Long Live King Charles

Does King Charles make you more likley to support the republican movement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 51.0%
  • No

    Votes: 25 49.0%

  • Total voters

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Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.
Gillard and probably Pearson the only half decent options in that list. Should have replaced Keating with Xi as he just sprouts CCP propaganda these days (like many ex pollies who get CCP funded lobbying jobs)

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Change it to King's birthday. The weekend doesn't match any living monarch's birth date anyway
The AFL and the government will have to get together and agree on a date. I figure they will keep the status quo so the Queen's King's Birthday game can continue and the Melbourne followers who don't attend the game can drive up to the snow for the weekend.

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Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.
That's the thing. I cannot think of a single person who I would want as 'President of Australia' and I wouldn't want grubby politicians of either persuasion influencing the decision by putting up the candidates, or having the final say.
The only King Charles I like.

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So I ask, regardless of whether or not you support the monarchy or republic, does the reality of Charles being King influence you on your position?
No, I was strongly in favour of a Republic a week ago, and my views haven't got any more or less strong, because the likeability of the incumbent does not affect whether I think an institution as a whole is a good thing to preserve. If it did, then I'd be more focused on celebrity than the fundamental structure and values of our society.
Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.
What's wrong with Noel Pearson?

That's the thing. I cannot think of a single person who I would want as 'President of Australia' and I wouldn't want grubby politicians of either persuasion influencing the decision by putting up the candidates, or having the final say.
Tim Winton? Dr Karl Kruszelnicki? Mick Dodson? (if his brother being a Labor Senator isn't an issue)

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Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.
Option 9 random selection by ATO of someone holding a TFN
Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.


Hang on, just hear me out on this.
Mods - I'd like to suggest a new poll topic. "In the event that Australia becomes a republic, who would you choose as President?"

1. James Packer
2. Greg Norman
3. Scott Morrison/John Howard/Tony Abbott
4. Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard/Paul Keating
5. Alan Joyce
6. Eddie McGuire
7. Noel Pearson
8. On second thoughts Charles isn't such a divisive head of state after all.
Warnie :(.
What's wrong with Noel Pearson?

Tim Winton? Dr Karl Kruszelnicki? Mick Dodson? (if his brother being a Labor Senator isn't an issue)
I think Noel would be a great pick - better than all the others I mentioned. But I suspect that he'd have buckleys of getting up and a third of the country would be up in arms if he did.

Of course there's plenty of good candidates but I don't trust the public or the pollies to pick them.
Queen Elizabeth II was generally beloved. She was probably the greatest barrier for the republican movement, as although she is not without controversy or even scandal, she was generally loved and trusted, and was as steady a hand anyone could ask to be a head of state.

Regardless, that era is over. Charles is now the monarch. A much less popular, even reviled figure. Given the timing of the GG's office being stained by colluding with Morrison to keep his extraordinary ministry appointments secret, I do wonder if now is the time a republic can gain the political momentum to succeed.

So I ask, regardless of whether or not you support the monarchy or republic, does the reality of Charles being King influence you on your position?
Makes no difference to me. Whether his mother, himself or his son William is head of their Royal family it clearly well outdated that any of them be head of state for our country here.

Actually watched a few minutes clip of GG proclaiming Charles King of Australia and some woman singing God save the King and just feels so outdated in the year 2022.
The idiots that voted in 2000 to keep this as head of state should be deported to live in the tower of London for the rest of their days.
I think Noel would be a great pick - better than all the others I mentioned. But I suspect that he'd have buckleys of getting up and a third of the country would be up in arms if he did.
Could you please explain why? Is it due to race, or another reason?

Of course there's plenty of good candidates but I don't trust the public or the pollies to pick them.
What are your thoughts on the current system where the PM picks the Governor General?

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