USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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I am just pleasantly surprised and really happy the dems have made what I believe is a great choice for VP. A guy who gets shit done, and will fight and defend his positions.

I'm sick of dems who get terrified whenever said to be progressive, who run back to the centre trying to prove how moderate and similar to the corporate dems/republicans they are.
What's with the fawning over a 60 yo white bloke? Seems a bit creepy.

He’s the running mate Kamala needs to appeal to the Midwest states.

For instance in 2008 Obama carried Indiana and Ohio (now solid red) and took PA, WI and MI by 10%, 14%, and 16% margins. These were considered solid blue states.

Then Trump came and took the white working class vote in those states. For whatever reason his message of coastal elites not caring about the fortunes of the Midwest and rust belt states resonated. The Democrat’s option of establishment Clinton and whoever her forgettable running mate was was not appealing.

Cut to 2020, things have changed and the election becomes a pseudo referendum on Trump. Biden is a bit better than Hillary, resonates a bit better with the white working class but mostly didn’t recapture those votes. His scrape over the line win in the rust belt was more to slightly higher anti Trump turnout in cities.

Now this time around the Dems have automatically nominated their VP. She’s from San Francisco, literally the number one enemy city of the GOP. They’d be licking their lips to run ads about Kamala imposing “San Francisco Values” on the Midwest. To counter that she REALLY needed a candidate who was the utter opposite of her and who resonates well in the Midwest with the white working class.

Walz’s competition was Josh Shapiro. Why not pick him, it locks up Pennsylvania does it not? Well not really. Shapiro is very much a typical career politician, Georgetown educated lawyer, DC operative, straight into the Penn state house and fast track to Governor. Despite notionally being from PA he really doesn’t exude the “Midwest man” the Dems need to resonate with the white working class.

To really know what the Midwest is about, and to best explain it to Australians, is to look at the movies and TV that have come out of that region. This is where a lot of the “typical suburban middle America family and high school” pop culture is set. Think Home Alone, American Pie, That 70s Show, Happy Days, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club…..

Catch my drift? It’s “mom and pop and apple pie” territory. In Tim Walz they have a guy born in Nebraska with moved to a small city of 30,000 in Minnesota to be close to his wife of 30 years family. Was in the army, became a high school football coach and took a team of misfits (they’d previously lost 27 games in a row) and within 3 years won them a state championship. Went into politics (after his social studies class was kicked out of a Bush rally) and wins a traditionally GOP district. Became a popular governor. Hunts, fishes, makes dad jokes, eats corn dogs at the state fair, plays frisbee with his dog.

How more Midwest Middle American Dad can you get? This is the candidate who’ll hopefully appeal to that lost demographic
I am just pleasantly surprised and really happy the dems have made what I believe is a great choice for VP. A guy who gets shit done, and will fight and defend his positions.

I'm sick of dems who get terrified whenever said to be progressive, who run back to the centre trying to prove how moderate and similar to the corporate dems/republicans they are.
That's cool. It just seems weird to see some posters on this site up and about for a 60 yo white bloke.
Where did the progressives touch you?
Sorry questioning them makes you so upset. You guys really can't handle any sort of opposition. Echo chambers and groupthink is all you're emotionally capable of. Any outside noise and you wet the bed like you just did.
He’s the running mate Kamala needs to appeal to the Midwest states.

For instance in 2008 Obama carried Indiana and Ohio (now solid red) and took PA, WI and MI by 10%, 14%, and 16% margins. These were considered solid blue states.

Then Trump came and took the white working class vote in those states. For whatever reason his message of coastal elites not caring about the fortunes of the Midwest and rust belt states resonated. The Democrat’s option of establishment Clinton and whoever her forgettable running mate was was not appealing.

Cut to 2020, things have changed and the election becomes a pseudo referendum on Trump. Biden is a bit better than Hillary, resonates a bit better with the white working class but mostly didn’t recapture those votes. His scrape over the line win in the rust belt was more to slightly higher anti Trump turnout in cities.

Now this time around the Dems have automatically nominated their VP. She’s from San Francisco, literally the number one enemy city of the GOP. They’d be licking their lips to run ads about Kamala imposing “San Francisco Values” on the Midwest. To counter that she REALLY needed a candidate who was the utter opposite of her and who resonates well in the Midwest with the white working class.

Walz’s competition was Josh Shapiro. Why not pick him, it locks up Pennsylvania does it not? Well not really. Shapiro is very much a typical career politician, Georgetown educated lawyer, DC operative, straight into the Penn state house and fast track to Governor. Despite notionally being from PA he really doesn’t exude the “Midwest man” the Dems need to resonate with the white working class.

To really know what the Midwest is about, and to best explain it to Australians, is to look at the movies and TV that have come out of that region. This is where a lot of the “typical suburban middle America family and high school” pop culture is set. Think Home Alone, American Pie, That 70s Show, Happy Days, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club…..

