Lexton Plains Football League

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I have to agree, it seems that posters from the various Lexton teams feel that all they can do is attack individuals or teams that are doing well. The tall poppy syndrome is alive and well. Posters why don’t you do an honest analysis of your teams and your league. As an occasional observer of your league, here’s is an assessment.

The Lexton League is a weak competition. There are only three teams that have any credentials to be described as quality sides CL, Skipton and Rokewood. For them the only time they get good matches is when they play in the finals against each other. CL, Skipton and Rokewood don’t lose matches against the rest, they generally thrash the rest.

Let’s look at the rest
Illabrook- the team that came fourth won a massive 6 games in the season. When they were confronted by Skipton in the finals they were appalling, showed little or no aggression or passion or skill. Wouldn’t beat Clunes who finished 10th in CHFL.

Navarre got stage fright and lost to Illabrook relies on old Wayne Driscoll to kick goals. About the same as Illabrook.

Lexton has recruited heavily over the last two years and continue to go backwards at a steady rate of knots.

Natte made the Grand Final last year - wanted new coach won 3 games - brilliant idea , apparently paid out more money this year and almost lost to Ararat say no more.

Pre Jmac Natte finished 8th – Jmac three years 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, now 7th
Back to there normal place on the ladder

Ararat - making little progress – their matches against Lexton and Natte next year will interrupt their regular thrashings.

The league should have a final four – the final five means 2 inept teams play finals.

The league desperately needs an injection of teams to give the top 3 a few more challenging games.

Nah final four would be crap IMO, having 5 finals contenders gives the top team of the h & a season time 2 rest up which is well deserving!
I'll agree with ya bout the jmac issue cos its obviously not his fault entirely, rokewood hav been doin it 4 years!
Central highlands teams would be a good inclusion in2 our league, except the VCFL wont let any of them leave bcos they think its such a good league! the likes of a beaufort, Learmonth, n Waubra from CHFL n a Tatyoon n SMW Rovers from MDFL would be ideal for travelling wise seems we pretty much pass them on the way to footy each week anyways!
Its also true bout tatyoon, they arnt really that good..the leagues standard is jus not 2 crash hot!
Having played a few years in the LPFL and followed it for a while, the one game of MDFL footy I saw was extremely sub-standard and if people believe Tatyoon would be a genuine threat to any of CL, Skipton or Rokewood, they are mistaken. I've never seen so many hospital passes from a supposed 'gun' team. In the LPFL-there would be blokes getting ironed out all over the place. IMO Taty would be of a similar standard to Illabarook and Navarre. (Even remember hearing whispers that the eagles would be competitive in Miniera.)

LPFL is a totally different standard and style to the MDFL.
The better sides Fom MDFL would doubtfully even come close to the top 3 sides in LPFL. The two totally different styles of football would make the transition hard for teams moving from Mininera to lexton plains. If the Rovers were to come in to the LPFL maybe the Eagles wouldnt be holding up the ladder anymore, the rovers arent a good enough side to cut it with most teams in the LPFL with their current side, But if they came into the LPFL would they recruit well from Ballarat? As far as i no they recruit a few of their netballers from down B-rat way.

If the Eagles went into the MDFL they would maybe get up into the top 5, IMO ararat would play a lot better in a league like MDFL because it would be a different mind set( actually thinking they can win) im no expert but the when the eagles won againt lexton this year they played some really good football and then against navarre when they lost by 7 points they also played some very good footy! So maybe when they get a winning feeling every few weeks they would pull together and play some great football!!

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There is talk of a few teams coming into the league next year like SMW Rovers and co.

The mail out Lexton way isn't that promising for 2009. Natte is one that I am not sold on either.

2 stage CHFL would be a great idea. I couldn't support it enough.

The bagging out of JMac has been there since last year and that was all CL supporters. Going to Rokewood added Natte to the list. The CL guys I can understand. It's footy and there's always rivalries. I think he has taken the mantle from Ross Waters this year though.

