Politics & Government mark webber "nanny state" comments

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Spot on.

Mandatory Internet Filter, no R18 rating for computer/console games, Alcopop Tax, new legislation requiring television channels to justify crudeness or sexualisation in shows, burqa boxes for R18 films/TV shows in SA stores, talk of a fat tax to penalise those of us who know when to get off our arse, put down the fork and eat junk food in moderation as well as deadshit parents who think 'Maccas' is one of the five food groups.

Can't wait to have a couple of bespectacled govt stooges taking notes on a clipboard in the corner of the nation's bedrooms. I'm sure Fielding, Abbott and Rudd are wet dreaming of such a policy as we speak.

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Last time I read the article on Weber, it sounded like some whinny,cashed up bogan racing driver,trying to score a political point, with not much idea complaining about the road rules in Australia compared to Europe.

Think you missed the point, I think what he was trying to get at was there is a lot of regulations in australia and rules compared to the rest of the world. Ridiculous fines for petty road infringements is just one example he was making.
I suggest you read or listen a little before you post:thumbsu:
Webber said:
..... after his return from Europe he had been ''dodging the ridiculous speeding and parking [rules] and all the nanny-state country that we have down here in Australia''.
''I think we've got to read an instruction book when we get out of bed - what we can do and what we can't do … put a yellow vest on and all that sort of stuff,'' he said.
I have been driving for nearly 30 years,mainly in Melbourne but have driven over most of Australia most of Europe and half of the US.I have owned 3 sports cars, never had a camera fine copped 3 speeding fines and 2 parking fines in 30 years.As long as the rules stop the bogans from killing me or other non bogans they are alright.
It's the breakdown of the family/society. Raise your kids to behave and they behave. Raise mongrels you get mongrels. Nation of mongrels needs lots of nannying, but the mongrels are still mongrels so we have lots of mongrel problems. Certain Asian countries have got it right, alcohol can be cheap and readily available and yet still not readily abused. Those people aren't raised by single dole bludging parents and see mummy with a different dad every week.
Webber should learn to drive first. Two wins from 142 races, pathetic.

you realise mark webber finished 4th overall in the championship last year right? 4th best driver in F1 but he cant drive? Your a tool, nice way to show you know nothing about F1. Anyway this thread is not about how good a driver he is so I won't continue on that one.
I suggest you read or listen a little before you post:thumbsu:

I have been driving for nearly 30 years,mainly in Melbourne but have driven over most of Australia most of Europe and half of the US.I have owned 3 sports cars, never had a camera fine copped 3 speeding fines and 2 parking fines in 30 years.As long as the rules stop the bogans from killing me or other non bogans they are alright.

Obviously you read marks comments out of context and took them to be condoning burnouts, hoon driving, excessive speeding etc. The thread has nothing to do with this, anyone who condones this is an idiot.

Victoria currently has a 3km leniency on speeding. If someone would like to explain to me how getting a fine for doing 104km in a 100 zone is reasonable by any stretch I would love to hear it. Not revenue raising? Yeah right, it's completley outrageous to have such a ridiculous law and even more appalling to use the smokescreen of "saving lives" to justify it.
What is your ideal speed you can go over before getting fined?

I honestly feel 10% leaway either way should be the norm!

I feel 40km's in a 50km Zone is, as dangerous, if not more dangerous than 60km's in a 50 Zone.

Also with 10%, usually 90km roads are designed to be able to do those speeds on and 99km's is easily reached with out paying much attention to the Speedo and just driving.
Obviously you read marks comments out of context and took them to be condoning burnouts, hoon driving, excessive speeding etc. The thread has nothing to do with this, anyone who condones this is an idiot.
Please enlighten us on the context of Marks quote that you seem to be privy to and no one else seems to understand.( is this talent psychic).
Its your thread you have the agenda go with it son :thumbsu:
Express yourself educate me,I am no longer in my 20 when I knew everything,I now know nothing sadly:(
Victoria currently has a 3km leniency on speeding. If someone would like to explain to me how getting a fine for doing 104km in a 100 zone is reasonable by any stretch I would love to hear it. Not revenue raising? Yeah right, it's completley outrageous to have such a ridiculous law and even more appalling to use the smokescreen of "saving lives" to justify it.
How much lee way do you think it should be?
So I can set my cruise control to that.
Penalties have to kick in at some point, it might as well be the speed limit. That's not the problem, the problem is the scale of the penalties for minor infringements and the accusations that such people are lethal weapons. 3 km gets the same penalty that 15 km gets doesn't it? That's ******ed. First bracket should be maybe 5 km over that's a $50 fine.
What people don't realise is that laws are made for the most stupid people in society. If we were all good drivers with high IQs, there would be no need to road rules; we'd all know what to do anyway.

Spend ten minutes driving around and you will quickly conclude this is not the case. Our society has a substantial sub-section of absolute f*cking idiots, who have no common sense or self-awareness. This is the reason why Australia has such strict driving laws, and they are working, despite the hysteria in the media about the 'carnage on our roads' (I bet some sub-editor had a chuckle about the pun, too).
Please enlighten us on the context of Marks quote that you seem to be privy to and no one else seems to understand.( is this talent psychic).
Its your thread you have the agenda go with it son :thumbsu:
Express yourself educate me,I am no longer in my 20 when I knew everything,I now know nothing sadly:(

How much lee way do you think it should be?
So I can set my cruise control to that.

