USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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People's thoughts on price caps & taxing unrealised gains on shares?

I mean, all been tried at points in other countries and failed but because the latest media darling who isn't Trump wants it, it's a good idea right?
Price caps are a great idea when it means people in the richest country in the world aren't dying because they can't afford insulin.
Examples of price caps working anywhere?

It's easy to go to extreme examples and what ifs. Their healthcare is ****ed, your extreme hypothetical falls under that umbrella which is a complete mess and no one has any appetite to even try and fix it. Such is the scam of politics

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What a great song choice. Doesn't like Trump either.

"After the Trump years, people's biases were on full display. It just revealed who people really were and that they were proud to be misogynistic and racist and homophobic and transphobic," she said at the time. "All these things were being celebrated, and it was weirdly dovetailing with this hyper-masculine branch of country music. I call it butt rock."

Examples of price caps working anywhere?

It's easy to go to extreme examples and what ifs. Their healthcare is ****ed, your extreme hypothetical falls under that umbrella which is a complete mess and no one has any appetite to even try and fix it. Such is the scam of politics


no one has any appetite to even try and fix it

This reads a lot like trying to do something to fix it

  • Cap the cost of insulin at $35 and out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs at $2,000 for everyone, not just seniors.
  • Accelerate the speed of Medicare negotiations over prescription drugs. Building on the Biden-Harris administration’s work to allow Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs and cut the cost of some of the most expensive and most commonly used drugs by nearly 40% to 80% starting in 2026, Vice President Harris will allow Medicare to accelerate the speed of negotiations so the prices of more drugs come down faster.
Democrats believe a strong, secure, and democratic Israel is vital to the interests of the United States. Our commitment to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself, and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding is ironclad.

Democrats recognize the worth of every Israeli and every Palestinian. That’s why we will work to help bring to an end a conflict that has brought so much pain to so many. We support a negotiated two-state solution that ensures Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state with recognized borders and upholds the right of Palestinians to live in freedom and security in a viable state of their own.

Democrats oppose any unilateral steps by either side—including annexation—that undermine prospects for two states. Democrats will continue to stand against incitement and terror. We oppose settlement expansion. We believe that while Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations, it should remain the capital of Israel, an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. Democrats will restore U.S.-Palestinian diplomatic ties and critical assistance to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza, consistent with U.S. law. We oppose any effort to unfairly single out and delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement, while protecting the Constitutional right of our citizens to free speech.

Yeah real harsh on people in Gaza - the 1st paragraph is etched in stone and no bleating will change it. The 2 state solution is the real key

Does it?

Democrats will call off the Trump Administration’s race to war with Iran and prioritize nuclear diplomacy, de-escalation, and regional dialogue.

Democrats believe the United States should not impose regime change on other countries and reject that as the goal of U.S. policy toward Iran. We believe the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) remains the best means to verifiably cut off all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb. The Trump Administration’s unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA isolated us from our allies and opened the door for Iran to resume its march toward a nuclear weapons capacity that the JCPOA had stopped. That’s why returning to mutual compliance with the agreement is so urgent. The nuclear deal was always meant to be the beginning, not the end, of our diplomacy with Iran. Democrats support a comprehensive diplomatic effort to extend constraints on Iran’s nuclear program and address Iran’s other threatening activities, including its regional aggression, ballistic missile program, and domestic repression.

Baby Jesus cries when men tell lies
The document seems to have been written assuming Biden was still running and before the change.

Page 2.
President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job.
Curious to know what policy positions you think makes Kamala a communist.

Do you even know what that word means?
They either don't and refuse to look it up, or do and just like trolling. I've been down that road with them before many times on the Swans board and elsewhere. Well, actually more of a roundabout, they just keep repeating the same nonsense labels.

They do just seem to like appearing more informed than they actually are, mostly by clipping NewsCorp or conservative opinion pieces and touting them as the pinnacle of journalism/journalists, and then mostly wasting other peoples time by posting and running away, unable or unwilling to defend their arguments.

Politically speaking anyway, footy related posting is usually reasonable.

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Joey Makemanincelianaro hates strong women who make choices

Any Trump supporter here, who tries to claim that his voters aren’t vile, misogynistic cretins, needs to read the comments on that post and try to defend them.

You can talk policy, economy etc all you want, the thing I hate most about Trump is that he has emboldened people to make these disgusting comments around people. Pre-Trump, we were in a time where there was some relative civility, which had now been thrown out the window and it’s a free for all.

Christ, that post and it’s comments make me ill.
Not what I said and I note I asked for examples of price caps working somewhere and you didn't provide anything

Funny how those on high horses don't answer questions isn't it

And the price caps weren't limited to just Insulin. Groceries etc too. Please provide an example of this working. Venezuela?
Not what I said and I note I asked for examples of price caps working somewhere and you didn't provide anything

Funny how those on high horses don't answer questions isn't it

And the price caps weren't limited to just Insulin. Groceries etc too. Please provide an example of this working. Venezuela?

By price caps on groceries, you mean measures to prevent price gouging?

Set clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive profits on food and groceries.

The ACCC here is investigating pretty much the same thing FYI.
By price caps on groceries, you mean measures to prevent price gouging?

The ACCC here is investigating pretty much the same thing FYI.
Again though, still no examples of price caps working? Countries have tried it, never works out.

Same as the nonsensical idea of $25k handouts to first home buyers. Doesn't work, houses just go up 25k but she's running with it and the stupid are lapping it up. Have to love politics...
The document seems to have been written assuming Biden was still running and before the change.

Page 2.
President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job.
I checked the date at the bottom of the site where it said 2024

Can't say I didn't see the reference to Joe and Kamala
People's thoughts on price caps & taxing unrealised gains on shares?

I mean, all been tried at points in other countries and failed but because the latest media darling who isn't Trump wants it, it's a good idea right?
can you link to taxing unrealised capital gains on shares?
Stunning new polling reveals that Vice President Kamala Harris has a 13-point national lead over convicted Donald Trump — and it could be what tips the election for her.

But it gets even better...

According to an Economist/YouGov poll, 51% of women who are registered voters support Harris while only 38% support Trump.

The same polling also revealed that Harris has an overall 3-point lead in the race with 46% to Trump's 43% among all registered voters.

Best of all Harris' lead is likely to skyrocket even higher once she receives her post-DNC boost.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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