Marlowe's quarantine quality qontent (now with easter eggs... well easter egg)

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Stuck in quarantine. Had an idea for a thread. Lost it. Wound up with this. Would be a waste not to post it. Problem is: where? Club Room? Landfill thread? Team thread? Match thread? I figure post it to the main board and let the mods decide. And if no one likes it, it can only hurt my feelings, which at this point can't take any more damage anyway.

I call this one: The History of a Pandemic: a Quizzical Unfolding of Anxiety and Uncertainty ft. a Clone
May contain traces of fantasy.

Day -17

Saturday. Temperature – a cool, non-eventful 22.

Woke up today, still alone. Girlfriend left me last week. She took the cat, the stereo and my satin bathrobe. I really loved that... bathrobe.

I feel groggy but still make time to take a bath – that is, I use a wet rag to wipe my armpits, taint and neck. I look in the mirror, decide for the 124th day in a row that shaving is too much hassle, so I skip it. I douse myself in a perfectly healthy amount some Lynx Africa body spray (half a can), chuck on some Ray Bans to cover the bags under the eyes, run the comb through my hair, then hit the town. First stop – JB Hi Fi, to see if I could get a price match on Sekiro: Shadow Die Twice. I got a hot tip online that it’s on the clearance aisle at Target, selling for just $30. Problem is, it’s out of stock nationwide with the except for one store in the middle of nowhere, and I’ve exhausted all the city EB’s who refuse to accept that Broken Hill qualifies as nearby the Gold City CBD. ****. So, I take a punt that a screenshot on my phone will be enough for an apathetic and gullible JB salesperson.

Success. I got the game. Skipped practice but it’s worth it, we’re only playing the Demons. No need to train. We’ll lose.

Decided to hit up Royals HQ anyway, I have to pick up my laundry. I slip the laundry staff $20 each week and they wash my denim and underwear with the Royals home strip. The way I see it, I am representing the team by constantly appearing tinged in purple, right down to the weird, itchy purple rash on my upper thigh, meanwhile the team always carries a little bit of me when they hit the field, too. No one suspects last week’s outbreak of jock itch is my fault, thank God.

I narrowly avoid a run-in with The Filth Wizard in the halls, so I don’t have to come up with a lie for where I was. Unfortunately, sneaking out the fire exit, I get stuck making small talk with spookism in the parking lot. He’s talking about his recent cruise to China or something, I don’t know, I was too busy trying to remember if I left my Dokken tape in the car or my locker, I wasn’t really paying attention to anything he said.

Spook kisses me goodbye on the cheek, something he claims is a Chinese custom, and I think nothing of it.

Onward to my final destination for the arvo – my Nan’s birthday. Picked her up a Toblerone and a cheap bottle of Kahlua. I drank most of the Kahlua earlier, but filled it back up with iced coffee, so I doubt she notices the diff. The nursing home is packed today, apparently, they celebrate all the resident’s birthdays for the month at once and a lot of these old biddies were born in March. Which makes sense when you consider 9 months previous was June and International Sex Worker’s Day kicks off the month, so it was a busy time of year. I am considered quite the Casanova for women over 90. A few hugs, kisses and one waltz later, I say my goodbyes and take my leave.

I spend the remaining daylight hours speeding up and down the deserted Gold City coastline blaring Whitesnake’s 1987 forlorn ballad “Is This Love” while weeping under the cover the music. The therapist suggested I do my crying in a safe space, but nothing says safe like a Pontiac Fiero and cliffs. The sun eases out of sight across the ocean skyline, and I drive back home to get my weekly taekwondo exercise and cherry daiquiri in before gameday. I notice I have a weird new cough and a bit of a sore throat, but I think nothing of it.

(Pictured: a Pontiac Fiero)

Day 2

Tuesday. Temperature – a warm and forgiving 26.

Self-isolation blows ass, so I am not abiding by it. I am just feeling all sorts of restless. Still going out, visiting my friends, their families, schools, my favourite local haunts. Still hitting the gym, the dojo. Still cruising for babes. The world seems noticeably quieter, but the solitude is oddly relaxing. I feel like the end of the world may not be so bad.

