Lexton Plains Football League

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At least 2 of the 3 from C/L wont be playing i believe. and dont forget $1 from each gate taking will be donated to a breast cancer charity this week down at the C/L skipton game. So everyone try and get down and support a good cause. While im at it well done to both the teams for supporting it as well
The draw says they play Lexton and Illabarook which is much easier than CL's.

CL had the hardest draw this year. Does anyone think that is coincidental?

Expect all 3 reportedly injured players to line up for CL this week. Ross Waters was supposed to have broken his hand, tore his ACL and the list goes on. The rumour mill is working overtime at CL.
was at the game osb and the way ladiges and porter were walking afterward it would be a huge effort for them to play, they couldnt be fit if they do and only 2 games left why would they, the other bloke might play someone posted earlier that his wasnt as bad

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Has the Navarre cheque book taken a hammering this yera or what. I see perenial oxygen theif and minor league cash grabber Zane Bigmore is coaching there this year. How is he going?

Interesting assessment there champ! I know pup quite well, as for form this year only played 5 games due to knee reco. Noticed on previous threads don't mind mouthing off about people and clubs! Interesting to know where your facts come from about money as its his junior club that he went back to. If anything Navarre don't pay out much money like other clubs do, they rely on loyalty!
Be intersting to know your credentials joker!
Yesterdays hero is a well known NCFL representitive. Over the years, he has represented NCFL 4 times at interleague level, getting in the top 5 a total of 2 times... one time kicking quite a bag... Is quite the ambassador.... and knows a cheque bandit when he see's one
And as for Navarre, they snipe those that are "fringe" players at surrounding towns...(Stawell and St Arnaud primarily) with a little travel money, and rely on them bringing mates the following years...
Has the Navarre cheque book taken a hammering this yera or what. I see perenial oxygen theif and minor league cash grabber Zane Bigmore is coaching there this year. How is he going?

A bit harsh on the kid. He knocked back more money to play at St A this year than what he got at Navarre. He has a season ending injury that you dont like to see, and his side is not competetive, not a good year. Add that to the fact he has 2 pies for smoko every morning and has put on 15 kg's since his reco, his having a bad trot.
Good Luck Zano:thumbsu:
Heard a whisper that S.M.W Rovers and Lismore/Derrinalum from the M.D.F.L have held discussions about joining the league. Any confirmation or thoughts from any one?
Heard a whisper that S.M.W Rovers and Lismore/Derrinalum from the M.D.F.L have held discussions about joining the league. Any confirmation or thoughts from any one?
I have also heard that rumour, I also believe that other clubs closer to Warrnambool are considering a move, It might be time for a restructure of the MDFL and LPFL?.
Your right there they have had a tough draw i think they got that draw cause nobody likes them:D:D How does the fellow Natte go that played at Port Melb in the two's one would think he would carv it up in the Lexton Plains??

Wasn't much chop at all. A.Ross, Quinn, Berls and the Robinson brothers were very impressive for Natte.

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I to have heard this rumour it would also be a pleasure to see Tatyoon and Wickliffe / Lake Bolac in such a move as well! Any thoughtson this.
The inclusion of these to teams would be benificial to the league for sure.It would create a more even comp and would still create a great atmosphere with the rivalry these teams share particulary around the ararat district,would also be benificial in that if natte go travel would be reduced and lets face it who likes to drive to that shit hole any way the only good thing about there ground is that it gives the kangaroos somewhere else to lie around in the summer and is great for growing pumpkins.
The inclusion of these to teams would be benificial to the league for sure.It would create a more even comp and would still create a great atmosphere with the rivalry these teams share particulary around the ararat district,would also be benificial in that if natte go travel would be reduced and lets face it who likes to drive to that shit hole any way the only good thing about there ground is that it gives the kangaroos somewhere else to lie around in the summer and is great for growing pumpkins.
Yes your right, ther best thing about the Natte ground is the drive home.
It is the third time an official has been involved in an incident with a player this year thou. But to Illabrooks credit, they still suspended him for the two games like what was posted on this thread a couple of weeks ago. So all up 4 games i guess is fair. He will be back for the finals, so he would be happy>
hey orion been keeping a close eye on the eagles scores over the last fortnight and it looks like there going to win there fist game for two years. really good work from all down there. good luck
And as for Navarre, they snipe those that are "fringe" players at surrounding towns...(Stawell and St Arnaud primarily) with a little travel money, and rely on them bringing mates the following years...

I don't know any club that doesn't try and attract players you idiot. Every club tries to lure any players whether there superstars or battlers in the hope that they may bring mates with them. As for trying to get them from St Arnaud or Stawell of course Navarre would try and recruit players from here aswell as Ballarat and Melbourne. On the subject about sniping players if the two local clubs Stawell and St Arnaud looked after there players properly then there wouldn't be an issue. MOR maybe you want to look further into your comment jack ass because there is a very long list of good players from St Arnaud area that don't play for the town!

PS. As for the cheque book Navarre would operate on half the funds that a lot of other clubs pay out!
What happened to CL yesterday? I had them pegged for a win.

I heard there was a guy taken to hospital yesterday from CL. Does anyone know what happened and how serious it was?
What happened to CL yesterday? I had them pegged for a win.

I heard there was a guy taken to hospital yesterday from CL. Does anyone know what happened and how serious it was?
I was watching and it didnt seem like there was anything in it he just didnt get up from a marking contest. Tried standing up but that was ugly looked in a fair bit of trouble. Rokewood miles ahead of skipton as well
I was watching and it didnt seem like there was anything in it he just didnt get up from a marking contest. Tried standing up but that was ugly looked in a fair bit of trouble. Rokewood miles ahead of skipton as well

Can we get a match report on the CL Skipton game?
Any reports? Or injurys?:confused:
What happened to CL yesterday? I had them pegged for a win.

I heard there was a guy taken to hospital yesterday from CL. Does anyone know what happened and how serious it was?
Yeh was at the game the player #43 was in a marking contest came down and landed on his head, tried to get up and when he tried he collapsed, looked pretty bad had blood down his face as he came past the the crowd adn from reports wasnt well in the rooms when the ambos were called, all the best to him and hopefully the young bloke is ok, as for the game was an even contest probably up untill the stretcher was called, then skipton ran away with it piling on about 8 goals, raynor from C/L and #16 from skipton both were reported and will most likely get weeks for the seperate incidents, i still wouldnt right C/L off yet but they have a fair bit of work to do before finals, does anyone who was also at the game have any thourghts???
I was watching and it didnt seem like there was anything in it he just didnt get up from a marking contest. Tried standing up but that was ugly looked in a fair bit of trouble. Rokewood miles ahead of skipton as well

On what basis would you say Rokewood are miles ahead of Skipton? Skipton have beaten them twice and they have put in some poor performances against teams like Lexton and other lower ranked sides.

You guys should beat them this weekend and I would expect Natte to beat them comfortably in the first week of finals. In fact I could see Rokewood going out in straight sets.

I just think they peaked a while back and are on the decline.
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