Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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He has done multiple rapes, exposed himself repeatedly, molested children but never killed. The crime he was sent away for previously was sexual assault of young girl who was daughter of his girlfriend.. He groomed to allow him access to take the child alone to a park and molested her......had the opportunity to also kill but didn't. If you look at studies of child killers the link is sociopathy, psychopathy AND a pattern history of previous child killings ie the killer is most likely to kill again. He is cruel and sadistic yes but it's limited to power/ control of mostly women. Violence with adults not children. He is sexually fixated on minor girls but hasn't killed any that has been attributed to him..I mentioned Inge Gehrinke because that's the only girl he has been linked to as perp and likely murdered..the only thing that links him is that he lived 70 Klm away at the time but there is another perp more likely for this crime. I don't believe he was involved. I don't believe he kills

He dresses in total black and face covered. If he abducted a 4 yo and molested her with her as only witness, not then on their register he likely would just let the child go and escape detection. He wasnt on the radar for sex crimes..

Below is a copy of a letter available on the internet that was allegedly sent to Operation Grange by a retired UK police superintendant..it is self explanatory

May we assume you are aware of the recently published book in Portuguese and English :-
The Sudden Impulse, by Bernt Stellander, available from the publishers
Modocromia, [email: modocromia.editora@gmail.com]
in which he details an operation he conducted over many years, finding the site of Madeleine’s grave and CRUCIALLY, filming the McCanns and their friends visiting it to check on several occasions, when he had anonymously alerted them to the possibility that it had been found.
That film will shortly be released on websites set up for the purpose.

The press in Germany and elsewhere has run the story of the launch of the book, and of the Q&A session afterwards.
The British Press has of course not referred to it even obliquely, in line with the very obvious gagging order which has clearly been in place for a long time, and which may even control your activity.
Whether you are permitted to “investigate” is unclear.

I do not need to point out that this information is in line with the PJ’s investigation and the decisions of the Appeal and the Supreme Courts of Portugal and the ECHR,- who all concluded that there was no abduction, and that the parents concealed the body, but I do so, in order that when I receive your automatically generated acknowledgement it will be clear that the information was in your hands for any future FIO requests about the way in which the Operation has been directed.

It incidentally makes the “Fund” a very simple case of Fraud, an offence known to English Law, and committed in England.

You may wish to draw this to the attention of your Commanding Officer.

Yours sincerely
Peter MacLeod
retired Police Superintendent - Nottingham 1972-2000
[my name will be in your files as having sent large amounts of documentation over the years]"

The purpose is to demonstrate that many within LE have been disenchanted with the remit investigative restriction of Operation Grange to only investigate adductors not the facts and evidence and where it may lead. Some even turned down the offer to lead the Operation because it was so restricted and in their view contrary to sound investigative practices.

I take Peter's point about potential criminal fraud regarding the Maddie fund. I've posted previously that, at the least, that because monies were intentionally directed away from their intended purpose .....to locate Maddie and instead dedicated to legal action and mortgage payments (admitted by McCann representatives) that there is a case of fraudulent misrepresentation giving a right for action in tort for damages as class action.

I attach an article about the retired superintendant and aspects of the case in particular feasibility of the window as access /exit point

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Below is a copy of a letter available on the internet that was allegedly sent to Operation Grange by a retired UK police superintendant..it is self explanatory

May we assume you are aware of the recently published book in Portuguese and English :-
The Sudden Impulse, by Bernt Stellander, available from the publishers
Modocromia, [email: modocromia.editora@gmail.com]
in which he details an operation he conducted over many years, finding the site of Madeleine’s grave and CRUCIALLY, filming the McCanns and their friends visiting it to check on several occasions, when he had anonymously alerted them to the possibility that it had been found.
That film will shortly be released on websites set up for the purpose.

The press in Germany and elsewhere has run the story of the launch of the book, and of the Q&A session afterwards.
The British Press has of course not referred to it even obliquely, in line with the very obvious gagging order which has clearly been in place for a long time, and which may even control your activity.
Whether you are permitted to “investigate” is unclear.