Catch my drift? It’s “mom and pop and apple pie” territory. In Tim Walz they have a guy born in Nebraska with moved to a small city of 30,000 in Minnesota to be close to his wife of 30 years family. Was in the army, became a high school football coach and took a team of misfits (they’d previously lost 27 games in a row) and within 3 years won them a state championship. Went into politics (after his social studies class was kicked out of a Bush rally) and wins a traditionally GOP district. Became a popular governor. Hunts, fishes, makes dad jokes, eats corn dogs at the state fair, plays frisbee with his dog.

How more Midwest Middle American Dad can you get? This is the candidate who’ll hopefully appeal to that lost demographic
Thanks for the informative response. He sounds like a bloke many posters on this site would normally despise. That was my point. The way you described him sounds like a good bloke.
I am just pleasantly surprised and really happy the dems have made what I believe is a great choice for VP. A guy who gets shit done, and will fight and defend his positions.

I'm sick of dems who get terrified whenever said to be progressive, who run back to the centre trying to prove how moderate and similar to the corporate dems/republicans they are.
Also someone who is positive and cheery with it.

Miserable and melty seems to go hand in hand with the ones that are openly left.
Thanks for the informative response. He sounds like a bloke many posters on this site would normally despise. That was my point. The way you described him sounds like a good bloke.

Walz is, what we Australians would call, a “good bloke”.

Maybe the only thing that people on the left may find objectionable is the hunting and maybe the military stuff. He supports gun background checks which is standard Democrat policy.

The rest of him is very progressive (for America). Pro social welfare, pro using taxes to help people, pro LGBT (as a Midwest high school football coach he joined a Gay Student’s group as an ally in the 90s), pro cannabis, pro choice, pro Gaza ceasefire and pro Worker.

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There isn't a company in the world which would hire Donald Trump to do anything.
I know it is a re-post, but the above reminded me of this:

Hey Dems - is this really the best you've got to offer?:

Kommola - the cackling wokester

You're as triggered as the orange diaper man. Bad luck, diversity is all around you. Or maybe not, if you spend all your waking hours in a dark room tapping at your keyboard. Watch out for those woke Dems... there might be some hiding in your closet...

images - 2024-08-07T231902.495.jpeg
What's with the fawning over a 60 yo white bloke? Seems a bit creepy.

as distinct from fawning over a fat, 78 yo, orange, diaper-wearing, rapist, convicted criminal, with dementia and who has a bird’s nest on his head. now that’s creepy.
Walz is, what we Australians would call, a “good bloke”.

Maybe the only thing that people on the left may find objectionable is the hunting and maybe the military stuff. He supports gun background checks which is standard Democrat policy.

The rest of him is very progressive (for America). Pro social welfare, pro using taxes to help people, pro LGBT (as a Midwest high school football coach he joined a Gay Student’s group as an ally in the 90s), pro cannabis, pro choice, pro Gaza ceasefire and pro Worker.
"The left" isn't a monolith.

We're not all vegan "meat is murder", no war is justified types.
Walz is, what we Australians would call, a “good bloke”.

Maybe the only thing that people on the left may find objectionable is the hunting and maybe the military stuff. He supports gun background checks which is standard Democrat policy.

The rest of him is very progressive (for America). Pro social welfare, pro using taxes to help people, pro LGBT (as a Midwest high school football coach he joined a Gay Student’s group as an ally in the 90s), pro cannabis, pro choice, pro Gaza ceasefire and pro Worker.
Seems he doesnt just have looking like Dick Cheney in common.
I’m not sure. Kamala likes to smile, laugh and dance doesn’t she?

It’s the right wingers who are miserable with all their “commies are trying to trans the kids and steal my money” stuff.
Kamala isn't really left wing imo, she's a politician chameleon.
AOC and Bernie are more the type I'm referring to from the left of US politics.

Its more a general observation about the left all over the world.

Miserable is unfair.
'Serious' is probably closer to the mark..
Of course the nature of what they are discussing no doubt plays a big part in this.
It's hard to be jovial and upbeat when talking about people dying down a coal mine for instance.
Hey Dems - is this really the best you've got to offer?:

Kommola - the cackling wokester

Take a lead from Walz’s book when he was questioned on CNN about being perceived as “socialist” the other day. His response was “well if socialist means kids get to eat and women control their bodies then sure”. He owned it and threw it right back at the Repubs.

Kamala should say “if by woke you mean I want to treat all people equally and fight injustice then yeah I’m hell for it”. Anyone who the word “woke” is a negative for is already voting Trump. Most people aren’t that hyper politicised so it wouldn’t work on them.

The problem with the Dems is that they don’t fight back hard enough against these stupid GOP lines. Walz’s approach so far has been to own it and throw it back to the Repubs, and they don’t have an answer.

What Democrats need is this guy as President (for comparison being called a “card carrying ACLU member” in the 90s was the equivalent of being called “woke” today)

Also very prescient that his description of Republican strategy in 1995 at 2:26 is EXACTLY their strategy today.
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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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