Conspiracy Theory Kennedy Assassination - 50 years on

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.... the true history you say - heard that before !!
It was a good interview with Mate challenging Talbot on statements he made about Kennedy wanting to exit Vietnam.

Talbot replies that he personally interviewed all the Kennedy advisors still living at the time and confident in his claims.

I haven't read his book, but books I've read with first hand sources, support his conclusions about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Spoiler alert, nothing to do with aliens, which always seems to come up when a distraction is needed.
It was a good interview with Mate challenging Talbot on statements he made about Kennedy wanting to exit Vietnam.

Talbot replies that he personally interviewed all the Kennedy advisors still living at the time and confident in his claims.

I haven't read his book, but books I've read with first hand sources, support his conclusions about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Spoiler alert, nothing to do with aliens, which always seems to come up when a distraction is needed.

Not a spoiler, I have heard this before & I remember where I was when I heard the news.

"Kennedy blasted the clandestine way President Joe Biden and his administration had decided and announced that it would “be maintaining secrecy indefinitely” on certain records related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, Robert’s uncle.

Kennedy took to his personal Twitter account Sunday and did not mince words when he tore into what he called a “midnight announcement”:

“It’s not about conspiracy – it is about transparency,” Kennedy tweeted Sunday.

“The White House announcement is unlawful,” Kennedy continued. “In 1992 the JFK Records Act was passed unanimously by Congress with the promise that all assassination related records would be released no later than October 2017. This promise has broken once again with this midnight announcement.”

“The assassination was 60 years ago,” he wrote in one Twitter post. “What national security secrets could possibly be at risk? What are they hiding?"

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This is JFK’s nephew saying this, and I believe him.

RFK jr gives some good information. Does it continue in the rest of interview?

Slowly reading The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot, leaving no doubt that Dulles was central to organising and the coverup of JFK assassination, with Cuba and Vietnam central to the support he got.

However if you want to know what they something deeper they might have been hiding, need to look at video linked and the two books it was based on.

Dr Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam. Investigates the murder of respected scientist Dr Mary Sherman the night before she was to testify Infront of the Warren Commission.

Lee and Me by Judith Vary Baker.

RFK jr gives some good information. Does it continue in the rest of interview?

Slowly reading The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot, leaving no doubt that Dulles was central to organising and the coverup of JFK assassination, with Cuba and Vietnam central to the support he got.

However if you want to know what they something deeper they might have been hiding, need to look at video linked and the two books it was based on.

Dr Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam. Investigates the murder of respected scientist Dr Mary Sherman the night before she was to testify Infront of the Warren Commission.

Lee and Me by Judith Vary Baker.

Good lord, i never knew any of that in that sort of detail, wow!! So the same people involved in the Cuban directed bio-experiments are also involved in the JFK assassination, jesus. Even JFK the 1991 film didn't go enough into that side of things.

How can any of these producers of recent television documentaries proclaiming LHO as being the lone person, how can they say that they have any journalistic or research qualities whatsoever. It's almost like these shows are directed or funded by the same agencies.
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Good lord, i never knew any of that in that sort of detail, wow!! So the same people involved in the Cuban directed bio-experiments are also involved in the JFK assassination, jesus. Even JFK the 1991 film didn't go enough into that side of things.

How can any of these producers of recent television documentaries proclaiming LHO as being the lone person, how can they say that they have any journalistic or research qualities whatsoever. It's almost like these shows are directed or funded by the same agencies.
The books went into more detail. Ed Haslam was investigating and writing on the murder of Dr Mary Sherman, a respected colleague of his father and stumbled onto a "black site Lab" that she was involved in, with Dr Ochsner in charge.

However, he had no collaboration until Judith Vary Baker wrote of her firsthand account and he was asked to investigate her claims for an episode in a six-part series on JFK for National Geographic. It apparently ran once and was pulled and covered up.

I think this is one of the main reasons much of the remaining documents remain sealed, and we know that the in the Church Inquiry that the C I A had to admit hundreds of journalists they were paying in the media.

Now they just 'retire' to the media or the media quote 'anonymous sources' to pass on their propaganda.
After 30 minutes as an 'independent researcher' I think this is a pretty good story. In fact, it's such a good story with some pretty good back up evidence that I wonder if there is a gradual release of information. The main players-

David Atlee Phillips - Controller for Oswald who was a CIA asset. Previous controller of James Files.
Chicago Mob
Sam Giancana - CIA recruited Giancana to assassinate Fidel Castro.
Shooters Nicoletti, Rosselli, Files
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It is ridiculous they were sealed this long in the first place.

Still, when yet again no smoking gun is revealed, I look forward to continued assurances of other hidden documents that the government are denying or have destroyed.
If you believe the Warren Commision he went home on a bus. A bus pass was found in his jacket time stamped PM.

Something thats always bothered me is if your going to kill the president wouldn't you have taken your .38 as well as your rifle. Would save having to go back to your room to get it. Seems to point to me that maybe Oswald didn't know what was going to happen that day.

Because Oswald couldn’t get it until AFTER the assassination.

He left work on Thursday 21st and rather than go to his boarding house where his .38 was kept, he went straight to the Payne’s home to be with Marina for the night. There he collected his Carcano. The next morning, the day of the assassination, he got a lift straight back to the depository with his rifle.

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Conspiracy Theory Kennedy Assassination - 50 years on

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