I do not need to point out that this information is in line with the PJ’s investigation and the decisions of the Appeal and the Supreme Courts of Portugal and the ECHR,- who all concluded that there was no abduction, and that the parents concealed the body, but I do so, in order that when I receive your automatically generated acknowledgement it will be clear that the information was in your hands for any future FIO requests about the way in which the Operation has been directed.

It incidentally makes the “Fund” a very simple case of Fraud, an offence known to English Law, and committed in England.

You may wish to draw this to the attention of your Commanding Officer.

Yours sincerely
Peter MacLeod
retired Police Superintendent - Nottingham 1972-2000
[my name will be in your files as having sent large amounts of documentation over the years]"

The purpose is to demonstrate that many within LE have been disenchanted with the remit investigative restriction of Operation Grange to only investigate adductors not the facts and evidence and where it may lead. Some even turned down the offer to lead the Operation because it was so restricted and in their view contrary to sound investigative practices.

I take Peter's point about potential criminal fraud regarding the Maddie fund. I've posted previously that, at the least, that because monies were intentionally directed away from their intended purpose .....to locate Maddie and instead dedicated to legal action and mortgage payments (admitted by McCann representatives) that there is a case of fraudulent misrepresentation giving a right for action in tort for damages as class action.

I attach an article about the retired superintendant and aspects of the case in particular feasibility of the window as access /exit point

When is this letter dated? I ask because the article is 5 years old...
What's the significance of that letter? I thought they hadn't found Maddie's grave. I'm confused.

According to the letter, they've not only found it but filmed the McCanns visiting it.
Wonder why this hasn't hit mainstream media? Must be a conspiracy!
According to the letter, they've not only found it but filmed the McCanns visiting it.
Wonder why this hasn't hit mainstream media? Must be a conspiracy!

85 % of all in the video Ive provided here recently, is covered by me previously in this thread. There have been major anomalies that can't be easily explained. Yet no one wants to look listen read and test either. Closed minds sadly.

Is it a grave OR a shrine? We don't know. Even IF they visited it's not necessarily incriminating unless it is a grave. Time will tell. It is a fantastic claim without proof at this point.

It's not received attention imo because people have reached saturation ages ago and are black and white where they stand..so not interested in revisiting the decision they've already made. I've posted all this information here and had nil response other than ridicule. I don't care about conspiracies and I know how to analyse data/ information.

I've approached publisher to get a copy of book....and like everything with this case will critique it too, good or bad.
What's the significance of that letter? I thought they hadn't found Maddie's grave. I'm confused.

The video of them visiting is yet to be released but is claimed they and friends visited. I've watched the intro video which I've posted here. ...and believe it to be the best accumulation of evidence yet. The letter I located and posted to show that people of his ilk are taking it seriously. Credence .

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Pfft... So this Bernt Stellander (aka the foreign detective) claims to have the proof of a cover up by the McCann's and friends but has failed to hand the evidence over to any of the Police Forces working this case. The wise thing to do would be to give it to all 3 of em unless he is also claiming that Scotland Yard, the PJ and the BKA are all conspiring to frame CB..........oh wait.......there is a book launch involved.......... and a quick plug for BS's podcast and lets quickly mention Peter MacLeod's Spanish B&B.

Is it a coincidence that the book launch date was 2nd May? That date he claims MM died?

Is there a connection between Bernt Stellander and Friedrich Fülscher? Some on social media think so, perhaps they should write a book???
Pfft... So this Bernt Stellander (aka the foreign detective) claims to have the proof of a cover up by the McCann's and friends but has failed to hand the evidence over to any of the Police Forces working this case. The wise thing to do would be to give it to all 3 of em unless he is also claiming that Scotland Yard, the PJ and the BKA are all conspiring to frame CB..........oh wait.......there is a book launch involved.......... and a quick plug for BS's podcast and lets quickly mention Peter MacLeod's Spanish B&B.

