Excellent post.He was quick to scarper from the grilling too. Hard for him, and I hope the players are feeling it too.
Now, my danger antennae were raised very early in the season in the first practice match against another team, and I keep on seeing the same problems.
1. When placed under pressure our guys seem to have very slow reactions or have not practiced for that situation or don't know what they are supposed to do. Compare our use of handball to the Dogs aggressive and exact use yesterday. Positioning around the contest seems wrong to me as well. Perhaps Nicks was right when he said earlier this this year that they had practiced defense so much he was concerned the players might have difficulty playing attacking footy. This is a coaching problem.
2. Other teams tackle differently to us, though I do see signs of change. The good teams tackle the arms or body hard in such a way that the player drops the ball, which they then whisk away because that is what the whole team is prepared for. This is a coaching problem.
3. What has bothered me all year is players not presenting, due to game plan or fitness or laziness or a combination. If there is no one available to receive the ball then the player with the ball has a problem. Oftentimes when Pittard looks stupid part of the problem is because no one is presenting - obvious at the game but not on TV. Most of these are coaching issues.
So I believe that the coaches are the main culprits this year, and that the above are the real issues.
Ken may have berated the players over work rate, and no doubt that was deserved, but I really hope he is looking inwards as well. So far I have not seen any indication though.
Nevertheless, I really rate Ken and have little doubt he has the ability and cajones to fight his way through this year's setback.
I keep hanging on to the hope that the year was planned this way, to build up the players' bodies and defensive experience. Well, I can hope.