Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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Sounds like there might be a few victims in there, hopefully closure for any other families missing loved ones.

Yes unfortunately and which is why Germany is taking their time.

When people complain in resentment that all the focus and money goes in to finding Madeleine for Kate and Gerry, I've said many times that it's really not all about finding Madeleine.
Yes unfortunately and which is why Germany is taking their time.

When people complain in resentment that all the focus and money goes in to finding Madeleine for Kate and Gerry, I've said many times that it's really not all about finding Madeleine.

You really need to look more closely where the money has been spent. Mostly it's been wasted on investigators that didn't investigate and legal costs to close down anything that resemble a threat to McCanns. There are some very good investigative videos dealing with the shambles in this way. Perturbing.

As far as operation Grange is concerned, the investigation was severely hampered and became useless because the remit was to ONLY investigate a mysterious abductor not the facts of the crime. You should never start an investigation of a crime limiting yourself by assumptions

Massive amount of money wasted and not much to show for it.

German prosecutors now released that there are emails linking CB to Maddie. I thought as much. Is it Maddie though? Or is it an email with human traffickers offering to provide a child that loosely may be thought to be Maddie?? Big difference. Then a reference to what might be on a hard drive. We know that isn't a photo of CB with Maddie dead because CW told us it wasn't. Is it a photo of Maddie? If so can it be proven that the photo is created by CB after the abduction? Unless that occurs it lacks strength as evidence.

It disturbs me that the German law says they aren't permitted to discuss the case against CB BUT that is all CW ever does. At what point, if not already, does it become prejudicial and ruin whatever case they do have. Imo CW seemingly is playing his cards now in the hope to generate a lead ......otherwise why prejudice the case?

If there is a photo of Maddie then it would be essential that CW meet with McCann's to prep them to verify the photo as being Maddie and not taken by them.......but we know he hasn't met them because he told us he hadn't. That of itself raises some serious questions about what really is going on here.
You really need to look more closely where the money has been spent. Mostly it's been wasted on investigators that didn't investigate and legal costs to close down anything that resemble a threat to McCanns. There are some very good investigative videos dealing with the shambles in this way. Perturbing.

I have looked at it, if it was some time ago. The McCanns used their fund to do investigations in Portugal and beyond and imo, they ran through it fast and were taken advantage of by unscrupulous private investigators. They were naive.

That's different to the money the British government has poured in to the official investigation which imo isn't all about Madeleine.

German prosecutors now released that there are emails linking CB to Maddie. I thought as much. Is it Maddie though? Or is it an email with human traffickers offering to provide a child that loosely may be thought to be Maddie?? Big difference. Then a reference to what might be on a hard drive. We know that isn't a photo of CB with Maddie dead because CW told us it wasn't. Is it a photo of Maddie? If so can it be proven that the photo is created by CB after the abduction? Unless that occurs it lacks strength as evidence.

We don't know what the emails are about, I'm not sure how anybody can 'I thought as much". Photos on the hard drive Brueckner buried may have images of Madeleine, as much as I hope there's not I suspect that there is.

It disturbs me that the German law says they aren't permitted to discuss the case against CB BUT that is all CW ever does. At what point, if not already, does it become prejudicial and ruin whatever case they do have. Imo CW seemingly is playing his cards now in the hope to generate a lead ......otherwise why prejudice the case?

Far as I know, German law doesn't prohibit Wolters from discussing the case, he's not permitted to discuss particulars of the evidence.

If there is a photo of Maddie then it would be essential that CW meet with McCann's to prep them to verify the photo as being Maddie avd not taken by them.......but we know he hasn't met them because he told us he hadn't. That of itself raises some serious questions about what really is going on here.

If Wolters can't discuss particulars of evidence, he can't discuss it all with the McCanns either. Why put himself in that position?

Kate and Gerry haven't been as active since Brueckner was officially named as a suspect. They may have accepted she's dead imo.

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I've been listening to an Attwood podcast where he interviews a journalist who's been covering this case and many others in Portugal.

He says he knows what the evidence is the Germans have found on Brueckner and it will absolutely see him convicted for the abduction, it may or may not be enough to convict for the murder of Madeleine.

The only thing I can think of is that it's an image taken of Madeleine after the abduction.
I've been listening to an Attwood podcast where he interviews a journalist who's been covering this case and many others in Portugal.

He says he knows what the evidence is the Germans have found on Brueckner and it will absolutely see him convicted for the abduction, it may or may not be enough to convict for the murder of Madeleine.

