LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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What i don't understand from people who claim something is processed.....define processed? I am all for butter and ground meat, but those are clearly processed at the most basic level. Why is everyone against "processed food" when everything is technically processed....whats your limit?
There is the "grandma" diet - simply, only eat foods your grandparents can easily identify. I'd suggest this is a fair baseline to start at.

If anything needs to be super-heat treated, combined with additives and preservatives, chemically treated and the result does not spoil for months (if ever), I'm suspicious of it's benefits.
What i don't understand from people who claim something is processed.....define processed? I am all for butter and ground meat, but those are clearly processed at the most basic level. Why is everyone against "processed food" when everything is technically processed....whats your limit?

If you can't grow it, peel it, pick it chase it or kill it or it ain't lying around then don't eat it.

If it has a label on it it's no good!
Im not so sure about this diet for medium to high intensity sport such as foootball/ afl.

Ive been on this diet since the end of last season. Have felt really good most times during the day, even managed to lose a bit of weight I thought wasnt there and i think i have put on a bit of lean muscle.

However, this week I resumed pre season training with my team and both times my legs just failed to keep up. I wasnt really struggling aerobically or with my breathing, its just I didnt have the usual zip in my legs. I felt completely drained of energy from the waist down.

Might still try to remain on this diet, but find the right amount of carbs to take pre activity. If that doesnt work....

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^ Although quiet a few footballers are supposedly on the LCHF diet, anecdotally they seem to be closer to a classic keto-refeed cycle than the LCHF diet plans noted here.
Im not so sure about this diet for medium to high intensity sport such as foootball/ afl.

Ive been on this diet since the end of last season. Have felt really good most times during the day, even managed to lose a bit of weight I thought wasnt there and i think i have put on a bit of lean muscle.

However, this week I resumed pre season training with my team and both times my legs just failed to keep up. I wasnt really struggling aerobically or with my breathing, its just I didnt have the usual zip in my legs. I felt completely drained of energy from the waist down.

Might still try to remain on this diet, but find the right amount of carbs to take pre activity. If that doesnt work....

Afl, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket (esp bowlers, except the no power Siddle) etc come under High Intensity Interval Activity and they generally go TKD which is a Targeted Ketogenic Diet, Low carb during the week (5 days) and carb loading the day before and during the event. High GI carbs are the prefered fuel not low GI.

Its not to be confused with CKD, Cyclical Ketogenic Diet where a one or two day period of high carbohydrate eating to refill muscle glycogen and for that to work muscle glycogen must be depleted fully each week by doing very intense depletion workouts.

Actually, i have no idea if the Aussie cricketers are SKD or TKD, i would love to find out.
Afl, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket (esp bowlers, except the no power Siddle) etc come under High Intensity Interval Activity and they generally go TKD which is a Targeted Ketogenic Diet, Low carb during the week (5 days) and carb loading the day before and during the event. High GI carbs are the prefered fuel not low GI.

Its not to be confused with CKD, Cyclical Ketogenic Diet where a one or two day period of high carbohydrate eating to refill muscle glycogen and for that to work muscle glycogen must be depleted fully each week by doing very intense depletion workouts.

Actually, i have no idea if the Aussie cricketers are SKD or TKD, i would love to find out.

I wonder how they go during the week in training?

Because I was well aware that for gameday/competition I would introduce more carbs the night before and the morning of. However, training during the week at such low energy levels must be detrimental. Maybe because they are at the elite level their bodys are better suited for it?
Im not so sure about this diet for medium to high intensity sport such as foootball/ afl.

Ive been on this diet since the end of last season. Have felt really good most times during the day, even managed to lose a bit of weight I thought wasnt there and i think i have put on a bit of lean muscle.

However, this week I resumed pre season training with my team and both times my legs just failed to keep up. I wasnt really struggling aerobically or with my breathing, its just I didnt have the usual zip in my legs. I felt completely drained of energy from the waist down.

Might still try to remain on this diet, but find the right amount of carbs to take pre activity. If that doesnt work....