Natte is a complex one. As stated in a previous post, they struggled before he went to Natte and they struggled after he left. They had 3 years of relatively successful years for the club whilst he was there. I haven't seen a team be so reliant on one player as they were in 2006. So how they want to portray him is their problem.
SMW ROVERS arnt cuming into our league in the next couple of years. They wrote a letter and had a meeting with LPFL and although they are leaning to our league in future, def the next year and year after they have said no......
SMW ROVERS arnt cuming into our league in the next couple of years. They wrote a letter and had a meeting with LPFL and although they are leaning to our league in future, def the next year and year after they have said no......

What about tatyoon and lismore are they interested in coming in or not
I'm not buying it mate. Natte and Rokewood have had poor finals showings of recent history under Mortlock and Blackford respectively.

Seeing choking is the word of the fortnight I would suggest that the 2006 Swans were as good an example as any. A quick VCFL check has them beating Skipton during the season, sneaking over CL in the Qualifying final at Lexton only to go down to Skipton by 7 goals in the 2nd semi and then cop a 74 point smacking from the Saints in the prelim. That is an extraordinary turn of events in a matter of weeks.

I personally don't think Natte has the will to win big games. They seemed happy for their 3 years of finals appearances. Rokewood have proven to find winning big games even more difficult as the Chokewood tag has been around for a long time. Last years qualifying and 1st semi are prime examples and we all know their previous history.

All that being said, calling Skipton, Rokewood and Natte chokers is probably not so accurate as it undermines what have been great efforts by one of the more successful clubs in country Vic in CL.

I usually agree with most of your posts Biff but I guess we will disagree on this. Highlighting the 2006 Swans finals campaign strenghtens your point for Natte already being chokers but Jmacs coaching only won them one more game and it wasn't the big one. Comparing that side to Rokewood this year is difficult cos the 2006 Natte side weren't undefeated all year either. And whilst there was a history of losing big games as Rokewood prior to Jmac arriving, he wasn't able to help fix the problem there either.
To say he can't coach would be a bit off the mark but when a bloke leaves a club and quotes the reason "so I can win a flag", it is expected that there will be some backlash when he stumbles on the big stage again.

Natte did fall away this year but for people to say its as a result of Jmac leaving is a very ill informed assesment. And the Rokewood side this year is arguably stronger than prervious years with the obvious inclusion of Jmac himself.
To play and coach is a tough gig and credit to those who throw their hat in the ring. But eventually you need to produce or the whacks people take get harder and harder. It seems that the better sort of bloke you are means it takes longer before people want to take a shot at you! (and vece-versa)!!
And all this takes nothing away from C/L. I have openly ackowledged their ability to perform when it matters and regardless of the result this week, they have once again proved their strength as a club.
I usually agree with most of your posts Biff but I guess we will disagree on this. Highlighting the 2006 Swans finals campaign strenghtens your point for Natte already being chokers but Jmacs coaching only won them one more game and it wasn't the big one. Comparing that side to Rokewood this year is difficult cos the 2006 Natte side weren't undefeated all year either. And whilst there was a history of losing big games as Rokewood prior to Jmac arriving, he wasn't able to help fix the problem there either.
To say he can't coach would be a bit off the mark but when a bloke leaves a club and quotes the reason "so I can win a flag", it is expected that there will be some backlash when he stumbles on the big stage again.

Natte did fall away this year but for people to say its as a result of Jmac leaving is a very ill informed assesment. And the Rokewood side this year is arguably stronger than prervious years with the obvious inclusion of Jmac himself.
To play and coach is a tough gig and credit to those who throw their hat in the ring. But eventually you need to produce or the whacks people take get harder and harder. It seems that the better sort of bloke you are means it takes longer before people want to take a shot at you! (and vece-versa)!!
And all this takes nothing away from C/L. I have openly ackowledged their ability to perform when it matters and regardless of the result this week, they have once again proved their strength as a club.

I'm a bit over the topic actually and this isn't a shot at you sampson. It's Grand final eve and JMac is still the talking point.

Whatever happened in him leaving Natte is something that just something that happens in footy. Natte needs to deal with it and focus on the more important tasks like making the 5 next year. I wish them well but they have a huge task ahead of them next year.