Not going to explain it again, I have said it about 5 times. No one else seems to have trouble understanding what he was getting at apart from you. Stop posting it's just annoying people.

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What people don't realise is that laws are made for the most stupid people in society. If we were all good drivers with high IQs, there would be no need to road rules; we'd all know what to do anyway.

Spend ten minutes driving around and you will quickly conclude this is not the case. Our society has a substantial sub-section of absolute f*cking idiots, who have no common sense or self-awareness. This is the reason why Australia has such strict driving laws, and they are working, despite the hysteria in the media about the 'carnage on our roads' (I bet some sub-editor had a chuckle about the pun, too).

When you get pulled over for 104km in a 100 zone coming down a hill and fined I guarantee you would change your tune.
Not going to explain it again, I have said it about 5 times. No one else seems to have trouble understanding what he was getting at apart from you. Stop posting it's just annoying people.
But you didn't answer me, what should I set my cruise control too in your non nanny state fantasy?
Penalties have to kick in at some point, it might as well be the speed limit. That's not the problem, the problem is the scale of the penalties for minor infringements and the accusations that such people are lethal weapons. 3 km gets the same penalty that 15 km gets doesn't it? That's ******ed. First bracket should be maybe 5 km over that's a $50 fine.

Agree with some of that but I don't think it's fair the penalties should be kicking in right on the speed limit. It's not uncommon for speedos to be out by 5km or more even in fairly new cars. So you could be sitting on 61k and that comes up 65 or 66 on the radar and they book you. This does happen, it's completley unfair and suggesting the drivers behaviour is speeding or dangerous and warrant a fine is BS.

Dangerous drivers are the ones who should be targeted. Not a responsible person caught out by a law designed to make money. Add to that the money from these fines doesn't even go to new roads or educating drivers or anything to do with road traffic accidents.
In WA, there is a ~6km/h allowance and I think it should be like that around the country. That allows for a small amount of driver inattention and speedo discrepancy. I agree that getting done for 4km/h would be very frustrating, but there has to be a speed limit and a punishment if you get caught going substantially over it.

I hate it when people get done doing 80 in a 60, and then whinge. You knew the speed limit and you willfully went over it, but you weren't smart enough to get away with it.
Agree with some of that but I don't think it's fair the penalties should be kicking in right on the speed limit. It's not uncommon for speedos to be out by 5km or more even in fairly new cars. So you could be sitting on 61k and that comes up 65 or 66 on the radar and they book you. This does happen, it's completley unfair and suggesting the drivers behaviour is speeding or dangerous and warrant a fine is BS.

But whatever the tolerance level is just sets a new defacto speed limit. If I know I can do 65 in a 60 zone I will do 63-64 and a lot of others would too. The limit at which penalties start shouldn't be grey. The only reason now they have tolerance is to allow for inaccuracy in the measuring devices.
But whatever the tolerance level is just sets a new defacto speed limit. If I know I can do 65 in a 60 zone I will do 63-64 and a lot of others would too. The limit at which penalties start shouldn't be grey. The only reason now they have tolerance is to allow for inaccuracy in the measuring devices.

I think people are just asking for it to be fair, there has to be a grey area and some common sense applied. Booking people for such minor things is just stupid and achieves nothing.
I think people are just asking for it to be fair, there has to be a grey area and some common sense applied. Booking people for such minor things is just stupid and achieves nothing.

I agree in that regard. It is also counter-productive towards the police force's relationship with the public.

I've been let off a couple of times with a verbal warning for low level speeding (never more than 15km/h over), and each time have come away thinking; 'gee, cops aren't that bad after all'. Usually a contrite, respectful and non-combative demeanour will do you wonders when it comes to getting out of stuff with cops.
I think people are just asking for it to be fair, there has to be a grey area and some common sense applied. Booking people for such minor things is just stupid and achieves nothing.
Surely it achieves fear of penalty,causing people to modify their behaviour.

How long you been driving Biff ?
How many tickets?
Are you going to slow down because you can get booked for only a few Ks over or risk the fine?
Hows this thread going?
I didn't realise Mark Weber was referring to speed cameras when he made the Nanny State remark, he lives in England and they have heaps more speed cameras than here.
Now I am confused again
Come on Biff tell us what was he really saying

Please tell me you are not as stupid as your post sounds?
Please Biff let me know
I didn't realise Mark Weber was referring to speed cameras when he made the Nanny State remark

Webber said that, after his return from Europe he had been ''dodging the ridiculous speeding and parking [rules] and all the nanny-state country that we have down here in Australia''.

What part of that statement could somehow lead to someone thinking he was not reffering to speed cameras? Beats me
How about speed cameras on freeway entrances where the actual speed limit is somewhat debatable or at the bottom of hills? But not at dangerous intersections no, they wont make as much money from that so why bother?
Isn't the speed limit posted on a sign?

I can't see how you say its debatable.

Besides why speed, you aren't being forced to are you?

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Politics & Government mark webber "nanny state" comments

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