Your possibly lacking enough fat.

Try MCT oil n caffein before training.
I wonder how they go during the week in training?

Because I was well aware that for gameday/competition I would introduce more carbs the night before and the morning of. However, training during the week at such low energy levels must be detrimental. Maybe because they are at the elite level their bodys are better suited for it?
My guess is the elite would be keto adapted and their would be ample fat used as energy in training, but i think (and from what i have read) a fair portion of those of us so called normal people on LCHF are a bit hit and miss on their macros and have ketone averages at the lower levels.

I dont do any competitive training anymore but i do heaps of intensive cardio and have been tracking it via a Suunto on the computer, and my numbers are heaps better now than pre keto. One day soon i should have a big hi GI carb load and see what happens with my cardio numbers and the following ketone levels

Ablett (Garry, not our Ablett :) )would be an interesting example as if he did carb load being Paleo would have to be fruit, more effective im assuming than root veg for the gains to be noticeable but could have gut issues.
Your possibly lacking enough fat.

Try MCT oil n caffein before training.
Just like a growing number of NBL players are now doing. Interesting the LA Lakers nutritionist said apart from energy they were just as interested in the decision making and mental awareness the BP brought to their game.

Also the fat part is spot on, so many sports article i have read have pointed out athletes on low carb are still petrified by the thought of fat and dont get any where near enough. Interesting Peter Attia who is a long didtant endurance athlete amongst other things is now at 90% fat intake.
Apparently no carbs pre activity means we access Adrenaline quicker, which we all know how good we perform when adrenaline is running high, another thing insulin effects/blunts.

It's getting fairly clear that people on Keto type diets that run out of steam during exercise ain't ingesting enough fats for their energy demands, possibly due to the fear factor.
This is what I've done the last few footy training sessions & had plenty of gas left at the end.

BP coffee in the morn.
4ish - WPI with 20 ml MCT oil.
5ish - 300ml coconut water/5g Leucine/ 3g taurine.
5.45 - training , sip on water.

We have been doing the running block at the end of training which I've had no dramas with.

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My guess is the elite would be keto adapted and their would be ample fat used as energy in training, but i think (and from what i have read) a fair portion of those of us so called normal people on LCHF are a bit hit and miss on their macros and have ketone averages at the lower levels.

I dont do any competitive training anymore but i do heaps of intensive cardio and have been tracking it via a Suunto on the computer, and my numbers are heaps better now than pre keto. One day soon i should have a big hi GI carb load and see what happens with my cardio numbers and the following ketone levels

Ablett (Garry, not our Ablett :) )would be an interesting example as if he did carb load being Paleo would have to be fruit, more effective im assuming than root veg for the gains to be noticeable but could have gut issues.
I know Gary Ablett goes for sweet potato and coconut water before games-
Our Ablett has been right all along!
If you check the comments on that above page, somebody asks Gary what else he has on game day and that is where he mentions having coconut water
I know Gary Ablett goes for sweet potato and coconut water before games-
Our Ablett has been right all along!

Of course have , since my son started to listen to me he's won two Brownlows!

I think just quietly Jnr is on something else aswell as the Paleo diet but thats another story for another time.
I actually bumped into him at Xmas time in the deli section of Woolworths, I gotta photo with him n my daughter, he has an extraordinary large head, HGH will do that to ya!
What bugs me is the people challenging LCHF = Trolls, when the LCHF crowd shout down and post stories and articles they deem counter factual they're just championing LCHF as better than all the rest.....when is a troll not a troll?
I have been trying LCHF and have seen benefits, but i dont think it's hard and fast the only path, but opinions are not facts, and so much of diet and lifestyle choices are personal preference and opinion, not fact.

I agree 100%.

I think it comes down to the countless Meta and various studies that clearly show low carb high fat is beneficial in amongst other things eliminating type 2, reduction in type 1, reduction in obesity, reduction in mortality in CVD and coronary disease, stroke, alzheimer's, dementia, the list goes on.

