Play Nice Majak Daw in hospital after jumping from the Bolte bridge

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Hard to believe that little kid was alive after the west gate thing :(

She was kept on life support briefly so the rest of the family could say goodbye. Many of the emergency and ICU staff at RCH have never seen a worst incident - nearly every bone in her body was broken or fractured. I still carry the hope that her "father" will suffer the same fate. (Sorry, if that is inappropriate for this thread, best wishes to Majak, just trying to clarify the other incident referred to.)

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Terrible news.
Hope he comes through this OK.

The pace of life needs to be toned down I think, sport and just day to day stuff.
She was kept on life support briefly so the rest of the family could say goodbye. Many of the emergency and ICU staff at RCH have never seen a worst incident - nearly every bone in her body was broken or fractured. I still carry the hope that her "father" will suffer the same fate. (Sorry, if that is inappropriate for this thread, best wishes to Majak, just trying to clarify the other incident referred to.)

I still feel sick thinking about that.
I guess we'll have to speculate then.

There’s no point whatsoever in speculating. I’ve heard half a dozen rumours today in terms of what may have led to it. You know all of them except one are untrue, so there’s a lot of bullshit flying around, and odds on what we hear is wrong.
I still feel sick thinking about that.

It's a terrible incident, hopefully people can just offer goodwill to all involved and leave the speculation for a more appropriate time.
She was kept on life support briefly so the rest of the family could say goodbye. Many of the emergency and ICU staff at RCH have never seen a worst incident - nearly every bone in her body was broken or fractured. I still carry the hope that her "father" will suffer the same fate. (Sorry, if that is inappropriate for this thread, best wishes to Majak, just trying to clarify the other incident referred to.)
I’m not sure you would have had a better use for that minute

It was more than a minute, the time knowing the statement was going to be made to the time the statement finished, I could of gone and done something else! There was nothing new to add in the sttement, that in general is too consistent of a thing and it wastes everyone’s time, even the statement giver

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Fair to say his playing career is over, don't think there's any coming back from a broken hip.
sam day and campbell brown both had significant hip injuries and both played again. bit soon to rush to conclusions don't you think?

bit of a shocking story to wake up to. hope he rests up and gets all the support and recover he needs.
Thoughts are with Majak, his family and friends during this time. Wishing him a speedy recovery with his physical, but more importantly his mental health.

Coming from someone who has also struggled with mental demons in recent times, it can be tough but you have to remember there is always someone to talk to. Your are not alone!

As a society, certain people need to educate themselves in regard to mental health and we really need to get rid of the stigma.
It was more than a minute, the time knowing the statement was going to be made to the time the statement finished, I could of gone and done something else! There was nothing new to add in the sttement, that in general is too consistent of a thing and it wastes everyone’s time, even the statement giver

You don’t think there would be sensitivities around a situation like this? Reasons why they wouldn’t release more details? Family, friends and Maj are the primary concern. Not self-pleasuring morons like yourself. Piss off.
It was more than a minute, the time knowing the statement was going to be made to the time the statement finished, I could of gone and done something else! There was nothing new to add in the sttement, that in general is too consistent of a thing and it wastes everyone’s time, even the statement giver
Personally, I'm just thinking about poor Majak. ...
How does a person even get on a bridge? Theres no foot paths?

Stop the car. It’s how emergency services are thankfully able to respond quickly to these situations, there are cameras on all main freeways which are monitored, and if a car stops on the Bolte, West Gate etc they can call for emergency response immediately.
Quit being so naive. You think swan just beat up some poor random innocent guy for fun? Get a clue.
Wouldn't be the first time a couple of ****wits hit the CBD on a gut full of liquor looking for a fight.

Descriptions of the footage sounds pretty damning...
"At one point Mr Celano was on the ground being punched and kicked by Swan, Carey and Ramsay, the QC said, and he was also hit with a Maglite torch. Mr Heaton told the jury they could see Swan run past Carey and Ramsay and punch Mr Celano when he appeared to be trying to get up from the ground.
It was more than a minute, the time knowing the statement was going to be made to the time the statement finished, I could of gone and done something else! There was nothing new to add in the sttement, that in general is too consistent of a thing and it wastes everyone’s time, even the statement giver

I sincerely hope you or someone close to you is never involved in a mental or physical health incident, in one that requires privacy, so you can see how utterly unimportant it is to urgently provide information to the general public.
You couldn’t blame people for withdrawing sympathy if that turned out to be the case (not that there’s any evidence of it).
I disagree on that point, many drugs- The most common being alcohol - are depressants.

I'd still feel sorry for someone if they were on something and attempted to walk the hand rail and fell accidentally.
But an attempted suicide is another thing completely.
Theres something underlying there that the person felt they couldn't escape from, and whether or not a drug removed the inhibitions which gave them the (for lack of a better word) "courage" to attempt suicide, or compounded their mental distress to a point where they felt there was no other option, they would still deserve sympathy.

As far as I have heard from people who know better than I do, the attempt had nothing to do with an illicit substance anyway. Poor bloke was struggling and I really hope he is supported through this.

Knowing the club they would have been first to his bedside after clearing it with his family and doctors, and he's going to have a tonne of mates looking out for him and anything he needs.

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Play Nice Majak Daw in hospital after jumping from the Bolte bridge

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