USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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I like the message, but there is a fair amount of hyperbole there. That speech won't be remembered by next week, let alone generations to come!
How is that sensationalized? Think it's a novel way of explaining the dangers of a trump administration.

Maybe the word you're looking for is innovative.
Do you not see the difference between having bad systems, and having no systems?

What do you think would be better, a slow and flawed democracy, or an efficient dictatorship?
Oh definitely the former, why? Because a dictatorship is akin to oppression.

How and why people, particularly the stakeholders, the US citizens (or some of them) can't see that is mind boggling.
straw man. no one is suggesting it’s a speech that will go down in the annals. however, in the context of the proposed election and the inherent racism, the message will resonate with those who get it.
How is that sensationalized? Think it's a novel way of explaining the dangers of a trump administration.

Maybe the word you're looking for is innovative.

Sorry, I meant the tweet itself was hyperbole. The speech itself was great.

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Do you not see the difference between having bad systems, and having no systems?

What do you think would be better, a slow and flawed democracy, or an efficient dictatorship?
No, no jello b doesn’t have the cognitive ability to see these things!
I didn't think she had the charisma to do it but I was wrong

This was brilliant, she's better than I thought

Meanwhile you've got Donald ranting about black jobs


Yeah, I was thinking the same. I wasn't impressed with her at all back in 2020, but she showing a bit more now.
I didn't think she had the charisma to do it but I was wrong

This was brilliant, she's better than I thought

Meanwhile you've got Donald ranting about black jobs


watching trump making an absolute hash of every unscripted interview he does would give one confidence. and she seems to have it in spades.

reckon she will need to motivate the apathetic voters to get to the polls, as obama did, to win. it would make my year if she could take the other, in many respects more difficult step, and win a majority in both houses. woo-hoo!

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So you believe it would benefit the American people for the administration to dismantle the military, police departments, justice system, public schools and the medical system??
In some cases yes, although I wouldn’t use the word dismantle. I think there needs to be change.

It’s like everyone here forgets what the US has done militarily.

And the police, again **** me.
Do you not see the difference between having bad systems, and having no systems?

What do you think would be better, a slow and flawed democracy, or an efficient dictatorship?
Yes I see the difference.
Democracy is better but I don’t see protecting its flaws as being a great thing to do.
It is not the institutions themselves that cause harm - it is the people that occupy those institutions and the decisions that we let them make.

USA have massive failures on international policy all over the place including Ukraine and Palestine, and also Iraq and Afghanistan and on and on.

You can make a credible argument that Trumps foreign policy is less hawkish, less USA projection and maybe an improvement on what has been dished up. The USA have monumentally screwed up in Ukraine.


Australia is not a better place because Morrison had 5 secret ministries. Israel is not a better place because the parliament can override the judiciary. UK is not a better place because of Brexit. The entire west is not a better place because all of government and the media is entirely captured by special interests and the judiciary is increasingly becoming compromised (Israel is horrendous, US Supreme Court is stacked on partisan lines, Australian governments continue to bypass the courts here)

The institutions of democracy matter. And the world is not a better place when they are weakened or compromised.

Trump will 100% accelerate this decline in our democratic institutions.

The Executive, Administrative and Media is frankly a sewer, and the judiciary is hanging on by a thread - particularly in the USA and Israel.

If we do want democracy then this decline has to be resisted.
If the institutions are failing they need to be changed not protected.
How are they failing, please give specifics?
Oh they are failing.

Free Press is the most obvious failure - it is not just captured, it is physically owned by the elites. Media concentration in Australia is a national disgrace. The you have Fox in the USA which is entirely partisan, yada yada

Executive is largely captured and the administration is either bypassed, captured or outsourced (big 4 in Australia).

Judiciary is holding by a thread in the USA, is stacked on partisan lines in the USA and is holding for the moment in Australia and Britain.
Oh they are failing.

Free Press is the most obvious failure - it is not just captured, it is physically owned by the elites. Media concentration in Australia is a national disgrace. The you have Fox in the USA which is entirely partisan, yada yada

Executive is largely captured and the administration is either bypassed, captured or outsourced (big 4 in Australia).

Judiciary is holding by a thread in the USA, is stacked on partisan lines in the USA and is holding for the moment in Australia and Britain.

Repubs plan is to defund things like Justice and health and education.

Why ?

and what do they see that footprint look like daily for little Johnny who is in grade school, and becomes unwell?
how does his family navigate that to survive?
and what do they see that footprint look like daily for little Johnny who is in grade school, and becomes unwell?
Just wait for the school shooter

No health care costs and the family has to pay for the funeral

The American Way
In some cases yes, although I wouldn’t use the word dismantle. I think there needs to be change.

It’s like everyone here forgets what the US has done militarily.

And the police, again **** me.
As if you are the first person in history to suggest that people should consider more effective ways (plans, policies and procedures) to achieve their objectives (aka continuous improvement) 🤣🤣🤣

Truly groundbreaking thesis.

You must be a riot at BBQs. Claiming to be the first person to have thought of turning the sausages, and putting ice in the esky.
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Repubs plan is to defund things like Justice and health and education.

Why ?

and what do they see that footprint look like daily for little Johnny who is in grade school, and becomes unwell?
how does his family navigate that to survive?

Republicans don't care. Trump is all about doing things for rich men. The rest is all pretty irrelevant to him. Not to say all other politicians are a bastion of care or concern for others, but there's at least a modicum of intention to not completely screw everyone over and tear down the system to benefit the rich.
Umm, 'centrist' platitudes? Like being centred is somehow wrong or in the minority?

Yeah I wouldn't be using (or alluding in this case) as a pejorative.
It generally appears on SRP that if you identify as centrist you are seen as carrying conservative/ right wing opinions. Or are invalidated by others who claim there is no centre everyone is left or right to different degrees on any issue. Or that you as a centrist are using your claim of centrism to dismiss more radical views (on SRP generally held by those who are on the progressive side) as fringe.

And I say this as a self identifying centrist
lol, Australia didn't sink into the pacific last time we went from Democrat to Republican (Obama > Trump), nor when we went from Republican to Democrat (Trump > Biden).

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the world will keep spinning regardless of the result wether Harris or Trump wins. Australia along with it.
I submit that trump was less able to cause chaos in 2016-20 due to the ability of competent staff who had the ability to assess facts and work collaboratively as well as put limits and guidance to trump. Pence, Haley for example. Those rational republicans aren’t going to be there this time

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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