A lot of medical professionals are now saying "we have got it wrong" in reference to the last 40-50 years when we (America) shifted to soy and wheat and changed to a diet that is killing us.

Did you know the first ever recorded heart attack was in 1928 (some say 1921) 3000 by 1935, 600,000 by 1965 , and now?

And back to the top, out of curiosity what are your macro`s?
I agree 100%.

I think it comes down to the countless Meta and various studies that clearly show low carb high fat is beneficial in amongst other things eliminating type 2, reduction in type 1, reduction in obesity, reduction in mortality in CVD and coronary disease, stroke, alzheimer's, dementia, the list goes on.

A lot of medical professionals are now saying "we have got it wrong" in reference to the last 40-50 years when we (America) shifted to soy and wheat and changed to a diet that is killing us.

Did you know the first ever recorded heart attack was in 1928 (some say 1921) 3000 by 1935, 600,000 by 1965 , and now?

And back to the top, out of curiosity what are your macro`s?

So I weigh in at 84kg (185lbs) I am currently shooting for a 40p/40f/20c ratio right now, but i'm probably skewing more to 20p/60f/20c most days. I've been tracking a bit, but mostly hands off like never before and just building high protein meals using coconut butter, lean cuts of meat or lean ground meats, and opting for adding bacon, eggs, avocados to salads and omelettes in the morning and supplementing my cravings with Nuts and Seeds during the day, saving the fruit until lunch and just generally trying to eat 3 balanced meals per day and eating a bit more on workout days, of which I am currently at about 4-5 days a week in the gym.

That said, I've been eating about 2500 - 3000 calories per day since I am both lifting and running differently daily, trying to get 1g of protein per lb of body weight but generally only getting about 140-150 with whole food. Using butter, coconut oil and duck fat I've managed to easily get 150+g of fat per day thanks to my post lunch coffee & nut mixes with walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds...and generally my carbs come from those same nuts, kiwi fruit, limes, lemons, apples, pears, sweet potato and mixed veg like spinach, kale, lots of brussel sprouts aka muscle sprouts, and pumpkin puree on occasion.

I will disclose I am not fully paleo or lchf, but I operate with a personal regimen of 70/30, trying to win each meal and win each day, and hopefully Monday thru Friday make enough good decisions that those 30% of food intake that I do consume off-script that I make better decisions than fast food, breads, sugars etc. Been experimenting with Paleo Baking, made a paleoish version of Biscoff/Cookie butter using Sunflower Butter, Cashew Butter, Honey that had crystalized, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg...turned out fairly good but not the same.

Again, I think both sides have a great point of view, both are looking to find and refine their ideas and incorporate new information into their diets..but generally this is what I try to do and I've managed to keep my 50lbs of weight loss stable since November of 2009. I am not an expert, but I am evidence that what I do works.
Not sure how many here remember Fred Hatfield (Dr Squat) CBN has run a story on his beating cancer by going ketogenic.

5 minutes in after the story the news guy said to the reporter "why isnt the medical establishment shouting this from the roof tops" Lorie Johnson CBN medical reporter responded "Two words... Drug companies" She impressed me on this subject and had good sound advise, also said she beat cancer with a keto diet and is still on it.

Just looked up her web site and she has some good stuff, one interesting article
Eat Fats, Cut Carbs to Reclaim Your Skinny Self

Lorie Johnson

CBN News Medical Reporter
Lorie Johnson reports on the latest information about health and wellness. Since medicine is constantly changing, she makes sure CBN News viewers are up-to-date on what they need to know in order to live a healthy life. Follow Lorie on Twitter @LorieCBN and "like" her at

A diet most doctors and even the government frown on helped Jimmy Moore lose 180 pounds in one year and keep it off for the last nine years.
Success stories like Moore's are why this diet is gaining in popularity among doctors who can't argue with the positive results.
Moore grew up an overweight child and put on even more pounds in college. After marrying, he ballooned to 410 pounds..."

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LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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