The only thing I can think of is that it's an image taken of Madeleine after the abduction.
Perhaps they found an item that belonged to MC (or the Mccanns) during one of the searches done on Brueckner's properties or even the reservoir? That would link him to the abduction without showing enough proof of him committing murder.

Wasn't there a missing sports bag?
Perhaps they found an item that belonged to MC (or the Mccanns) during one of the searches done on Brueckner's properties or even the reservoir? That would link him to the abduction without showing enough proof of him committing murder.

Wasn't there a missing sports bag?

I don't remember a sports bag but Brueckner has said it's not clothing. I'll go back later and listen again but iirc the context was what they found on Brueckner's portable hard drive.
Perhaps they found an item that belonged to MC (or the Mccanns) during one of the searches done on Brueckner's properties or even the reservoir? That would link him to the abduction without showing enough proof of him committing murder.

Wasn't there a missing sports bag?

Yes a blue sports bag that UK police had said in 2013 went missing that night purportedly taken by abductor but GM had refuted even existed. Odd that they would contradict GM about his own bag. The UK police had a theory I believe as to how and why bag went missing and it's importance to case but never had chance to offer detail as Operation Grange didn't allow. Of course police could ask the tennis coach whether GM owned such a bag.. probably did .

Attwood interview of Clarke Feb 24 was/is a waste of time. No investigative analysis whatsoever and Attwood made obvious he wasn't well across the facts even based on irrelevant questioning. Clarke meandered to discussion of useless leads. He says he knows what they have.......when CW isn't supposed to discuss evidence. I'm never convinced by anyone saying they know and never proving guilt with investigative analysis that then examines possibilities as Williams--Thomas has done.

If they had a photo of Maddie after abduction it would be essential that they interview the McCann's to gather further evidence that in their opinion the photo was truly Maddie......being the parents. Indeed if there was such a photo they'd have to meet McCann's to rule out it wasn't one they had that had found it's way onto internet. They haven't met

Still awaiting charges. Are we just forever going to accuse the guy, prejudice the case accordingly, and without charges or evidence? Pathetic. Prosecutorial misconduct.
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Yes a blue sports bag that UK police had said in 2013 went missing that night purportedly taken by abductor but GM had refuted even existed. Odd that they would contradict GM about his own bag. The UK police had a theory I believe as to how and why bag went missing and it's importance to case but never had chance to offer detail as Operation Grange didn't allow. Of course police could ask the tennis coach whether GM owned such a bag..

Attwood interview of Clarke Feb 24 was/is a waste of time. No investigative analysis whatsoever and Attwood made obvious he wasn't well across the facts even based on irrelevant questioning. Clarke meandered to discussion of useless leads. He says he knows what they have.......when CW isn't supposed to discuss evidence. I'm never convinced by anyone saying they know and never proving guilt with investigative analysis that then examines possibilities as Williams--Thomas has done.

If they had a photo of Maddie after abduction it would be essential that they interview the McCann's to gather further evidence that in their opinion the photo was truly Maddie......being the parents. Indeed if there was such a photo they'd have to meet McCann's to rule out it wasn't one they had that had found it's way onto internet. They haven't met

There is a photo of MM where she has make up on.....very sexualized for a very young girl imo. It does exist and is by McCann's. You wonder if CW hasn't eliminated photo evidence? source?....or happened upon such a sexualized photo of MM in possession of a pedophile and drew assumptions.

Still waiting charges. Are we just forever going to accuse the guy, prejudice the case accordingly, and without charges or evidence? Pathetic. Prosecutorial misconduct.

IMO if you're seeing a young child wearing make-up, and immediately thinking 'oh that's sexual' it says a lot about your attitude.

I'd guess that almost 100% of young girls have dived in to mum's makeup box and jewellery.

As far as I can tell, there's almost nothing that would convince you of the parents being innocent.

Extremely Interesting. Purportedly caught on secret cameras!!!! Well that either is proven or fails. Black and white there.That's a cat in amongst the pidgeons now. Of course it might just be an innocent shrine.

Personal perspective from my research. For 2nd to have happened there had to be collusion by multiple parties. That starts as highly fanciful and illogical and absurd which was where I started. It would have to include:

  • tapas 9
  • ocean club mgt
  • creche staff

and there would need to be a strong motivation yet to be revealed by all unrelated parties too. The more you dig and uncover clearly erroneous testimonies/timelines the more likely 2nd becomes. If K and G are on camera visiting a gravesite proven to be one, with the letter M, a heart and flowers ..........well, don't think CB did that.

