Leon Davis and Andrew Krakouer reconcile with Club

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Improved on the indigenous front, but our relationship with Brazilians remains a bit hairy.
Pardon me jathanas, but I must.

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Interesting how quickly a successful resolution can be reached when all parties involved actively and genuinely want to reach a resolution
And operate with one another, rather than using the media as some proxy by which to communicate
It’s great to have Leon and Krak back at the club. They have important work to do and some hard truths to tell. The club must listen and act quickly.

Black and white stripes must stand for unity.
Huge plus for club, welcoming Davis and Kraks back with hands on roles around the place. Pretty impressive list of x indigenous players helping things move forward, Wells, Jetta, Kraks and Davies.....

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It is wonderful that these great players are willing to come back into the club and be a part of the solutions we seek and need going forward. It is a huge step up from them; one we should as a club be most grateful for and as supporters be mightily impressed by. I thank them both and wish them outstanding success.
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Imagine if the boys , Leon and Andrew were in our current team , we wouldn't need a key forward with those 2, ginni Elliot
It’s great to have Leon and Krak back at the club. They have important work to do and some hard truths to tell. The club must listen and act quickly.

Ebony and ivory stripes must stand for unity.

EFA. 😀

For what it’s worth I hope these players get some opportunity to also impart their football wisdom on the playing group as well as do some scouting for the recruiters. It would be a shame if they were in complete non football roles. And just stuck in the office pigeonholed doing non football things.

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