Is it a coincidence that the book launch date was 2nd May? That date he claims MM died?

Is there a connection between Bernt Stellander and Friedrich Fülscher? Some on social media think so, perhaps they should write a book???

If you think it lacks veracity then dismiss it then.

Yeah if you recall Kate wrote a book too. They also created a fund to find Maddie and have used huge slabs of it to instead chase people legally and pay a few instalments of their mortgage.

Link between Berndt Stellander and Friedrich Fulscher? No sorry. What you need to understand is that Olive Press and Jon Clarke (the source) are critiqued as intentional PR press releases masquerading as journalistic articles to undermine the investigation and drive it in a direction. Read several articles last night outlining these accusations and based on what I know.... believe them. The public has been deceived from day one.

Either this BS guy Is just BS or there IS a grave there and the case may just finally be exposed. I guess we will see one way or another. I'm open minded.
What's the significance of that letter? I thought they hadn't found Maddie's grave. I'm confused.

The letter is an endorsement of his book.. there is a video linked at post 1759 which discusses the main points of the book. In it he hints he has video evidence of McCann and friends visiting a graveside on a remote area on a hill somewhere in PDL/ surrounds..on that grave are flowers , a love heart in pink and the letter M. That gravesite he says he located as a result of following clues over the years from McCann and analysing evidence..He placed a hidden camera there and captured McCann and friends attending the site. It may simply be a shrine or it may be the actual gravesite. We don't know

He is promoting that it is the actual gravesite but neither he or us know. I'm inclined to think it may be a publicity stunt to promote his book..that said, I've listened to the precis video and it is an extremely thorough analysis. He is reliant upon witness statement analysis and leakage from McCanns to go with his analysis of evidence/ statements, known facts from other analyses by others.

I believe there is a gravesite. At one point I think it was Kate's mum that was being interviewed and she made a cryptic comment that "the twins haven't been told where MM is". She quickly corrects herself once she realised she let slip ...":well, er they don't know where she is" the implication was clear that there was a grave but twins weren't told nor have visited.
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I read somewhere that this was the 2nd site he claimed to be a grave. The 1st was dug up by the PJ evidently and nothing was found.

"the twins haven't been told where MM is" as in, in heaven (deceased)?

If it's Olive Press I suggest you ignore it. He is a mouthpiece. If not please post.

There are lots of ways you could take that BUT she acted guilty when she corrected. She seemed to think it was something she shouldn't have said which is inconsistent with what you suggest

Massive difference. I told you what it meant by the person making the comment ....ME and you instead chose your own interpretation. Ie you knew better what i thought/ felt. Utter ignorance and disrespect

In this case we are left to interpret ourselves what was meant.....and in that case context matters as does behavioural inflections which were present
If it's Olive Press I suggest you ignore it. He is a mouthpiece. If not please post.

There are lots of ways you could take that BUT she acted guilty when she corrected. She seemed to think it was something she shouldn't have said which is inconsistent with what you suggest
i am still looking for the site that said it was the 2nd sight, I just came across this though that claims the site he claims is a grave in the book was previous dug up and found nothing.....yet.
"He also reportedly says in his book where Maddie’s body is buried, approximately. He has reportedly already dug there but has not yet found anything."


Here is a link to the Peter Macleod alleged letter, on another Peter Mac website, but lacks the email header and a date on the letter but has that info for a reply from operation grange without any way of linking the reply to that letter.
(i find that odd coming from an ex cop.)


and here is another PeterMac site where you can peruse excerpts from the book...


Not sure what you mean by olive press being a mouthpiece, don't even know who they are, but i assume you mean it spreads a different version of what happened to the MULTITUDE of replica PeterMac sites out there promoting this book.

That is an old online marketing trick that, mainly for MLM businesses, where you create dozens of the same or similar websites to promote whatever it is your promoting in the hope to catch a wider market audience.
i am still looking for the site that said it was the 2nd sight, I just came across this though that claims the site he claims is a grave in the book was previous dug up and found nothing.....yet.
"He also reportedly says in his book where Maddie’s body is buried, approximately. He has reportedly already dug there but has not yet found anything."


