harm - it is the people that occupy those institutions and the decisions that we let them make.

USA have massive failures on international policy all over the place including Ukraine and Palestine, and also Iraq and Afghanistan and on and on.

You can make a credible argument that Trumps foreign policy is less hawkish, less USA projection and maybe an improvement on what has been dished up. The USA have monumentally screwed up in Ukraine.


Australia is not a better place because Morrison had 5 secret ministries. Israel is not a better place because the parliament can override the judiciary. UK is not a better place because of Brexit. The entire west is not a better place because all of government and the media is entirely captured by special interests and the judiciary is increasingly becoming compromised (Israel is horrendous, US Supreme Court is stacked on partisan lines, Australian governments continue to bypass the courts here)

The institutions of democracy matter. And the world is not a better place when they are weakened or compromised.

Trump will 100% accelerate this decline in our democratic institutions.

The Executive, Administrative and Media is frankly a sewer, and the judiciary is hanging on by a thread - particularly in the USA and Israel.

If we do want democracy then this decline has to be resisted.
It is not the institutions themselves that cause harm - it is the people that occupy those institutions and the decisions that we let them make.

USA have massive failures on international policy all over the place including Ukraine and Palestine, and also Iraq and Afghanistan and on and on.

You can make a credible argument that Trumps foreign policy is less hawkish, less USA projection and maybe an improvement on what has been dished up. The USA have monumentally screwed up in Ukraine.


Australia is not a better place because Morrison had 5 secret ministries. Israel is not a better place because the parliament can override the judiciary. UK is not a better place because of Brexit. The entire west is not a better place because all of government and the media is entirely captured by special interests and the judiciary is increasingly becoming compromised (Israel is horrendous, US Supreme Court is stacked on partisan lines, Australian governments continue to bypass the courts here)

The institutions of democracy matter. And the world is not a better place when they are weakened or compromised.

Trump will 100% accelerate this decline in our democratic institutions.

The Executive, Administrative and Media is frankly a sewer, and the judiciary is hanging on by a thread - particularly in the USA and Israel.

If we do want democracy then this decline has to be resisted.
there are remarkable similarities with the domestic/foreign troubles both the US and israel find itself in now ...... namely a bunch a radical right wing religious extremists have captured all four pillars of the state* corrupting their very reason for being .... this train wreck has been allowed to fester for decades now ...... and here we are

ill duck for cover now

[edit] in fairness, there are pockets of media in both countries that still hold true to the principles of good journalism .... but they are increasingly rare
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The birth certificate has been available on Kamala's Wikipedia entry since 2020.

View attachment 2065501

Her father is Jamaican which a simple google search will show was an island nation central to the development of the slave trade. The Spanish brought large numbers of Africans to Jamaica as slaves after the arrival of Christopher Columbus - the explorer most Americans (weongly) think discovered the continental US.

To say Kamala Harris is not black is ignorant BS. But that doesn't matter to Trump and the MAGAs. Like he did with Obama birther BS, he makes the statement not because he thinks it's true but because he thinks it will ring the racist bells of his ignorant flock.
The Caribbeans according to Trump.
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It's satire.

Poster is pointing out with a simple map how absurd the Trump claim that Harris is not African or Black actually is.

Apologies to Elroo
I like the message, but there is a fair amount of hyperbole there. That speech won't be remembered by next week, let alone generations to come!

straw man. no one is suggesting it’s a speech that will go down in the annals. however, in the context of the proposed election and the inherent racism, the message will resonate with those who get it.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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