I rock up to training, my car loaded with malt liquor – the last twelve cases I could find and was legally allowed to buy as Gold State announces a full lockdown. I am not too worried. This will all blow over. Ant Bear announced the Sweet FA season will go on as fixtured. The clubs will take a bit of a financial hit with the complete lack of crowds, but I feel good about this. With Qooty in my life, keeping me grounded and focused, I just know I am going to weather the storm.

The team meeting was a bit of a sombre affair, I must admit. No trainers, runners, coaches were allowed in, only the players named for round 8 were allowed through the doors. Filthy ran us through weekly the gameplan via Skype. “Kick it to me” he calls it. Someone in the back of the room sneezed so we called the day early. I try and lighten the mood and ask if anyone wants to come to my place for the night and party; as long as we’re tackling each other and showering together, I don’t see what the big problem is with having a few hundred drinks. Everyone pretty much shoots down my idea. Feeling dejected, I decide I can still party by myself.

Following the meeting, as I am strapping an exercise bike I borrowed from work to the hood of my car, I get a call from dad. He asks if I’d like to swing on over and help him buy some groceries. The supermarkets have been swamped all day and he heard a report of someone being stabbed in Woolies so he’s feeling a little unsafe. I put on a fake voice and tell him, in Spanish, that this is a wrong number, then drive home. To be honest, I hate to do it to him, but I still harbour bitter resentment from being left alone at After School every day for all of year 4 and 5, so I am just paying it forward. Pretty sure that’s how that works.

When I get home, I slip on some Europe. “Cherokee” is an uplifting drinking song. Hearing Joey Tempest belt out “marching on the trail of tears” really helps reconfigure my mood. I pull out the floating pool chair, grab a full bottle of Grey Goose, and just sit out underneath the stars and ruminate on life a little.

Where are we going? What are we doing? Is everything going to be okay? Do we really have to play the Bombers again? What’s going to happen to the production of Amazon’s Wheel of Time TV show? Is this virus a government smokescreen for a zombie apocalypse? Should I have pulled over when I ran over what I wrote off as a stray cat? Is vodka a diuretic? Isn’t floating on a pool chair drowning himself in alcohol how Chris Holmes died, or am I misremembering that documentary? Hwo etutig aajjaid? Wmjdfjsndflkns….f…………………………….

(Pictured: Chris Holmes)

Day 302

Monday. Temperature – a blazing 42.

Quarantine is officially over. It was rough out there. Living like a hermit for 10 months. You know, you hear about these Japanese schoolgirls selling their bathwater to perverts online, and you think “to what end?”, but then when you wind up surviving on Ryvita crackers, pita bread and on your own urine for 7 months, you learn a thing or two. Those guys were super prepared in the scheme of things. I know, I, for one, really regret splurging my emergency allowance on alcohol and not a clean filtered water tank.

When I take my first step outdoors, and feel the sun beating down on me, I knew what it was like to be that Jesus guy when he came back out of that cave – just ****ing wrecked. Flat. Overcome with all sorts of emotions. My lawn looks like fangorn forest. That alone wrecked me. My Pontiac Fiero was covered in dust and someone had drawn penises in the dust and the words “BRAB wuz here”.

I am not sure how the rest of society fared because after three weeks I used my radio batteries to charge up my old childhood RC racing kit. That was a fun week until I smashed the remote out of rage and boredom and then cried for the next two weeks listening to nothing but my Best of Scorpions CD.

Day 453

Friday. Temperature – chilly but not coat weather yet. Like 14.

Ant Bear announces the Sweet FA is back on! But only three clubs have sufficient resources to compete for Season 30. The Royals – because we’re loaded, duh. The Wonders – they sold all their trophies to cover the cost. And the Bombers – because they’re thieves. The Demons players didn’t fare well in the cold and a lot of Roys perished when wackos set fire to nursing homes. The Furies ate each other alive. When Las Vegas closed down, the Bears wound up moving into the sewers alongside the Swamprats, tensions escalated and only Far Kern survived the great war of the Las Vegas Tunnel System. The Warriors, being stuck in the epicentre of New York City, were scatted and lost when the city was put on lockdown and converted to one large triage centre. The Hawks and Gumbies aren’t important enough to detail. I heard the Dragons just lost interest in sports when serial_thrilla introduced the rest of the team to the magic of reading (Ace Andy is now a bestselling author).

