Teams Las Vegas Raiders - The Black Hole

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Re: Some interesting stats

"Mike Pereira recently took a cheap shot at Amy Trask of the Oakland Raiders. I won't go into details as to what was said, but I refer to the opening salvo where Mr. Pereira complained that he gets most emails on Mondays about ‘bad calls’ and pointed out that, on a blown pass interference call, he reminded himself about the six turnovers earlier in the game.

Well, Mr. Pereira just doesn't get it. Part of football is just like part of life, and that part is overcoming adversity. The team with the six turnovers had fought back, overcome adversity and put themselves in a position to win the game. To dismiss the blown call as having no effect on the outcome of the game due to earlier turnovers is the height of arrogance.

In football, officiating is the one subjective area of any game. To act as if it has no impact on a given game is supercilious at best. This type of attitude does nothing to enhance the image of an official in the eyes of the average fan.

Blown calls, especially late in a game, do affect the outcome, as there is insufficient time to overcome that call. Yet, we hear nothing about what is done to a particular official who missed the call, or non-call in some cases, while players are called out and publicly and humiliated on national television. All we hear about is an occasional ‘oops’ letter to a team, and even that is only rumor, nothing public.

I believe Mr. Pereira owes an apology to Ms. Trask and the Raiders in particular, and to football fans in general.”
Re: Some interesting stats

It seems to be that no matter what the situation or how important of a game it is, the Oakland Raiders are never on the receiving end of a fair judgement call.

Remember just a few weeks ago, with New England marching up the field, looking for a game winning touchdown against Baltimore?

What happened there? Wasn't there a pass interference call down in the red zone, which gave them four more tries to win the game?

On Sunday, the Raiders had a favorable chance at winning the game against the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts were facing a third and nine, when a pass that was deemed complete was actually an incomplete pass. So Peyton Manning rushed his team to the line and got the next play off.

That drive ended in Indianapolis scoring the go-ahead touchdown.

During the ensuing series, Oakland marched all the way up the field on what seemed to be a game winning drive. In what ended up being Oakland's last chance to win, Jerry Porter was interfered with on a 4th and 6, taking away his oppurtunity to make the catch.

If the officials were not going to call it pass interference, it was at the very least a holding call that was missed.

No matter who is playing, or what the situation, that call has to be made. Especially in a play that dictated the outcome of the game.

Against the Packers just two weeks ago, there were two questionable calls as well. On the punt return for a TD, Will Blackmon had actually stepped out of bounds—but in the stadium they did not show a replay for quite a while. On the broadcast of the game, it took six minutes until we saw the replay.

I'm not saying Green Bay wouldn't have scoored, but they would have at least had to earn it.

Then, on the ensuing kickoff, Chris Carr of the Oakland Raiders took the ball to the house with no whistle blown. The Referee's got into a huddle, where the white hat had to ask his entire crew if they saw his knee down.

None of the "covering" officials saw his knee down—hence why no whistle was blown. But a non-covering official saw his knee hit the turf, so they brought the ball back to Raiders the 31 yard line.

The replay wasn't played for about five minutes, so the Raider's couldn't challenge the call. When we finally got to see the replay, it was shown that his knee in fact did not hit the turf.

All in all, that could have been a 10-14 point swing for the Raiders.

I know people are always saying how all that Raiders fans do is complain, and argue that they should've won this or that game.

That is not what I am writing about. It is about why other teams get those calls, and the Raiders do not.

Yeah, we sued the NFL, but we lost. Now let us enjoy the game again.

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Re: Some interesting stats

ESPN radio host Colin Cowherd, a Raider Hater but no dummy, highlighted Mr. Davis’s comments in his August 2 show, affirming that officiating bias is, indeed, a very real phenomenon and a legitimate cause for concern in professional sports.
Re: Some interesting stats

Here is a stat from an article in 2006:

"Oakland and Arizona, on the other hand, were among the three most penalized teams last season, but they ranked near the bottom in opponents' penalties."

Nothing like being the most penalized team AND our opponents being the least penailzed team for a year. A ****ing double whammy. This is the worst case possible and shows bias and that is what the article was pointing at, behviours of ref's intentional or not.
Re: Some interesting stats

Reading that stuff (and seeing it) really adds to the frustration I feel almost every time the Raiders play. We are not a good team at them moment, but the BS calls that happen that cost you an extra win or 2 during the season do not help the development of the team. And they do cost you wins! And no, they do not 'even themselves out'.
Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)

Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)

G.Atkinson: Lyn Swann is soft.

G.Atkinson = cheap shot :) No point throwing an arm over someone who is beating you to a pulp and calling them soft... that's just spineless talk.

What else you got gg?? :p

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Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)

:D Good one woody......b@stard

Thanx... the slapstick rivalry never dies on BF.. and don't you forget it. :)
Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)



Yes, it's a step in the wrong direction but I think you're running re-runs of this just to make my guys look STOOOPid!

anyway gg, here's one from the rest of us..(non-Raider fans)


Have A nice day :)
Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)


I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I think in this case we can make an exception....
Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)

Yes, it's a step in the wrong direction but I think you're running re-runs of this just to make my guys look STOOOPid!

anyway gg, here's one from the rest of us..(non-Raider fans)


Have A nice day :)

Good comeback. Anyway, beware the Raiders in 08.
Re: Raiders vs The World (#1 feud of all-time)


I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I think in this case we can make an exception....

That photo makes goosepumps all over my a good way. Awesome pic. That pic is like a compliment, not a put down imo.

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Teams Las Vegas Raiders - The Black Hole

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