Kosi Pickett Gets 3 Weeks

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It doesn’t happen if Moore doesn’t drop to his knees and slide for the ball. Something which is no longer legal in football. It’s not reasonable to expect Pickett to realise that Moore was going to do that.
Learn the rules mate , there is no rule that says you cannot slide for the ball and players do it 100s of times a game . Bloody clueless.

It's pretty simple these days , he elected to bump and hit a player in the head. That's weeks even if it wasn't a sniper with form.

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My 2¢

Both players are looking to contest the ball. Moore lowers himself just at the moment Pickett initiates a bump. Subsequently Pickett collects Moore high.

Where does the blame lie? I get both sides of the argument. Moore is allowed to lower himself to collect the ball, but this contributes to the high contact. Pickett is allowed to bump, and it is likely the best option considering that he was coming up against a bigger opponent (Moore is listed as 33cm taller and 33kg heavier).

IMHO a football act, executed with no malice, the equivalent of flying for a mark and kneeing someone in the head causing a concussion, which would get zero weeks.

Unfortunate to get three weeks.
My 2¢

Both players are looking to contest the ball. Moore lowers himself just at the moment Pickett initiates a bump. Subsequently Pickett collects Moore high.

Where does the blame lie? I get both sides of the argument. Moore is allowed to lower himself to collect the ball, but this contributes to the high contact. Pickett is allowed to bump, and it is likely the best option considering that he was coming up against a bigger opponent (Moore is listed as 33cm taller and 33kg heavier).

IMHO a football act, executed with no malice, the equivalent of flying for a mark and kneeing someone in the head causing a concussion, which would get zero weeks.

Unfortunate to get three weeks.
Definitely worth appealing imo, interesting

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Darcy Moore should be the one held accountable for his own actions, he was the one who suddenly dropped to ground for no ****ing reason.
I don't think it was that bad to be honest.

Pickett was definitely not aiming for anything other than Moore's shoulder, was looking to toe the ball and seemed shocked that he didn't hit Moore's shoulder and went through his head.

Will get likely get suspended on the 'bump/concussion' rule, but a bit unlucky.

I certainly won't squeal like a stuck pig for a year over this issue, nor boo Pickett incessantly next season, because I'm not a complete campaigner...
It could get messy, we might all get confused about when to go crazy cheering out the boos every time a certain player touches the ball!
Pickett can't help himself, just has to go the head when it's there to be hit.

Has had leniency shown by the MRO in the past, 3 matches looks appropriate, he needs to get the message this is no longer acceptable.
This is what shits me, it’s still chook lotto, certain players get protected.

Yes, we were lucky with Maynard, even though I believe it was an accident, he’s not a sniper.

But idont recall anyone calling out serial sniper Charlie Cameron, he was 5 seconds late and broke Howes ribs, and he has more form this year.

For this one, and i was at the game, I reckon 3 down to 2 is ample and only if he has form, (haven’t taken much notice of him tbh) I initially thought Moore would get a free against for tunnelling, but it must have been slippery, it was very wet! Picket was late, not sure at speed he had an option, just as Maynard braced, that’s a natural reaction, especially in a split second. Watching again, I still don’t think it was deliberate.
Fairly straightforward. There is little room for argument here. 2 weeks would have been best result.

For, oh I don’t know, the last 5-6 years, the AFL has been CLEAR that if YOU choose to bump, the duty of care is on you. The onus is on you to not hit the opposition high or do it in a way that they’re so unsuspecting they can’t brace and so will cop whiplash.

Whether or not the opponent slips, goes to ground, picks up the ball, twerks - it doesn’t matter, if you bump, you are responsible for the outcome.

Concussion makes it at least high impact. Do I necessarily agree with this being the blanket ruling? No. Is it the precedent and how the AFL views it everytime? Yes. Add in “potential to cause injury”, which was obvious, and it becomes severe impact.

So we have
-Pickett is responsible for the outcome, not Moore. No extenuating circumstances can be applied
-Clear head high contact
-A concussion resulted, and that was best case, so impact is severe

3 weeks is the clear result. A tribunal trip could feasibly argue it down to 2 weeks for high impact, but geez, those who are arguing Moore is responsible are arguing semantics at this point - if you think it has any weight in the decision, you’ve had your fingers in your ears for half a decade now.
This is what shits me, it’s still chook lotto, certain players get protected.

Yes, we were lucky with Maynard, even though I believe it was an accident, he’s not a sniper.

But idont recall anyone calling out serial sniper Charlie Cameron, he was 5 seconds late and broke Howes ribs, and he has more form this year.

For this one, and i was at the game, I reckon 3 down to 2 is ample and only if he has form, (haven’t taken much notice of him tbh) I initially thought Moore would get a free against for tunnelling, but it must have been slippery, it was very wet! Picket was late, not sure at speed he had an option, just as Maynard braced, that’s a natural reaction, especially in a split second. Watching again, I still don’t think it was deliberate.

It’s not deliberate, hence why it is careless and not intentional, but he chose to bump and so he wears the consequences.
Picketts a gutless sniper with a load of form, and has got away with heaps.

This case looked to be a footy act, Moore slid low just as the hit came, free kick move on.

I guess the elbow looked a bit prominent but AFAIC this was completely consistent with a hip and shoulder and his intent was to knock over an opponent to get to the ball. Beau McReery does it 5-6times a game, it's part of footy.

Because there was concussion he will probably get weeks: the recent overly harsh Houston sentence and the Maynard Rule mean he might get more than a couple.

I won't shed a tear for him but I doubt he'll get justice here.

Pretty much spot on.

Personally I'd change "gutless sniper", to "reckless idiot", but we are not that far apart.

This one was an accident, but he has a long record of stupid decisions in a short time.
This is what shits me, it’s still chook lotto, certain players get protected.

Yes, we were lucky with Maynard, even though I believe it was an accident, he’s not a sniper.

But idont recall anyone calling out serial sniper Charlie Cameron, he was 5 seconds late and broke Howes ribs, and he has more form this year.

For this one, and i was at the game, I reckon 3 down to 2 is ample and only if he has form, (haven’t taken much notice of him tbh) I initially thought Moore would get a free against for tunnelling, but it must have been slippery, it was very wet! Picket was late, not sure at speed he had an option, just as Maynard braced, that’s a natural reaction, especially in a split second. Watching again, I still don’t think it was deliberate.
Maynard is the biggest grub in the game. To say he is not a sniper shows you do not have the ability to judge football without bias.
dropping the knees is irrelevant

if pickett doesnt shape to bump, none of this happens - guy has massive form....the decision with Bailey Smith was an absolute joke, deserves 4+

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Kosi Pickett Gets 3 Weeks

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