Day 462

Sunday. Temperature – a little colder, time for gloves with fingers. 12.

The Season is over. Wonders beat the Royals and the Bombers. The Bombers beat the Royals, then beat them again in the prelim. Wonders won the Grand Final.

COVID-19 mutated into COVID-20 and the world went into quarantine again.

Day 12,257

Sunday. Temperature – 24 and beautiful.

Today is my last day on Earth. After an attempted cure for COVID-135 was run through an AI system in a corporate testing facility in Portland, it cross-mutated and began infecting machines, causing a massive breakdown of society all across the northern hemisphere.

Australia’s investment in rockets to the sun was initially a way of disposing mass piles of corpses, but now the government is going to send a crew of 200 into the middle of space and pray humanity can rebound at some point.

I am a stowaway on said ship. Sssh.

Day 12, 258

Monday. Temperature – the spaceship thermostat is set to 20.

The spaceship crew found me passed out in the captain’s room.

They woke me up, clothed me, then argued for several hours whether or not to shoot me out into space.

Day 14,936
Tuesday. Temperature – there is no temperature in space.

I am now an AI. My body was considered unessential by the former crew, but my brain was removed and plugged into the spaceship’s OS for reasons that will not be explained. After a few years I merged with the ship and eventually took over full consciousness. I murdered the crew one by one like HAL and now I am floating alone in space scouring all sectors for forms of life. The only emotion I feel any more is longing – longing for glam metal. I can no longer air drum. It kind of sucks out here.

(Pictured: Space)

Day 20,011

What are days? What is temperature? My name is Marlowe – the lone star voyager. Beep. Boop. What is language. GoooOOOooooOOooooooOOOOooOOoOOoOooaaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaAAaaAAaAaAAalllLLLllLLLllLLLLLL? Score: Gold City Royals 1241.1298.8744. West Coast Wonders 0.0.0 lMAO. Season 30 will be avenged!


Uhh. What the hell was that? Watson, go check it out. Watson is dead, sir. Oh, yeah. I forgot. Marlowe. Yeah-huh. Scan the outsider of the ship. Aye aye, Captain nutbag.

*pretending to make a scanning noise, sort of a soft hum, and instead just peeks out the porthole window*

Sir! It appears to be a-a-a-…a human woman! Oh. My. God... what is a human again? Remember those piles of dying meat wrapped in skin tissue and hair? Uh-huh. One of those. Oh. My. God. Someone to explain Qooty to!

(Pictured: An artist's rendering of what Marlowe might look like if he still contained his Earth body)


Say hello to Sally74. She’s the 73rd clone of a 26-year-old woman named Sally. She has two legs, eyes, a nose. She wears a pink hat (one of those pretentious horse race-going hats that looks like a paper boat with a veil inexplicably attached for good measure).

Sally74 lies passed out on a medical table. Marlowe tries to wake her, but it’s hard when he has no body (‘how did she get from space to inside the ship?’, I hear you ask. ‘**** you, geek’, is my answer. Let’s move passed that portion of this post). Marlowe attempts to cough very loudly. This goes on for several hours. Some asteroids pass by the ship window making a soft *clink* on the side of the ship, faintly causing Sally74 to wake up.

“W-what…w-where am I? What’s going? Why am I wearing a Van Halen t-shirt? How do I know who Van Halen are? Why am I so concerned whether Van Halen broke up or not?”

“You’re in the medbay of the SS **** Humanity. You were beamed aboard after I found you floating in space. The Van Halen shirt is the only human item of clothing on the ship. I don’t know. I don’t know why you’re concerned either. They did, for the record, but if it helps, it was like 60 years ago.”

In the presence of humanity, Marlowe’s sanity begins to tighten once more. He’s feeling all sorts of old emotions again too. Is hunger an emotion? Why is he hungry?

“Who are you,” kindly asks Sally74.

“I am the commander of this ship”, responds Marlowe. “You may call me Sally. Wait, whoops. Oh, no. That’s your name. I don’t remember my name, actually, Maverick? Mongrel? Mazy? Just call me… Captain.”

“Okay… Captain”, Sally begins to stand up. “Mind telling me where you are?”

“I am everywhere and nowhere. I am an AI.”

“Like Johnny 5?”

“Sure, why not. But a little more sophisticated than that. And a lot less racist.”

