USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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A binary choice is a emotional choice

Why not make it a policy vs policy choice? What is the fear of doing this people have exactly?
Because the trump track record on policy is to not deliver. Unless it’s tax cuts for the rich. So there is nothing to debate.
It generally appears on SRP that if you identify as centrist you are seen as carrying conservative/ right wing opinions. Or are invalidated by others who claim there is no centre everyone is left or right to different degrees on any issue. Or that you as a centrist are using your claim of centrism to dismiss more radical views (on SRP generally held by those who are on the progressive side) as fringe.

And I say this as a self identifying centrist
^ This!

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Won't somebody PLEASE think of the centrists?
So you believe it would benefit the American people for the administration to dismantle the military, police departments, justice system, public schools and the medical system??
Mick, they don't really have a healthcare system currently. There are >25million Ameicans with no insurance and not covered by Medicaid. Agenda 47 wants to dismantle public education and turn it into something like their disastrous and expensive healthcare system. It's lunacy by ideologues.
How are they failing, please give specifics?
Their political system is funded by private interests that don’t give much of a shit if any for the environment or the wider population.

I mean look at Vance, what a ****wit.
As if you are the first person in history to suggest that people should consider more effective ways (plans, policies and procedures) to achieve their objectives (aka continuous improvement) 🤣🤣🤣

Truly groundbreaking thesis.

You must be a riot at BBQs. Claiming to be the first person to have thought of turning the sausages, and putting ice in the esky.
Using your “sausage” analogy, you’re rocking up to the bbq yoy eating left over burnt sausages and exclaiming the cooker should be protected as the neighbour is serving two day old salad.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the centrists?
Well I'll risk the possibility of derailing the thread.

'Won't somebody think of the majority of the population', yeah like being in the majority is somehow a bad thing.

'You don't care enough about minorities, therefore you're a bad person' < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

1/ There are so many marginalized minorities, it's impossible to 'care' for all of them.

2/ Unless you're seen as bending over backwards to show / provide care for those marginalized minorities you're a 'centrist' or in other words a self centred ahole who doesn't give a sh*t about anyone but themselves < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

Convince us all the above is not the case.

It's obvious your post is a drive by pot shot at the 'majority', say what you want coz we don't care remember?
Well I'll risk the possibility of derailing the thread.

'Won't somebody think of the majority of the population', yeah like being in the majority is somehow a bad thing.

'You don't care enough about minorities, therefore you're a bad person' < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

1/ There are so many marginalized minorities, it's impossible to 'care' for all of them.

2/ Unless you're seen as bending over backwards to show / provide care for those marginalized minorities you're a 'centrist' or in other words a self centred ahole who doesn't give a sh*t about anyone but themselves < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

Convince us all the above is not the case.

It's obvious your post is a drive by pot shot at the 'majority', say what you want coz we don't care remember?
Not going to derail the thread feeding your centrist victim complex as laughable as it is.

You're allowed to hold views and people are allowed to call them out for being a crock of shit, which I haven't done BTW.
Not going to derail the thread feeding your centrist victim complex as laughable as it is.

You're allowed to hold views and people are allowed to call them out for being a crock of shit, which I haven't done BTW.
Lol 'victim complex'.

Exhibit A of the reactive emotional progressive.

You can call out centrists as centrists til you're blue in the face, it's not pejorative as much as you want it to be and doesn't change the fact that 'centrists' are sensibly centred.

Same as the GOP calling Kamala a dei plant, like it's some sort of gotcha, when it isn't, if anything being labelled dei is a compliment. It displays that you're diverse, equitable and inclusive in your position.

'OOH scary, I've been labelled as dei', 'Oh no, sswans knows I'm a 'centrist', I've been found out'

So yeah throw around the 'centrist' label as a slur all you like, us centrists majority will take it as a compliment and just laugh at your attempts to belittle.
Thing is for the persecuted centrists out there, what are you centre to? The Overton window is always shifting, and different in different countries.

A sensibly centred person is all for progress for marginalized minorities, so long as it is practical, that being is not detrimental to the majority.

That means compromise, not an either or.