Time to move on. (Not talking about Leagues there)
Natte did fall away this year but for people to say its as a result of Jmac leaving is a very ill informed assesment.

Sampson you suggested that Natte fell away in 2008; it was more like Natte fell off a cliff. How about giving a real insight into why the team performed so badly and put the focus on the current personnel and stop attacking those who weren’t there.

Natte was the losing GF side in both seniors and reserves in 2007.
In 2008 - 3 wins seniors and 1 win reserves - No team in LPFL history has slumped like Natte.

Have a look at the playing squad - 21 players have played finals in the past 3 years Andrews, Berlunds x 2 , Booker, Brady, Bucknall, Burns, Cameron, Evans, S.Jardine, Long, McClelland, B. Mortlock, S. Mortlock, K. Mortlock, Quinn, A& N & S Ross, Steinkellner, Weir. Natte recruited the following C. Jardine (Castlemaine Captain) , McMaster AFL listed (Nepean FL), T. Field (Avoca star), D. Smyth (Mornington), Dunderdale (Southern FL), Menz (CHFL), DeBono (Riddle League), Scott (Wimmera).

Jardine, McMaster, Field are all quality players and were expected to cover the losses from last year. Steve Ross won the league Best and Fairest and so clearly the problem is deeper.

As I have said in my previous posts when are the 5 bottom sides going to start to be accountable for their poor performances and stop being jealous of the top 3 sides. How about an honest assessment of where Natte is and not an attack on a former player which is an easy copout.
once again skipton and rokewood the home and away specialists, u dont win premierships in june boys haha looks like Carngham have done it again setpember experts seniors and reserves, :D:D:D
Breakfast you seem to have a fair grasp of the personnel at Natte judging by your detailed assesment of the list!
I proposed reasons months back why the "northern clubs" find it difficult to maintain pace with the sides closer to Ballarat. And thats not to detract from those clubs producing quality sides. But without going over it all again the basic message is that being small towns far from major centres makes it hard to attract and maintain players for extended periods. These clubs pay players and then are accused of buying premierships or they don't recruit and then are told they aren't up to it. Bit of a no win situation!
In regards to Natte, from the games I saw and what I've heard Jardine had a very good year, Field was servicable for a bloke of 40 odd and McMaster missed the second half with a knee. Hard to expect 3 to fill the void left by so many. Maybe a lot left because Jmac did!? Hard to say. But ultimately they had no depth and that leads to no success.

On another note,well done to the boys at C/L.
Too good again when it mattered. Skipton were a bit stiff judging by the scores but C/L always seem to find a way to win!
Breakfast you seem to have a fair grasp of the personnel at Natte judging by your detailed assesment of the list!
I proposed reasons months back why the "northern clubs" find it difficult to maintain pace with the sides closer to Ballarat. And thats not to detract from those clubs producing quality sides. But without going over it all again the basic message is that being small towns far from major centres makes it hard to attract and maintain players for extended periods. These clubs pay players and then are accused of buying premierships or they don't recruit and then are told they aren't up to it. Bit of a no win situation!
In regards to Natte, from the games I saw and what I've heard Jardine had a very good year, Field was servicable for a bloke of 40 odd and McMaster missed the second half with a knee. Hard to expect 3 to fill the void left by so many. Maybe a lot left because Jmac did!? Hard to say. But ultimately they had no depth and that leads to no success.

On another note,well done to the boys at C/L.
Too good again when it mattered. Skipton were a bit stiff judging by the scores but C/L always seem to find a way to win!

Natte and Navarre are in a tough spot recruiting wise. It's a long way from Ballarat and the district league requires so little travel so their pull out of Maryborough is small. Natte get a high portion of their recruits from Ballarat have stuck to their guns and stayed in the LPFL and that is full credit to them for not looking to change leagues.