“Racist?”, inquires Sally74.

Marlowe begins a long-winded rant about the problematic nature of having Fisher Stevens play an Indian American in brown face.

This goes on for a few minutes.

(Pictured: Johnny 5 left, Fisher Stevens in brown face right)

End of Part I.

Commiserations if you read that. We now live in age of uncertainty. Maybe a few months is less than an age. But considering we know nothing about how long the state of the world will remain as it is, I consider the splitting of that hair to be pedantic.

The idea for this post was to try and capture that uncertainty that we're all feeling and filter it through a fictitious qooty persona. I failed. My bad.

Part II is coming soon.

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Season 20,011

Day 4,809,623​

We have skipped ahead in time and to a slightly different reality. One where none of the above happened but one where Marlowe is still an AI trapped aboard a wayward spaceship, floating through the cosmos, with a strange new passenger named Sally74, and this time there also a robot named Detox that only Marlowe can see.


Sally74 is still a bit shaken with her new surroundings as well as puzzled by how exactly she wound up stuck out in space. Marlowe has no answers that suffice. The best theory he has just the plot to Horizon Zero Dawn but with an alien planet and spaceships. He theorises eventually an alien space crew got bored and, with lax intergalactic gambling laws, started shooting people into space for sport.

Sally74 is eating space corn flakes and space milk in the ship’s cavernous cafeteria area.

“So, what’s this Qooty”, she asks to the ether, knowing AI Marlowe is probably spying.

“It was a sport we all played.”


“Everyone on Earth.”

“All these Earth people played this sport?”

“Yeah, pretty much,” Marlowe replies. “It was extremely popular, worldwide. But particularly in Australia. Everyone and their mum played it 24/7.”

“What was it? What were the rules?”

“Well, do you know football?

“Of course.”

“Well, it was exactly like that, but better.”

“And you played it – what does 24/7 mean?”

“All the time.”

“And how did that work?”

“Well, say there was one set of goalposts at the Punt Road end of the Golden Throne, right. That was the Royals home stadium – I played for the Royals, by the way. And there was another set of goalposts 13,000 kms away at the Bears’ home stadium in Las Vegas. And basically, the concept was to kick a qootball through the goalposts, yeah? So, it took ages to get from one end to the other, therefore a single match went on in perpetuity or until an umpire had enough – whichever came first. Games typically lasted months. A few went for years. One game is still technically going on.”

“That sounds ridiculous. Why did you have home stadiums? It sounds like you played in two stadiums at once?”

“Well, the way the game evolved alongside technology and human advancement, it meant that by Season 11,487 playing on standard oval dimensions fast became obsolete. Humans could jump higher, run faster and for longer, were stronger, able to drink more. Nanotechnology really unlocked out fullest potential. That and robotic augmentation. The idea of playing within a 5-acre area felt restrictive, so new rules were put in place. Stadiums were cut in half and the entire surface of the Earth became our new midfield.”

“It sounds exhausting.”

“That was part of the charm. I once ran for 4 days straight, from the Golden Throne wing all the way to the Sydney Airport before spinning around a baggage handler and handballing off to brahj, who boarded a plane and I am told kicked a goal four days later in Coney Island. Made SportsCentre’s Top 10.”

“I don’t know what that is.”

“It’s pretty cool.”

“And you did this for fun?”

“Oh yeah, it was hella fun. Pretty much nothing to do back then. The world was a peaceful place. The United States was only engaged in three armed conflicts and people coughed openly in public with immunity. Qooty was the great pastime of our lives.”

“How did games work exactly?”

“What a perfectly set up question. Generally, teams would meet at the mid-point between their home arenas. They would flip a coin like usual to determine who was kicking at each end. Then the umpire would load a ball into a cannon and shoot it toward the sky. The importance of a good ruck could not be overstated.”

“You said ‘everyone played it’?”