Irrational progressives seem to think that centrists are self centred aholes that don't care, well we're not, we just put practical above 'feels'

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Irrational progressives seem to think that centrists are self centred aholes that don't care, well we're not, we just put practical above 'feels'
I'm happy for people to label themselves as centrist. To me it means you have no dog in the fight and hold views which align with policies on either side and can recognise good/bad policy over personality

I'm just a bit bemused by the ''centrists'' who post long diatribes against the Democrats and then add '' oh yeah Trump sucks'' as if that absolves them of the previous tirade
I disagree with Biden on Israel and Palestine but I also recognise the Realpolitik of US systems

I think Trumo would have had a 2nd term if not for his handling of covid - not covid itself but his handling of it

I disagree with the religiosity creeping - well storming - into politics around the world - a sky fairy wont pay your tax and you dont get to choose what a woman does with her body

So there was a time I felt I could hold a centrist position and if Trump loses this time I reckon my posting drops about 95% on the International board
Well I'll risk the possibility of derailing the thread.

'Won't somebody think of the majority of the population', yeah like being in the majority is somehow a bad thing.

'You don't care enough about minorities, therefore you're a bad person' < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

1/ There are so many marginalized minorities, it's impossible to 'care' for all of them.

2/ Unless you're seen as bending over backwards to show / provide care for those marginalized minorities you're a 'centrist' or in other words a self centred ahole who doesn't give a sh*t about anyone but themselves < this is the impression given from the left leaning progressives.

Convince us all the above is not the case.

It's obvious your post is a drive by pot shot at the 'majority', say what you want coz we don't care remember?
1/ The point is not to "'care' for all of them" - the point is to ensure minorities are not discriminated against.

2/ No one is being asked to be "bending over backwards to show / provide care" - you are just being asked to not be a campaigner. Which is apparently too much trouble.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the centrists?
according to some on SRP we don't exist, so its hard to think of people who don't exist

my view is it is band of opinions which I can find as reasonable and rational - and yes am aware that this is subject to what I consider reasonable. Views that are based heavily on feelings and not fact are ones that I would tend to be dismissive of
It is of course much harder these days as much media is opinion (ie designed to appeal to and stoke the emotional part of the mind - appeal to your feelings - which are often more powerful a motivator than facts)
I'm happy for people to label themselves as centrist. To me it means you have no dog in the fight and hold views which align with policies on either side and can recognise good/bad policy over personality

I'm just a bit bemused by the ''centrists'' who post long diatribes against the Democrats and then add '' oh yeah Trump sucks'' as if that absolves them of the previous tirade
Well those who claim centrism and at the same time criticize democrats for being democratic as 'lefty's' aren't centred in their position at all. They think they're centred but they're not.

I mean centrists literally value democracy not oppose it.

Irrational progressives make themselves look stupid by labeling such types as 'centrists' like it's a pejorative, it isn't, as much as the bleeding heart irrationals want it to be.
1/ The point is not to "'care' for all of them" - the point is to ensure minorities are not discriminated against.

2/ No one is being asked to be "bending over backwards to show / provide care" - you are just being asked to not be a campaigner. Which is apparently too much trouble.
Well the 'campaigners' you're talking about aren't centrists, and how does Jan and Joe public (the centred majority) 'ensure' minorities are not discriminated against? What exactly are we to do apart from not being 'campaigners'?

If you think emotional progressives don't expect all and sundry to bend over backwards for minorities.
according to some on SRP we don't exist, so its hard to think of people who don't exist

my view is it is band of opinions which I can find as reasonable and rational - and yes am aware that this is subject to what I consider reasonable. Views that are based heavily on feelings and not fact are ones that I would tend to be dismissive of
It is of course much harder these days as much media is opinion (ie designed to appeal to and stoke the emotional part of the mind - appeal to your feelings - which are often more powerful a motivator than facts)
You're so right. The only problem the left and right have is that we care TOO much 😫
Thing is with anyone describing themselves as a centrist has different ideas what that means.

I think Carringbush has a fair grasp of the concept but would still consider him more left leaning, in terms of wanting policies which are beneficial for the majority.

At least in Australia and even more so in the US that is where you would be.

The major right leaning parties in both countries are all for the top few percent, and just use culture wars BS to try and convince anyone not in that category to vote against their best interests.
how does Jan and Joe public (the centred majority) 'ensure' minorities are not discriminated against? What exactly are we to do apart from not being 'campaigners'?
Vote for parties that run on policies designed to protect them from discrimination or mistreatment, it's not rocket science.

If you do, you have nothing to worry about.

If you don't, you've made your bed and can lie in it and stop whinging.
I love creating a narrative as to why I'm being shat on for my political views and then expecting people to argue with said narrative.

If you've got some actual examples of this happening and it being unreasonable, provide them.

Otherwise it's actually hilarious that you're expecting to have your whinge taken seriously.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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