There is a lot to unpack in this video. 800 page book. I think I'll have to buy and hopefully provide some $s for the author to help with the predictable legal response to come from McCann's and Carter Ruck.
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Discussion of cuddle cat as a clue regarding cadaver dog indication.


  • Cadaver dog indications 97% accurate
  • Eddie had over 200 uses and not one false indication
  • Cadaver scent usually requires about 90 minutes to arise and then be detectable
  • Transference/ contamination can happen where scent is transfered to another surface
  • The video clearly states that Eddie was tested to show he didn't indicate with animal meat products (butcher) as was offered as answer for car boot indication

There were two clear cases of transference in the case.

  • the handle to patio door would have occurred after someone who had come into contact with a cadaver then touched the door
  • the car keys to hire car ...once again after handling a cadaver.

What was cuddle cat indication? it could have been either, transference, or if a cadaver holds such a toy some 90 minutes after passing. Cuddle cat was washed by McCann's after her going missing. Despite that Eddie still indicated.

The fact that Eddie indicated both on unit 5A and in car hired 3 weeks later is strong support as to 97% confidence that a cadaver was in both places. If those indications that cross verify relate to MM as is highly likely then MM must have been deceased in unit 5A for at least 90 minutes prior to being moved and that the place of death was behind the sofa. Otherwise, not enough time for cadaverine.

What does that mean? It means that, given McCann's went to dinner at 8.30 and was a mere 3 minute walk that MM (if the scent was hers) must have been moved before 10pm. Given multiple witnesses have testified (Carpenter testimony being main one) that the alarm occurred at 9.20 approx then MM (if it was hers scent) MUST have been moved after 9.20..that makes it impossible to have occurred on the night of 3rd May. Not enough time for scent to arise. These facts and hypothesis on the back of them lends support to the claim of 2nd May as being time of death, however inconvenient that might be in other respects eg collusion.. That would then allow ample time for cadaverine to arise on clothing, cuddle cat, and in main bedroom as dog indications advocate.
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Discussion of cuddle cat as a clue regarding cadaver dog indication.


  • Cadaver dog indications 97% accurate
  • Eddie had over 200 uses and not one false indication
  • Cadaver scent usually requires about 90 minutes to arise and then be detectable
  • Transference/ contamination can happen where scent is transfered to another surface
  • The video clearly states that Eddie was tested to show he didn't indicate with animal meat products (butcher) as was offered as answer for car boot indication

There were two clear cases of transference in the case.

  • the handle to patio door would have occurred after someone who had come into contact with a cadaver then touched the door
  • the car keys to hire car ...once again after handling a cadaver.

What was cuddle cat indication? it could have been either, transference, or if a cadaver holds such a toy some 90 minutes after passing. Cuddle cat was washed by McCann's after her going missing. Despite that Eddie still indicated.

The fact that Eddie indicated both on unit 5A and in car hired 3 weeks later is strong support as to 97% confidence that a cadaver was in both places. If those indications that cross verify relate to MM as is highly likely then MM must have been deceased in unit 5A for at least 90 minutes prior to being moved and that the place of death was behind the sofa. Otherwise, not enough time for cadaverine.

What does that mean? It means that, given McCann's went to dinner at 8.30 and was a mere 3 minute walk that MM (if the scent was hers) must have been moved before 10pm. Given multiple witnesses have testified (Carpenter testimony being main one) that the alarm occurred at 9.20 approx then MM (if it was hers scent) MUST have been moved before 9.20..that makes it impossible to have occurred on the night of 3rd May. Not enough time for scent to arise. These facts and hypothesis on the back of them lends support to the claim of 2nd May as being time of death, however inconvenient that might be in other respects eg collusion.. That would then allow ample time for cadaverine to arise on clothing, cuddle cat, and in main bedroom as dog indications advocate.

I think this is junk ARB.
I think this is junk ARB.

Disagree. It has some useful information.

All of Pat Brown, Goncalo Amaral and Richard Hall to name several have each given credence to cadaver indications and for good reason. They are a highly accurate investigative tool the parameters of which are pretty consistent.

Cuddle Cat imo is important both because it has cadaver indication separately and was washed by McCann. It can either be direct connection or transference..if it was the latter and had been washed and held constantly by KM and in the sun as Kate did, the chance it was transference is less than alternative. If it was held by MM after she died it becomes pivotal both to where and when she passed.its also important because it fixes the time of death by analysis

If you want to say it's entirely unrelated/ irrelevant then it MUST be part of the 3% OR a different dead body. No other choice. The fact that both unit and car had separate indications on different timelines 3 weeks apart cross verifies the efficacy of the separate indications....links them effectively. Has to. You can't say it's certain but it is persuasive.

