USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Sorry if a repost but damn that's cold

This is pretty amazing messaging - something the Dems have been absolutely shite at. "Weird", "Not going back", the class stuff, the hypocrisy. And the crowd outright laughing at Trump and Vance.

If the Dem's stay on message and stay on track they are going to kill this.
The debates are PG aren't they - with so many upholstered chairs in the room is it safe to mention Vance's couch fetish?

Speaking of upholstery...

images - 2024-08-07T103440.770.jpeg

Edit: also snopes has confirmed this is not a doctored photo:

I hope Vance doesn't think Trump's face is a couch... 🤢

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Do you think CNN and MSNBC are biased?
They more closely resemble actual news networks.

Remember this defence?

"The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."
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Is this a serious question? He's comparing the protests to the KKK marching through black communities in full regalia? It's an offensive comparison.
He literally called the protests peaceful in the quote.

I gather he was only comparing a couple of protesters who held up horrific signs with the KKK, not the protests in general. I.e he was likely focusing on the very small minorities signs and messaging that was advocating scary racist attitudes towards jewish people were equivalent to the signs held up by KKK members in past protests.
Do you think CNN and MSNBC are biased?
Yes, though they are biased towards liberalism not lefty progressives. They are centre or centre-right on economics (that's why Bernie was harshly treated even by MSNBC). Centre-left or left (depending on the show/person) on social issues. Obviously they aren't the same as each other.

As has been said, they aren't in the same wheelhouse as Fox e.g. they didn't amplify attempts to overturn a presidential election, but certain personalities are sensationalist over substance.
He literally called the protests peaceful in the quote.
Yes, because that's a statement of fact. If he had claimed they were causing a violent ruckus, it would be a lie and misinformation.

I gather he was only comparing a couple of protesters who held up horrific signs with the KKK, not the protests in general.
Did he say that? I don't see any such qualifier.

I.e he was likely focusing on the very small minorities signs and messaging that was advocating scary racist attitudes towards jewish people were equivalent to the signs held up by KKK members in past protests.
Even if he was, it's pretty ugly to take the worst examples of people with an opinion and use them as an exemplar of all people with that view. I think you'll agree that the overwhelming majority of people at pro-Palestine protests have not been attacking the Jewish people, only Israel.
You never really hear politicians on the left get referred to as "pale, male and stale" or something similar. It's almost like if they agree with you politically it doesn't matter what their demographic is!
Yeah, sounds a bit like how conservatives suggest Barack Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya and Michelle Obama is biologically male, but have never described Candace Owens in any such terms. Even though she suggested a prominent rabbi drinks Christian blood.

Have to admit these comments are disapointing. Sounds like waltz was chosen because he wasnt seen as a threat and more a yes man. Thats not the person I want as a vp. You want someone who can sell policy. Walt literally said he is a bad debator. Yeek. We need great debaters.

"But Walz made it clear he would be a team player.

Asked how he saw his role as VP, Walz said he would perform the job however Harris wanted him to. Asked whether he wanted to be the last person in the room before Harris made a decision, Walz said only if she wanted him to be there.

And asked whether he had ambitions to run for president himself one day, Walz said he did not, a point that sources said was not lost on a team looking to minimize the potential for any internal drama in a future Harris administration."

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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