USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Stokey's position, if I recall correctly, is that being a conservative means that he supports the candidate put forward by that side of politics (paraphrasing).

That, to me at least, seems like supporting a team - "I must support team conservative", regardless of who they put up as a candidate.

I can state categorically that if the party which best represents my political views put up Trump as its candidate, there is NO WAY I would vote for them. And I am sure many here would be the same.

That is NOT supporting a team.

This isn't like football, where you support your team no matter what, regardless of who may be coach, or captain, etc
- this is politics, where you can be fluid in who you support, depending on the circumstances, policies, candidates, philosophies, etc.

I think it's exactly like this for some people I speak to, which is dumb of course,
Its because men can have kids whenever, and he is a sexist fundamentalist weirdo.

His idea that people who have kids care more about the future than those who don't is absurd. I think its a bit of projection on his part, in that he probably never gave a shit about anyone or anything, until he had kids.

Now he is using personal ambition (just hitching wagon to the most profitable thing going at the time) to make the most wealth possible as a trojan horse for "doing it for his kids". I think he also believes the world is so fundamentally broken he just has to get whatever is his however possible, with no moral compass.
Weird thing is his book is a really, really good read which I would recommend to anyone of any political persuasion….

…right up until his final chapter, where having told his story so movingly and articulately, he comes to entirely the wrong conclusion about what his story tells us about America.

There’s no doubt he had the shittiest start in life and he’s done very well.

But he uses the fact that somehow, he alone of his cohort actually became a success, as proof that “everyone” can make it. No, that’s proof that “anyone” can make it, not “everyone”.

But now, whatever sympathy and validation he may have generated from progressives has been completely pissed up against the wall with him leaping lock stock and barrel into Trumpworld.

It’s an ideological knock on the head of Naomi Wolf-like proportions.
Weird thing is his book is a really, really good read which I would recommend to anyone of any political persuasion….

…right up until his final chapter, where having told his story so movingly and articulately, he comes to entirely the wrong conclusion about what his story tells us about America.

There’s no doubt he had the shittiest start in life and he’s done very well.

But he uses the fact that somehow, he alone of his cohort actually became a success, as proof that “everyone” can make it. No, that’s proof that “anyone” can make it, not “everyone”.

But now, whatever sympathy and validation he may have generated from progressives has been completely pissed up against the wall with him leaping lock stock and barrel into Trumpworld.

It’s an ideological knock on the head of Naomi Wolf-like proportions.
No, that’s proof that “anyone” can make it, not “everyone”.
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This isn't like football, where you support your team no matter what, regardless of who may be coach, or captain, etc - this is politics, where you can be fluid in who you support, depending on the circumstances, policies, candidates, philosophies, etc.
That’s why my preferred term for that sort of political follower is “barracker”.
Meh. Bad faith is just posting something you disagree with then not engaging with the 'but Trump is this.. replies that always follow. Same with 'trolling'. You guys don't like intrusions. You treat SRP like a teams board.
No its refusing to engage with literally anything that might expose your positions for the shams they usually are. And please don't insult everyone's intelligence by pretending you only do this in relation to questions about the guy you support and the staggering hypocrisy that usually entails regarding whatever you're saying at the time (like that would be a reasonable approach on a politics forum anyway lol :drunk:)

You simply don't like having your hypocrisy and eye watering lack of self awareness called out, end of.
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Also, f someone posts something from a left leaning media source and says I should read it and 'learn something'. (i usially read them btw), but if I reply with a different opinion from a right leaning source and it's dismissed as 'Murdoch' or 'no way Im reading anything from that guy' and they refuse to read it. Who do you think is being the bad faith poster?
Because invariably the opinion posted here from a "right leaning" source isn't the Wall Street Journal or something - more likely its from "insurrection barbie" on twitter lol

I notice you've again failed to answer a simple question - can you provide an example of something you’ve posted in good faith that you’ve been ridiculed for? This isn't Trump-related, so according to your own rationale you should be fine to engage with it and its seems like that fact you ignored it in the first place kinda proves the point that you'll avoid acknowledging literally anything problematic to your arguments, Trump-related or not.

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They are the banjos of democracy.

I think this is a more representative view

put into spoiler in case anyone triggered by non-PC depictions

Ironically, those aren't the actor's arms. A real player is sitting under him and playing. Allegorical for how the right-wing media play the rusted on rubes? :think:
She still changing her accent everywhere she goes? Pretty sad a "leader" can't just be themselves tbh
This quote is the epitome of "How to tell if somone has never worked with real people in real life without saying"

Most people conciously or unconsciously change their accent, vocabulary and tone according to their audience. It is part of effective communication strategies that most people evolve

On course keyboard warriors have no idea

Pray tell what Trump's limited vocabulary says about the bigly audience he has?
Why so serious bro? As you’ve repeatedly said, none of this matters!
How is that 'serious'. I pointed out a supposed leader feels the need to change her accent according to where she is, that's pathetic. Of course, her cheerleaders defend that no matter how illogical. Did Obama do such a pathetic stunt? Of course not, a leader never would

I also enjoy the "but Trump...". Has nothing to do with Trump, the obsession and deflection is funny
How is that 'serious'. I pointed out a supposed leader feels the need to change her accent according to where she is, that's pathetic. Of course, her cheerleaders defend that no matter how illogical. Did Obama do such a pathetic stunt? Of course not, a leader never would

I also enjoy the "but Trump...". Has nothing to do with Trump, the obsession and deflection is funny
In a two horse race I don't think it's unreasonable that the two candidates are measured against each other.
For some things, agreed completely. Not everything

You're one of the worst cheerleaders, no matter what is said or how irrelevant to Trump, "But trump did xyz"
Every accusation from MAGA is a confession and if you want to repost them here don't feel aggrieved if someone points this out.
Every accusation from MAGA is a confession and if you want to repost them here don't feel aggrieved if someone points this out.
Brilliant response. Every time someone points out my hypocrisy, or being wrong, it's a confession they're actually wrong & not me. Super level headed stuff, synonymous with cheerleaders
How is that 'serious'. I pointed out a supposed leader feels the need to change her accent according to where she is, that's pathetic. Of course, her cheerleaders defend that no matter how illogical. Did Obama do such a pathetic stunt? Of course not, a leader never would

I also enjoy the "but Trump...". Has nothing to do with Trump, the obsession and deflection is funny

You seem bothered by it, triggered, one may say.
You’ve never attempted good faith discussion, just you being a whiny glass jawed weirdo complaining that you’re a persecuted right wing political prisoner bravely fighting for your “convictions”.

Whenever me or anyone else has tried to ask you legit questions you duck answering.

You’re the one who treats this like a teams board, and we are all just being mean and picking on you cos you go for a different “team”.

Give me an example of something you’ve posted in good faith that you’ve been ridiculed for.
I’d suggest someone would be going very well indeed to find a post of substance that he has made. Particularly aspects of Trump’s policies that he feels move the nation forward - health, education, childcare, family leave, infrastructure, social security …. anything of susbstance. Even the character traits that he believes make DJT an outstanding leader.

Defending Trump, ad nauseum, falls short of expressing a considered opinion. Be it in good faith or otherwise.
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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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