Ex Rushy Coach Matt Johnson to Stanhope.
Good player and moves well for a big man, also a ripper bloke. The mail I got yeasterday was $500 a week so cant knock a bloke for taking that kind of cash if its out there to take. Not sure how true that is but the person who told me gets on very well with Matty, and thats what Stanhope think they need to win it this year then good on them for going out and getting him.
Any other late ins that are worth talking about i see 1 into VT, 2 into Lanky and 2 into Rushy
Now we have hit June 30 can the boys from the NT keep comimg down to play for the Gum? if not you would think that would put a bit of a dint into their hopes of winning as they have played in most of the games against the other top 6 sides and have been the differance IMO.