Kiss on the Footy Show

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Queen were number 1. Freddie Mercury shits on kiss (Dead or alive)
Had they gave him a few gigs on the Footy Show whilst he was still alive, your opinion may be different:p.

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"hit parader" magazine voted kiss #1 ALL TIME LIVE BAND in their 100 top bands - good enough for me, but then i knew they were #1 already :)

If Freddie didn't die Queen would have been voted the best. They finished as a band in 1991, imagine if they were still performing now. Freddie was just the greatest, what a performer! What a showman!
Kiss = shit!!

If only Freddie Mercury was still alive. He was THE GREATEST talent!

Imagine having Freddie Mercury as a solo act or Queen on the Footy show!


I will always love you Freddie.

It always quietly amuses me when "We Are the Champions" belts out at the end of a major tournament and all those tough manly sportsmen sing along with the tiny, flamboyant gay man with buck teeth and a huge voice. Freddie was a one in a million frontman, that Live Aid performance is still a benchmark for any live show.

For all the "Strolling Bones" gags, at least the Stones maintain an air of dignity, recognise they aren't sex gods any more and just play for the love of music. U2 are aging gracefully too, even though Bono's public persona still shits me to tears. The Irons are still going strong, although Bruce probably regrets a lot of that upper register stuff he did in his early days- he'll never scream the opening to Number of the Beast they way he used to. Kiss had one trick that expired ten years ago, along with that overripe "open legs" bon mot (Jeebus). If they ditched the teenage playboy act, the makeup (maybe) and just played their hits, they would be far more bearable.
The only time I saw KISS I listened to Springsteen on my Walkman while taking in the amazing show. Might be a good idea to do it again on Sunday night. KISS had the best over-the-top stage show ever. But their music? Ordinary head banger heavy rock.
I hated Queen.

Yeah Kiss sounded woeful last night. It wasn't all their fault though - the accoustics were terrible. Definitely didn't do them any favours.
Don't waste your money on these hacks who think the're musicians.
Never liked Kiss,always thought they have been a sub standard teeny,bopper rock band.
They marketed themselves well in their hey day and actually sold more merchandise than records.Amazing when the media is behind you.
Their gimmicks are what they live on,not MUSIC.
Do you know what the test is for a good band ?
Go play in a pub,without relying on aHUGE sound and see if you can cut it,just playing your instuments,without gimmicks,reliance on sequences,or any top sound technology,and then if you play well and cut through with your instuments and talent ,then you can call yourself a good muso.
Otherwise go a find another career.
Even with a huge sound and pyrotechnics,Kiss still couldn't cut it,imagine how bad they would have sounded,if that was all stripped away.
Do you know what the test is for a good band ?
Go play in a pub,without relying on aHUGE sound and see if you can cut it,just playing your instuments,without gimmicks,reliance on sequences,or any top sound technology,and then if you play well and cut through with your instuments and talent ,then you can call yourself a good muso.

laughable post mate.

a few mates of mine (also muso's) who write for music industry publications - never ever thought of seeing kiss, but then got given free tickets & thought what the heck.

spoke to one after the show, he remarked that he felt like he'd just been to his very first rock concert.... couldnt believe how tight they were & admitted that he finally could understand what the fuss & fanatacism was all about.

so, unless youve seen them live yourself, your not in any position to comment - but why bother, you admit you dont like 'em anyway.

go play your band in a pub? give me a break - see how well you play live in front of 100K paid up customers - thats a test. :rolleyes:

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laughable post mate.

a few mates of mine (also muso's) who write for music industry publications - never ever thought of seeing kiss, but then got given free tickets & thought what the heck.

spoke to one after the show, his remarked that he felt like he'd just been to his very first rock concert....

so, unless youve seen them live yourself, your not in any position to comment.

go play your band in a pub? give me a break - see how well you play live in front of 100K people - thats a test. :rolleyes:

Mate i am a muso,only last week we played in front of a few thousand people in Colac Victoria.The problem with people who know f....k all about music follow bands amnd artists like sheep,because of media hype.
The test is go and play infront of thousands of people, and put your balls on the line just you and your instument without the frills and bullshit backing tapes and if you can cut through,and play well the sound only projects what you play. Go and listen to innovative artists like jeff buckley,led zeppelin,Jimmi Hendrix,steely dan,robin trower,johnny winter,
There's a few to start you off.Innovators mate.not imitators.
Notice i haven't mentioned any new bands,because there is no one of note,theseadays that has not either copied,or cannot be original.
Most music thesedays is copied by most of legends,and yes kiss are not legends.By the way i have seen Kiss live years ago,they weren't much chop.But hey we are all entitled to our opinions i suppose.
The Levels were everywhere.

The guitar was too low and gene's bass and vocals were too loud

The drummer is crap

The sound guys was horrible and so were KISS

A combination of crap

As a musician i was insulted

Thats KISS though
No fresh talent????? Although it doesn't appeal to everyone we have heaps of great up and coming talent.