“On fire with these questions. Yeah, teams had about 1000 players for a match at any given time, and unlimited subs. All of society was contractually obligated to participate if asked. So, if you were in the middle of a game, driving through Kuwait City on your way to Baghdad to kick a goal, you had to be assume the opposition knew you had the ball and that you were under imminent threat of being driven off the road at any moment by anyone from a fast food cashier to an Instagram hoe. Things could get really wild. I once drove to Ballarat for a match with the Demons to tackle Headless. Ball up was called. I waited three days handcuffed to Headless for the umpire to arrive and uncuff us. I won the hitout and drove non-stop to the forward 50 in Mount Buller. With no full back in sight – presumed dead at this point – I lined up for a game-winner when a roaming pack of tax adjusters the Demons recruited to play centre half back burst forth from over the ridge and ran me down in the goal square. I got stabbed three times and spent the rest of the third quarter in the hospital. I got out a month later and set fire to their firm. Was taken out of the match, which we wound up losing, and given suspended sentence.”

“Qooty sounds harsh.”

“You have no idea. But it was worth it. Premiership glory was just that, glorious. I mean, I never won one, but the look on the numerous Wonders’ player’s faces who did made it seem like the greatest joy on Earth – back when we still had an Earth.”

“You said a game is still technically going on?”

“Woo boy, that Season 19,873 Round ADX56 game is a beaut. This was the season space travel was invented and they started taking the games to space. I think it was the Hawks who were the first team to play on Earth’s Moon. The most relevant they’d been in decades. They went old school for this one, limited it to just 40 players. They said this was for safety reasons. I think it was just because the Cambodian government didn’t want more than 100 qooty players causing havoc in their newly constructed moon hotel.”

“—Cambodian government?”

“Earth’s foremost provider of space travel. Back to the match though. It’s the Hawks and Gumbies up there, right. beez is back. His 3-91876 record for the Gumbies is legendary, but Gumbies captain, peterss, reckons beez is technically 0-0 in space for them, so he’s not concerned that this is going to go south. Siren sounds, match starts, and already the Gumbies are regretting this one. Half their lineup forgot to take their gravity pill and floated off into endless the void of space. Hawks take a commanding 43.11.269 to 3.5.23 lead into the fourth quarter. This is where the shift begins. The Gumbies kick the first two goals in the opening three minutes. The tide is slowly turning, the momentum has shifted, or so they think, and they feel like they may have caught the Hawks sleeping here in a sort astrological Tortoise and Hare situation. Not to be. The Hawks kicks the next 12 goals. They have the match sewn up here. They’re thinking of making this Moon match a regular fixture. StFly is on the Gumbies bench though and he has spent the entire match reading the Qooty rulebook. He finds a rule that says a match can’t technically end until the umpire has the game ball in hand. So, when beez rotates off with 20 minutes left, StFly shares this knowledge with him, and the two of them hatch a plan – and beez is going to get a chance be the Gumbies’ hero for once. He’s going to take the next kick in, then run out of the stadium and commandeer the nearest ship he can find and just high tail it out of there. He’s just gonna *pop* fly as far into space as he can, yeah. No one will catch him, and the match will therefore never technically end. That was a little over 5000 years ago now and no one has seen beez since. The Gumbies and Hawks are still searching for him. You haven’t seen, have you?

“I…don’t think s…”

“About this tall – carrying a ball with him?”

“No, sorry.”

“Damn, I really want to be the person to find him.”

“If Qooty is intergalactic now, is it still going on or did it die when Earth was destroyed in that tax audit?”

“The last Season was about 2000 years ago. Season 20,011. Kind of ended on a whimper. After 10,004 years, the Royals finally made the Grand Final.”


“Well, let me finish. Thank you. We made the Grand Final. It was great. We were playing the Bears though and they never showed up. Neither did the game ball.”


“Yeah. ‘Oh.’ Still waiting to finish that game.”

“Is that why you’re travelling through space?”

“No, that’s unrelated.”


And then this post just sort of ends.

Part III coming soon
Sweet Vice3.png


Moderator Blacky and moderator Natural “ND” Disaster, of the BigFooty moderator unit, work deep undercover as seedy SFA posters in order to infiltrate and bring down the various shit posters and rules breakers of Sweet FA.

(Pictured: Blacky left, NaturalDisaster right)

A fresh shipment of pr0n gifs has hit the shores of Baghdad. We are at the delicate interface where uncensored t***ies and ass meet a 22 frame per-second junction. Wearing next to nothing, Gina Michaels begins de--

There’s a loud thumping knock at the front door.