I know you take the view that if DNA checking fails to confirm the dog indications then they become worthless. But we have contaminated DNA at both locations so it's incorrect to dismiss them entirely especially if Eddie had a 100% record. They remain a useful investigative finding until positively proven wrong which hasn't happened.
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Disagree. It has some useful information.

All of Pat Brown, Goncalo Amaral and Richard Hall to name several have each given credence to cadaver indications and for good reason. They are a highly accurate investigative tool the parameters of which are pretty consistent.

Cuddle Cat imo is important both because it has cadaver indication separately and was washed by McCann. It can either be direct connection or transference..if it was the latter and had been washed and held constantly by KM and in the sun as Kate did, the chance it was transference is less than alternative. If it was held by MM after she died it becomes pivotal both to where and when she passed.

If you want to say it's entirely unrelated/ irrelevant then it MUST be part of the 3% OR a different dead body. No other choice. The fact that both unit and car had separate indications on different timelines 3 weeks apart cross verifies the efficacy of the separate indications....links them effectively. Has to. You can't say it's certain but it is persuasive.

I know you take the view that if DNA checking fails to confirm the dog indications then they become worthless. But we have contaminated DNA at both locations so it's incorrect to dismiss them entirely especially if Eddie had a 100% record. They remain a useful investigative finding until positively proven wrong which hasn't happened.

I wouldn't invest too much more energy in to this ARB or you're going to ultimately, be really disappointed.

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I wouldn't invest too much more energy in to this ARB or you're going to ultimately, be really disappointed.

Why? I don't fear evidence being provided to show what really happened.
Why would I? If my analysis can be faulted then I'll get to know why. I'm not
emotionally invested in an outcome. I analyze and postulate on the basis of
that analysis. Its always possible it can be wrong because we are dealing with uncertainties..

Information pertinent to CB evidence. There is an email account 'linked to MM case', and an email account allegedly used to exchange sex and child abuse material including videos and pictures. That account had had its inbox entirely deleted from Jan 2007.There was a story written about abuse/ torture of a captured woman and infant allegedly with CB as author retrieved on USB that was located when CB first had his property in Germany visited by police re the dead dog. There is an argument about admissibility as the author can't be determined and that the police didn't have a search warrant which is admitted.

I've previously spoken about him having an association with a human trafficker as argued in court , which I've identified as likely NF and a quasi girlfriend rather than a trafficker. Was she?

It seems to me that the prosecution is attempting to create a link to trafficking and are using leverage over NF and her alleged involvement in a $100,000 burglary that took place toward the end of 2007 in which CB was also allegedly involved. I surmise this approach is because the email exchange is with a trafficker.

Therefore I deduce that the 'link to MM murder' was an email exchange offering to capture a child for that purpose. It likely would have been before she went missing. Does it prove he did the abduction? No.

If he also has a photo of MM that can be proven is MM and was after she went missing then that is slam dunk. If they had a slam dunk CW wouldn't be awaiting charges you'd think. Maybe they wanted the body. We will see I guess. I formed the view about trafficking long ago. I can't recall what prompted that but it evolved from reading news content

If their admissibility rules mirror elsewhere as they seem to do it's possible that whatever was in the USB is inadmissible. Because of inquisitorial approach perhaps the judge doesn't need to make that decision immediately. Don't know.
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The following facts are relevant to CB from profiling perspective:

  • His sexual assault history spans all ages
  • He rapes as young as 14 and as old as 72. All females
  • He has convictions for child sex abuse material
  • He has broken into units and when found females alone proceeded to rape them
  • He exposes himself in public to young boys and young girls.
  • He often is cruel whipping those he rapes ie he is sadistic/ cruel and gets off on exerting power of victims inciting fear
  • He grooms children to then sexually abuse/ molest... youngest being 6 years old but mostly opportunistic
  • GFs have said he is sexually fixated with young girls
  • He is one of 2 suspects in the disappearance of Inge Gehricke 6 yo. In looking at facts it appears to me the other suspect is more likely
  • No known history of murders at this stage
  • Many of his offences are spontaneous in nature occurring when opportunity arises and no matter the location eg beach, picnic grounds etc. indeed there is an element of exhibitionism involved.
  • When investigated for an offence he is known to migrate to another jurisdiction. This happened for the 6 year-old German girl when he moved to PDL..we know he moved back to Germany after MM went missing late 2007 but he was also suspect in a major burglary at this time too.
  • He wasn't identified by PJ as a child predator because at that stage his known history was Germany so wasn't interviewed by PJ so it's said
  • Despite a now long history of crimes it appears he doesn't resort to murder to hide them. Not the rapes. Not the sexual molestation of children
  • He videos his rapes presumably because his fantasies revolve around control/ power/ sadism
  • He was known to be highly proficient burglar around PDL
  • Child killers usually have a history of child murders because of sociopathic and psychopathic nature. He clearly has these traits though no known history of murders have surfaced