With Carngham-Linton chalking up another flag it shows the LPFL hasn't proven to be much fun for the Lexton League teams. Marnoo and Landsborough folded. Avoca has made the move into the MCDFL, as Dunolly did via Loddon Valley and from what I hear Lexton are a bit of a 'watch this space' for 2009.
Natte and Navarre are in a tough spot recruiting wise. It's a long way from Ballarat and the district league requires so little travel so their pull out of Maryborough is small. Natte get a high portion of their recruits from Ballarat have stuck to their guns and stayed in the LPFL and that is full credit to them for not looking to change leagues.

With Carngham-Linton chalking up another flag it shows the LPFL hasn't proven to be much fun for the Lexton League teams. Marnoo and Landsborough folded. Avoca has made the move into the MCDFL, as Dunolly did via Loddon Valley and from what I hear Lexton are a bit of a 'watch this space' for 2009.
Really? That would be a surprise-to head to MCDFL?

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Sampson you suggested that Natte fell away in 2008; it was more like Natte fell off a cliff. How about giving a real insight into why the team performed so badly and put the focus on the current personnel and stop attacking those who weren’t there.

Natte was the losing GF side in both seniors and reserves in 2007.
In 2008 - 3 wins seniors and 1 win reserves - No team in LPFL history has slumped like Natte.

Have a look at the playing squad - 21 players have played finals in the past 3 years Andrews, Berlunds x 2 , Booker, Brady, Bucknall, Burns, Cameron, Evans, S.Jardine, Long, McClelland, B. Mortlock, S. Mortlock, K. Mortlock, Quinn, A& N & S Ross, Steinkellner, Weir. Natte recruited the following C. Jardine (Castlemaine Captain) , McMaster AFL listed (Nepean FL), T. Field (Avoca star), D. Smyth (Mornington), Dunderdale (Southern FL), Menz (CHFL), DeBono (Riddle League), Scott (Wimmera).

Jardine, McMaster, Field are all quality players and were expected to cover the losses from last year. Steve Ross won the league Best and Fairest and so clearly the problem is deeper.

As I have said in my previous posts when are the 5 bottom sides going to start to be accountable for their poor performances and stop being jealous of the top 3 sides. How about an honest assessment of where Natte is and not an attack on a former player which is an easy copout.

well said, the only way that teams like this will ever improve is if they take responsabilty and get on with it. sure jmac leaving would've left a hole but thats something that happens in footy everywhere and sometimes is jus an easy excuse....

im not saying that all the natte people have been saying that jmac is the reason but going by this thread a lot of people have said that.

i also think that jmac hould commit to a club through the hard times and not just bail when things get hard or if success isnt there. we all know that success is better when you have to work hard for it!!
once again skipton and rokewood the home and away specialists, u dont win premierships in june boys haha looks like Carngham have done it again setpember experts seniors and reserves, :D:D:D

corret.. not knocking skipton as they hav done well to make it to the grand final after not being rated by a lot of people..

its going to be hard for rokewood to shake its "choking" culture, and its going to take a pretty handy leader to bring themm out of these dark years.

And as for carngham, they speak for themselves, a great club that speaks when it all matters. to some extent i feel sorry for skipton and rokewood because for a long time now they will know that they cant shake carngham in the finals without a stellar performance.
well said, the only way that teams like this will ever improve is if they take responsabilty and get on with it. sure jmac leaving would've left a hole but thats something that happens in footy everywhere and sometimes is jus an easy excuse....

im not saying that all the natte people have been saying that jmac is the reason but going by this thread a lot of people have said that.

i also think that jmac hould commit to a club through the hard times and not just bail when things get hard or if success isnt there. we all know that success is better when you have to work hard for it!!

J-Mac's services were not required at Natte for this year. This walking out on the club thing has not been 100% accurate. He got the mail early that they wanted him to step aside for Ian Martin. He made it easy for them by not applying for the role, they didn't get Prickles and you know how the rest of the year pans out.

As posted in here by somebody previously. 3 teams went through coaches leaving during the preseason and one of them holds the cup. Surely this issue is done and dusted.
J-Mac's services were not required at Natte for this year. This walking out on the club thing has not been 100% accurate. He got the mail early that they wanted him to step aside for Ian Martin. He made it easy for them by not applying for the role, they didn't get Prickles and you know how the rest of the year pans out.