Several of the Bombers goons resting inside the dilapidated manor house rise up and step away from the gifs. One tattooed freak, code name, Riviat, goes for his AK-47.

There is a second loud knock at the door.

“Asian Star.”

Riviat turns to Requiem, “did you order Chinese food?”. Requiem laughs, “no, but I am starving.”

Requiem reaches for the front door… Riviat reacts too slowly, “no don’t—”. But it’s too late.

NaturalDisaster is standing at the front door holding an empty pizza box. As soon as Requiem reaches for a piece of hot Italian salami ND has grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the ground. ND hits him with a couple of times with a baton for good measure and Requiem’s night is over. Blacky enters the premises now, AR-15 out, locked and loaded. “Hold it!”, he yells as he aims down Riviat in his scope.

A bulked out Riviat has his AK-47 in one hand, his finger hovering the post button with his other. Eyes wide. It’s a standoff.

Blacky tries to de-escalate the situation, “don’t do it! Take your finger away from the keyboard! Don’t do it, man!”

Norma Lee Ava is there screaming. Santoz is freaking and grabs a butcher knife. He rushes ND, who prepares to take him out, but he doesn’t see the fifth bomber, cadsky, behind, rising up from a mattress with a machete, coming straight for Blacky.

ND slips Santoz into his arms, rotates him, get slashes across the back of his shoulder, but not before grabbing Santoz by the wrist and then using his full momentum to propel Santoz to floor in move, taking the knife too.

cadsky swings at Blacky. Blacky ducks. ND stabs cadsky in the ribs with the 10-inch butcher knife. Blacky, his gun off-target, raises it back toward Riviat, whose fierce eyes stare back to Blacky. A nihilistic smile dawns in his face. “Shoot me and the pr0n gif gets posted, ****er.”

Blacky, cool as can be, gun still firmly aimed, “that’s not what will happen. What will happen is, I will put a round at 2700-feet per-second precisely through the medulla at the base of your brain, at an entry-point mid-distance between your upper lip and the bottom of your nose, and you will be dead from the neck down before your body even knows it. Your finger won't be able to twitch. So, tell me sport, do you believe that?”

Riviat, “hey, ****…” Blam. That's all he gets out. Blacky does exactly that. Riviat falls like a felled tree. ND retrieves the laptop, “we got it!”. Blacky handcuffs and arrests Noma Lee and escorts her to his ’72 Ferrari 265 GTS/4 Daytona Spyder. She’s hyperventilating. He steadies her. He drives her away from the scene, shooting up the on-ramp to the I-94. He looks over his right shoulder at her. She stares at him incredulously. For the first time she realises Blacky is a cop. And it hits her, hard. The realisation that it’s hitting her hits him, too. He floors the Ferrari for everything it’s got. She’s frozen in silence, immobile, withdrawn, thinking deep within herself.

Blacky calls her name, “Norma Lee…”. No reply. She wonders where he’s taking her, what’s going to happen, but she won’t ask.

There’s an engine sound. Blacky pulls to a stop. The door opens. Blacky leads Norma Lee out. He uncuffs her. She rips away from his hand holding hers. “What are you going to do with me? Are you taking me to jail? You think I will turn informant?” Blacky, coolly, “no”.


They sit for a moment, staring out at the water. Blacky, “no part of it wasn’t real.” “I know,” Norma responds. “It still is. I’m so in this, I don’t know which way is up… all I know is I won’t let anything bad happen to you. But I know we can’t ever be together again.”

Norma, “you said time is luck…” Blacky, turning to her, “luck ran out. This was too good to last.”

He touches her hand. And she leans all her weight against his arm.

The end.

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As the SFA's Humour Coach, we need to have a chat Marlowe before you put countless hours into your next piece.

Do call as it seems we've much to discuss :thumbsu:
Can you please have a chat with philreich too? His dad jokes are stinking out the match thread.
As the SFA's Humour Coach, we need to have a chat Marlowe before you put countless hours into your next piece.

Do call as it seems we've much to discuss :thumbsu:
you are a humour coach? explains why nobody has a sense of humour on here
Can you please have a chat with philreich too? His dad jokes are stinking out the match thread.

That's odd as his puns usually strike at about a 66% success rate. Might be a little midseason form slump that I'm sure he'll drag himself out of.

you are a humour coach? explains why nobody has a sense of humour on here

I'm a humour coach among many other talents. Reason nobody has a sense of humour is that this is my first season. Give me time to work.