Here is a link to the Peter Macleod alleged letter, on another Peter Mac website, but lacks the email header and a date on the letter but has that info for a reply from operation grange without any way of linking the reply to that letter.
(i find that odd coming from an ex cop.)


and here is another PeterMac site where you can peruse excerpts from the book...


Not sure what you mean by olive press being a mouthpiece, don't even know who they are, but i assume you mean it spreads a different version of what happened to the MULTITUDE of replica PeterMac sites out there promoting this book.

That is an old online marketing trick that, mainly for MLM businesses, where you create dozens of the same or similar websites to promote whatever it is your promoting in the hope to catch a wider market audience.
i am still looking for the site that said it was the 2nd sight, I just came across this though that claims the site he claims is a grave in the book was previous dug up and found nothing.....yet.
"He also reportedly says in his book where Maddie’s body is buried, approximately. He has reportedly already dug there but has not yet found anything."


Here is a link to the Peter Macleod alleged letter, on another Peter Mac website, but lacks the email header and a date on the letter but has that info for a reply from operation grange without any way of linking the reply to that letter.
(i find that odd coming from an ex cop.)


and here is another PeterMac site where you can peruse excerpts from the book...


Not sure what you mean by olive press being a mouthpiece, don't even know who they are, but i assume you mean it spreads a different version of what happened to the MULTITUDE of replica PeterMac sites out there promoting this book.

That is an old online marketing trick that, mainly for MLM businesses, where you create dozens of the same or similar websites to promote whatever it is your promoting in the hope to catch a wider market audience.

I have little doubt Peter Mac is being used to both endorse the book, use him as a promotion tool, and to legitimise the claims because it's supported by ex High level cop.

Even if all the claims are true that doesn't make the book immediately erroneous because they are. McCann supporters don't want to do the hard work to prove or disprove things. Instead they want to attack the messenger because it's easy. Most hard core anti McCann journalists have speculated of location of gravesite.

Jon Clarke and Olive Press have a reputation, not a good one. I'll leave it at that..

Many McCann investigators have developed theories as to where the gravesite may be. Pat Brown for instance says possibly Budens. BS takes it further and says IT is the actual site. This has a Michael Usher feel about it. The dig blew up in his face
I have little doubt Peter Mac is being used to both endorse the book, use him as a promotion tool, and to legitimise the claims because it's supported by ex High level cop.
How many High Level Cops disagree with it? Would just one be enough to invalidate the claims?

Yes PeterMac is on the books (pardon the pun) with this one, that is obvious. I still question why that alleged letter has no date on it. Someone might leave the date off because it was written long before it was used.

Unless we see these videos, or is it photos? (From his book review site - "The photos are not included in the book, but are promised on two websites, which are under construction") then to me this is like a movie based on true events... anyways time will tell.
How many High Level Cops disagree with it? Would just one be enough to invalidate the claims?

Yes PeterMac is on the books (pardon the pun) with this one, that is obvious. I still question why that alleged letter has no date on it. Someone might leave the date off because it was written long before it was used.

Unless we see these videos, or is it photos? (From his book review site - "The photos are not included in the book, but are promised on two websites, which are under construction") then to me this is like a movie based on true events... anyways time will tell.

It was dated 6th May

Police within Operation Grange itself had concerns . why? Because in 2013 there was a media article release from police in which they stated that

"They suspect the abductor took a blue sports bag from the unit the night of abduction".

Most people conclude that supports an abduction. No it doesn't. The truth was GM had said he never owned a blue bag. So what the police were saying was they dispute it's existence contrary to GM. They were obliged to link it to an abduction comment because otherwise they would be outside their remit of Operation Grange .The corollary to that is why would they dispute it with GM if they thought he was honest? So the article was directly questioning GM honesty.
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