Game Day Magnificent Hawfs Youf vs Tuggers of Punt Road

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Today we see a magnificent man reach a significant milestone.

Yes I'm talking about CJ. His father is not a convicted criminal, and he's never attacked a woman with chopsticks.


So let's all celebrate as we watch the Mighty Hawks dismantle Rihcmunts season even further.

Hawks by 29.

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I dunno, there's a lot of buzz around Ian !!!



Hawkers and their exciting youf by 96 points.

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Where would you rate that on the scale if 10 is leaving your clubs first SF win in a quarter of a century and 1 is going on multiple rants about Shariah Law being introduced into Australia’s and calling Diggers cowards?

Doing it online at home is still far less embarrassing than making an ass of yourself in public, especially at a McDonalds restaurant
Lol no Tiger flogs post in this thread.
So much about celebrating Chopsticks 300 !!!!

Anyhow let's hear it again for GOAT Boundary Umpire Ian Burrows !


Keep up the Buzza (and CJ) celebration posts happening friends !!!

Magical Jiath highlights !!!

Another 18 months at AFL level and he is going to be an absolute star !

zackah can only dream of having such an exciting young Unicorn type player at * Dinsdale :)
I haven't seen a lineup to get into the ground like this for a while.

Hopefully just general admission plebs that forgot to upgrade their tickets

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Game Day Magnificent Hawfs Youf vs Tuggers of Punt Road

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