It also could be that personas continue to flip flop from one 'act', like being positive, to another (like being negative) and they lack humour development, attaining the achievement of not really being funny at either :thumbsu:
I'm a humour coach among many other talents. Reason nobody has a sense of humour is that this is my first season. Give me time to work.

It also could be that personas continue to flip flop from one 'act', like being positive, to another (like being negative) and they lack humour development, attaining the achievement of not really being funny at either :thumbsu:
yeah that just sound like excuses to me
That's odd as his puns usually strike at about a 66% success rate. Might be a little midseason form slump that I'm sure he'll drag himself out of.

I'm a humour coach among many other talents. Reason nobody has a sense of humour is that this is my first season. Give me time to work.

It also could be that personas continue to flip flop from one 'act', like being positive, to another (like being negative) and they lack humour development, attaining the achievement of not really being funny at either :thumbsu:
Norma Lee Ava is there screaming. Santoz is freaking and grabs a butcher knife. He rushes ND, who prepares to take him out, but he doesn’t see the fifth bomber, cadsky, behind, rising up from a mattress with a machete, coming straight for Blacky.

ND slips Santoz into his arms, rotates him, get slashes across the back of his shoulder, but not before grabbing Santoz by the wrist and then using his full momentum to propel Santoz to floor in move, taking the knife too.

cadsky swings at Blacky. Blacky ducks. ND stabs cadsky in the ribs with the 10-inch butcher knife. Blacky, his gun off-target, raises it back toward Riviat, whose fierce eyes stare back to Blacky. A nihilistic smile dawns in his face. “Shoot me and the pr0n gif gets posted, f***er.”

Blacky, cool as can be, gun still firmly aimed, “that’s not what will happen. What will happen is, I will put a round at 2700-feet per-second precisely through the medulla at the base of your brain, at an entry-point mid-distance between your upper lip and the bottom of your nose, and you will be dead from the neck down before your body even knows it. Your finger won't be able to twitch. So, tell me sport, do you believe that?”

Riviat, “hey, fu**…” Blam. That's all he gets out. Blacky does exactly that. Riviat falls like a felled tree. ND retrieves the laptop, “we got it!”. Blacky handcuffs and arrests Noma Lee and escorts her to his ’72 Ferrari 265 GTS/4 Daytona Spyder. She’s hyperventilating. He steadies her. He drives her away from the scene, shooting up the on-ramp to the I-94. He looks over his right shoulder at her. She stares at him incredulously. For the first time she realises Blacky is a cop. And it hits her, hard. The realisation that it’s hitting her hits him, too. He floors the Ferrari for everything it’s got. She’s frozen in silence, immobile, withdrawn, thinking deep within herself.

Blacky calls her name, “Norma Lee…”. No reply. She wonders where he’s taking her, what’s going to happen, but she won’t ask.

There’s an engine sound. Blacky pulls to a stop. The door opens. Blacky leads Norma Lee out. He uncuffs her. She rips away from his hand holding hers. “What are you going to do with me? Are you taking me to jail? You think I will turn informant?” Blacky, coolly, “no”.

The end.

Wow, the sim really lost the plot didn't it?

I bet the Demons are still the darlings though.
Our exploration into the effect of environment upon banter was, alas, a complete failure.

Case study #1:
This thread.

The self-confidence instilled through self-isolation was mistakenly being reinforced by a reflection of the OP’s own image in a bathroom mirror. It did not, in fact, make the OP any better at banter. But it did, however, yield some fascinating results. The most measurable result was a sharp uptick in insanity.


The OP was perfectly ready to believe they had become the best poster in the Sweet FA after a mere two hours.
(see posts #1, #4 and #10 for a comprehensive display of gibberish)

Misunderstood genius, or only in his mind?

Recommended: more isolation and further testing. Results after the 72-hour period are of particular interest. I want to see what happens when he begins to think someone took one of his pens.


Moderator Blacky and moderator Natural “ND” Disaster, of the BigFooty moderator unit, work deep undercover as seedy SFA posters in order to infiltrate and bring down the various shit posters and rules breakers of Sweet FA.