His profile is entirely consistent with a sexually predatory abduction. The one question mark is no known history of child murders. There is usually a string once exposed.. I have little doubt he shares his videos online and received same in return

I should add that he apparently is disguised head to toe in black attire to hide his identity when he does burglaries. That being the case you have to ask why , not having murdered previously, he would, being unable to be identified here wearing black outfit would this time murder the child. Doesn't make a lot of sense, not the least because he wasn't on their sexual predator register at the time AND Maddie was the only witness 4 years old. Did he take off his balaclava? Why?
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Your posting history in this thread would disagree.

Never ceases to amaze me that others think they can discern what others think
and feel in preference to their stated position. I value truth and am passionate about revealing truth and there are reasons for that. I also adopt investigative analysis as a hobby. I enjoy resolving jigsaws others shy away from. The result is unimportant to the other two.
Some people are better suited to writing their own blogs than engaging in discussion forums.
Some people are evidence-based researchers, opposed to people who rely on the media.

Take the lindy chamberlain case. the media focused on reporting the murder angle.
They didn't explore a dingo being capable of taking a child. Then in recent times we get all these attacks on QLD beaches.

With the McCann case you have to keep an open mind, anything could have happened.
Some people are evidence-based researchers, opposed to people who rely on the media.

Take the lindy chamberlain case. the media focused on reporting the murder angle.
They didn't explore a dingo being capable of taking a child. Then in recent times we get all these attacks on QLD beaches.

With the McCann case you have to keep an open mind, anything could have happened

You are right JM
You missed the deluge of media coverage about this specific child?

That case was Inge
You missed the deluge of media coverage about this specific child?

No. Ive looked at analysis of the case and weighed up the two possible perps. I heavily favour the other perp

Yes there has been some recent media coverage..these attempt to link CB. All are from Olive Press Jon Clarke. I have concerns about source/ veracity.

What you need to understand is that media in the Maddie case has at times been used as a PR tool to sway public opinion intentionally. There are detailed videos that discuss this including why and by whom.

Suffice to say I don't buy the links which are a bit like a Clayton's links. The link is elusive and serves a PR purpose..
That case was Inge

No. Ive looked at analysis of the case and weighed up the two possible perps. I heavily favour the other perp

Yes there has been some recent media coverage..these attempt to link CB. All are from Olive Press Jon Clarke. I have concerns about source/ veracity.

What you need to understand is that media in the Maddie case has at times been used as a PR tool to sway public opinion intentionally. There are detailed videos that discuss this including why and by whom.

Suffice to say I don't buy the links which are a bit like a Clayton's links. The link is elusive and serves a PR purpose..

If you've kidnapped a child, which you've done before, but this time there's a tsunami of media coverage at the time, you might decide that killing the child and hiding the body is a course of action you take to get away with it.

Not sure what relevance the rest of the things you wrote has.
If you've kidnapped a child, which you've done before, but this time there's a tsunami of media coverage at the time, you might decide that killing the child and hiding the body is a course of action you take to get away with it.

Not sure what relevance the rest of the things you wrote has.

He has done multiple rapes, exposed himself repeatedly, molested children but never killed. The crime he was sent away for previously was sexual assault of young girl who was daughter of his girlfriend.. He groomed to allow him access to take the child alone to a park and molested her......had the opportunity to also kill but didn't. If you look at studies of child killers the link is sociopathy, psychopathy AND a pattern history of previous child killings ie the killer is most likely to kill again. He is cruel and sadistic yes but it's limited to power/ control of mostly women. Violence with adults not children. He is sexually fixated on minor girls but hasn't killed any that has been attributed to him..I mentioned Inge Gehrinke because that's the only girl he has been linked to as perp and likely murdered..the only thing that links him is that he lived 70 Klm away at the time but there is another perp more likely for this crime. I don't believe he was involved. I don't believe he kills

He dresses in total black and face covered. If he abducted a 4 yo and molested her with her as only witness, not then on their register he likely would just let the child go and escape detection. He wasnt on the radar for sex crimes..
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Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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