A lot of people have never heard of some of these but 1,000's go to festivals around the country every week to see bands such as:

Cut Copy
The Presets
Midnight Juggernauts
The Bumblebeez
No fresh talent????? Although it doesn't appeal to everyone we have heaps of great up and coming talent.

A lot of people have never heard of some of these but 1,000's go to festivals around the country every week to see bands such as:

Cut Copy
The Presets
Midnight Juggernauts
The Bumblebeez

Yeah but all these bands have copied the legenadary bands to mould a Style/ sound.
I am not saying we haven't got talented bands,all i am saying is that MUSICALLY these acts, one,sounds similar to the other.
The last ground breaking band that actually had their own original sound and made it world wide that came out of australia was INXS.
You see,even AC/DC who are great sound like a million other bands.
Nirvana,and to a lesser degree Pearl jam, Red hot Chilli Peppers had their own style and sound.So what i mean is ORIGINAL,means when you hear these bands you know that's it them they have their own Style.Since them no-one innovative has made it world wide.Even Gene Simmonds said the other day on radio,that Rock.n'roll these days has lost it because of every band trying to sound similar or follow trends.
During his hey day KISS were competing against bands like zeppelin,deep purple,black sabbath,frank zappa,santana ,stones, sex pistols,etc,etc.You see back then there were alot of bands breaking NEW ground.not rehashing old ground.
Ive always thought Kiss were rubbish. The only people who could actually like kiss are dumb bogans who know nothing about music and behind closed doors dress up as woman and wank in front of the mirror.

As somone said earlier the 70's were the best times for innovative, creative music. Kiss were for people who like half time shows and wrestling.

Though I must say i do not watch TFS for their great live acts....
stafanie mcintosh and shannon noll says it all really.
LMAO....ok was that a version of Dont Forget The Lyrics. My dead grandma sings better than that.:D

They look like dead grandma's without the makeup on.

I saw their "farewell" tour in 2001 and they were pretty sad then, I couldn't bring myself to go when they came back to do it again. A shame really as they were brilliant on the 1996/1997 tour and should have gone out on top.
Yeah but all these bands have copied the legenadary bands to mould a Style/ sound.
I am not saying we haven't got talented bands,all i am saying is that MUSICALLY these acts, one,sounds similar to the other.
The last ground breaking band that actually had their own original sound and made it world wide that came out of australia was INXS.
You see,even AC/DC who are great sound like a million other bands.
Nirvana,and to a lesser degree Pearl jam, Red hot Chilli Peppers had their own style and sound.So what i mean is ORIGINAL,means when you hear these bands you know that's it them they have their own Style.Since them no-one innovative has made it world wide.Even Gene Simmonds said the other day on radio,that Rock.n'roll these days has lost it because of every band trying to sound similar or follow trends.
During his hey day KISS were competing against bands like zeppelin,deep purple,black sabbath,frank zappa,santana ,stones, sex pistols,etc,etc.You see back then there were alot of bands breaking NEW ground.not rehashing old ground.

Everything has to sound like something, people do not just make things up. As great as all of those old bands were they all drew inspiration from things they had heard before them. If you think the Chili (not Chilli by the way) Peppers had an original sound you obviously have no idea, its just a mixture of rock and funk, they are hardly the first ones to do it and have now turned to shit anyway.

What do you listen to now if there is nothing original available?
Being such a fan of originality you must sit in a dark room all day playing Bjork's new album while making your own Michel Gondry style filmclips.
Everything has to sound like something, people do not just make things up. As great as all of those old bands were they all drew inspiration from things they had heard before them. If you think the Chili (not Chilli by the way) Peppers had an original sound you obviously have no idea, its just a mixture of rock and funk, they are hardly the first ones to do it and have now turned to shit anyway.


Comparing bands that thrived during the birth of rock n roll to those who exist now is hardly fair, it’s easier to develop an original sound when the sonic territory has yet to be defined. How many different ways can an electric guitar sound? Lots of way, but there have been lots of people over lots of years doing exactly that.

Even though they trod the same musical path, Clapton and Hendrix didn’t make Stevie Ray Vaughan any less of a guitarist.
Ahh Kiss, the yearly 'farewell tourers'.

In 2001 I was fortunate enough to witness the band at full strength, on their 'last time ever don't miss it this is Kiss we're not after your money or anything oh no never' Farewell Tour. Ace Frehley was on guitar, and Eric Singer on drums (was meant to be Peter Criss, however Eric is the next best thing).

Last night was woeful.. WOEFUL! Paul backed away from the 'girl' vocals in 'I was made for loving you', singing fragments of the lyrics in something marginally above 'spoken word'.

The sound was.. I've been to local gigs with better sound, and that's with no Sound Techs there, the bands doing the sound!

And the other two? Who are they? They're in Peter and Aces' makeup, but does anyone care who they are?

What was this? A poor effort on the Footy Show, the same, lame jokes. Two tired rockers that don't fool me anymore. Shattering the myth. Best bet is to put the headphones on, crank up 'Alive II', and forget anything else ever happened.

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Kiss on the Footy Show

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