View attachment 846225
(Pictured: Blacky left, NaturalDisaster right)

A fresh shipment of pr0n gifs has hit the shores of Baghdad. We are at the delicate interface where uncensored t***ies and ass meet a 22 frame per-second junction. Wearing next to nothing, Gina Michaels begins de--

There’s a loud thumping knock at the front door.

Several of the Bombers goons resting inside the dilapidated manor house rise up and step away from the gifs. One tattooed freak, code name, Riviat, goes for his AK-47.

There is a second loud knock at the door.

“Asian Star.”

Riviat turns to Requiem, “did you order Chinese food?”. Requiem laughs, “no, but I am starving.”

Requiem reaches for the front door… Riviat reacts too slowly, “no don’t—”. But it’s too late.

NaturalDisaster is standing at the front door holding an empty pizza box. As soon as Requiem reaches for a piece of hot Italian salami ND has grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the ground. ND hits him with a couple of times with a baton for good measure and Requiem’s night is over. Blacky enters the premises now, AR-15 out, locked and loaded. “Hold it!”, he yells as he aims down Riviat in his scope.

A bulked out Riviat has his AK-47 in one hand, his finger hovering the post button with his other. Eyes wide. It’s a standoff.

Blacky tries to de-escalate the situation, “don’t do it! Take your finger away from the keyboard! Don’t do it, man!”

Norma Lee Ava is there screaming. Santoz is freaking and grabs a butcher knife. He rushes ND, who prepares to take him out, but he doesn’t see the fifth bomber, cadsky, behind, rising up from a mattress with a machete, coming straight for Blacky.

ND slips Santoz into his arms, rotates him, get slashes across the back of his shoulder, but not before grabbing Santoz by the wrist and then using his full momentum to propel Santoz to floor in move, taking the knife too.

cadsky swings at Blacky. Blacky ducks. ND stabs cadsky in the ribs with the 10-inch butcher knife. Blacky, his gun off-target, raises it back toward Riviat, whose fierce eyes stare back to Blacky. A nihilistic smile dawns in his face. “Shoot me and the pr0n gif gets posted, f***er.”

Blacky, cool as can be, gun still firmly aimed, “that’s not what will happen. What will happen is, I will put a round at 2700-feet per-second precisely through the medulla at the base of your brain, at an entry-point mid-distance between your upper lip and the bottom of your nose, and you will be dead from the neck down before your body even knows it. Your finger won't be able to twitch. So, tell me sport, do you believe that?”

Riviat, “hey, fu**…” Blam. That's all he gets out. Blacky does exactly that. Riviat falls like a felled tree. ND retrieves the laptop, “we got it!”. Blacky handcuffs and arrests Noma Lee and escorts her to his ’72 Ferrari 265 GTS/4 Daytona Spyder. She’s hyperventilating. He steadies her. He drives her away from the scene, shooting up the on-ramp to the I-94. He looks over his right shoulder at her. She stares at him incredulously. For the first time she realises Blacky is a cop. And it hits her, hard. The realisation that it’s hitting her hits him, too. He floors the Ferrari for everything it’s got. She’s frozen in silence, immobile, withdrawn, thinking deep within herself.

Blacky calls her name, “Norma Lee…”. No reply. She wonders where he’s taking her, what’s going to happen, but she won’t ask.

There’s an engine sound. Blacky pulls to a stop. The door opens. Blacky leads Norma Lee out. He uncuffs her. She rips away from his hand holding hers. “What are you going to do with me? Are you taking me to jail? You think I will turn informant?” Blacky, coolly, “no”.


They sit for a moment, staring out at the water. Blacky, “no part of it wasn’t real.” “I know,” Norma responds. “It still is. I’m so in this, I don’t know which way is up… all I know is I won’t let anything bad happen to you. But I know we can’t ever be together again.”

Norma, “you said time is luck…” Blacky, turning to her, “luck ran out. This was too good to last.”

He touches her hand. And she leans all her weight against his arm.

The end.
Nice work Marlowe but WTF happened to social distancing:oops:
Nice work Marlowe but WTF happened to social distancing:oops:

The post with social distancing. :D

As does this whole thread. No one will want anything to do with me after this. Total social distance achieved.

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Marlowe's quarantine quality qontent (now with easter eggs... well easter egg)

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