As posted in here by somebody previously. 3 teams went through coaches leaving during the preseason and one of them holds the cup. Surely this issue is done and dusted.

i can agree witht hat post to an extent, but even if his coaching services were not needed, he couldve stayed as just a player or an assistant. (thats if he was there for the club and not himself)

and if he was that keen on coaching why would he go to rokewood, obviously for a premiership and not for the 'love of the club'.... you will all agree that a justin porter or tim mckay wouldn go down to rokewood or someone like that if things got tough.

and also, jason hill form carngham was joint coach with porter and left not long before the season. i know he had porter there to hold things steady but surely that wouldve ruffled a few feather in the carngham camp??
i can agree witht hat post to an extent, but even if his coaching services were not needed, he couldve stayed as just a player or an assistant. (thats if he was there for the club and not himself)

and if he was that keen on coaching why would he go to rokewood, obviously for a premiership and not for the 'love of the club'.... you will all agree that a justin porter or tim mckay wouldn go down to rokewood or someone like that if things got tough.

and also, jason hill form carngham was joint coach with porter and left not long before the season. i know he had porter there to hold things steady but surely that wouldve ruffled a few feather in the carngham camp??

It's very hard for a coach to stay on as a player and it can also be very hard for the incoming coach if the previous coach is there. Derek Filo has coached 3 teams in the Bendigo League and most people can deal with that. Not putting them in the same category of coaching status obviously but the rivalries in the Bendigo League are far from the intensity you see in the LPFL.
It's very hard for a coach to stay on as a player and it can also be very hard for the incoming coach if the previous coach is there. Derek Filo has coached 3 teams in the Bendigo League and most people can deal with that. Not putting them in the same category of coaching status obviously but the rivalries in the Bendigo League are far from the intensity you see in the LPFL.

i bet it would be harder to coach a club like natte the turn around and go to a club like rokewood the next year who are in the same league. if i played for rokewood this year, the fact that jmac wouldnt've had the passion for the club because he coach another club in the same league wouldve been sittin in the back of my head..
i bet it would be harder to coach a club like natte the turn around and go to a club like rokewood the next year who are in the same league. if i played for rokewood this year, the fact that jmac wouldnt've had the passion for the club because he coach another club in the same league wouldve been sittin in the back of my head..

They are concerns that people would have regardless of the previous club. How did Keam get passion for Carngham? He was playing for someone else last year. I would say that he was very keen to succeed in this league and especially against his old team. Obviously they didn't get the success they were after but it was a harder road for him to travel than had he taken the offer and returned to his home club in Dunolly.

How did the Carngham 2's cope with Grenfell coaching?
How did the Carngham 2's cope with Grenfell coaching?[/quote]

How? well let me teel u how they won premierships thats how. C/L culture is inbuilt and has never changed very successful club on and off the field. Chokewood for example is doing it tuff, how do they get out of this dark hole?, well they just grit there teeth and get on with it thats how. Put there best foot forward stick together and carry on regardless. Is Jmac coaching Dunolly next year or Chokewood?
How? well let me teel u how they won premierships thats how. C/L culture is inbuilt and has never changed very successful club on and off the field. Chokewood for example is doing it tuff, how do they get out of this dark hole?, well they just grit there teeth and get on with it thats how. Put there best foot forward stick together and carry on regardless. Is Jmac coaching Dunolly next year or Chokewood?

Dunolly is actively pursuing different coaches as we speak. There should be an add in the courier this weekend if anyone is interested. :) Maybe bring some of that C/L culture into the MCDFL.
They are concerns that people would have regardless of the previous club. How did Keam get passion for Carngham? He was playing for someone else last year. I would say that he was very keen to succeed in this league and especially against his old team. Obviously they didn't get the success they were after but it was a harder road for him to travel than had he taken the offer and returned to his home club in Dunolly.

How did the Carngham 2's cope with Grenfell coaching?

yeh ok. keam came from a different league which doesn mean he has passion but i would sooner trust a person from dimboola where he came from than a person that come from a team in the same league. and i suppose he got passion from winning this yrs premiership :D
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