MCC Experiences

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the members own the ground.


MCC members (stadium owners)

The Government should put the management rights to public tender as it MUST all other similar arrangements.

The MCC Trust (which runs the MCC) is an official act of the Vic Parliament. To change it, you would have to go through legislative assembies.
Just as many bogans there as anywhere else, just the serving staff are snooty old blokes with terrible attitudes rather than uni students on minimum wage. And they're drunker. Over-rated IMHO.

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Been a full member for quite a while now and have had some great experiences in the MCC members.

I don't necessarily agree with the elite aspect that has been brought up in the posts, as the majority of the crowd in there is definitely of the same breed as you experience in the outer.

Sometimes watching the footy there can be a bit of a hindrance, as I'd love to go with more mates who aren't members, but your restricted on how many people you're allowed to take into the reserve if you're going to a game as a lone member.

At times where I've know the game will have a low attendance, I've 'encouraged' a few mates with memberships to come along to the game with the offer of a few beers, to increase the number of friends I'd like to take in. Whilst we haven't done the full sit down meal experience, the people who have come in with me have generally enjoyed the access to bars and areas that allow you to watch the game and drink in the comfort behind glass.

For myself, I'll keep up the membership as I attend both the footy and the cricket and I think that it's great value for money for my entertainment.
I have been a guest in the MCC a few times over the last few years only once did I go into the Dining room and I really enjoyed.

But I have a great seat on Level 2 of the Olympic stand and I prefer to have a meal at the Corner hotel roof top bar washed down by a few pots of Mountain goat.

The MCC is very nice but you can only get a CUB beer.
The Government should put the management rights to public tender as it MUST all other similar arrangements.
There would be pain tossing the MCC out (it does NOT own the ground, it manages the facility), but with the plumbing fiasco during the Finals & an inability to ticket professionally & fill its space at our #1 sporting event, doubts exist over their professional competence running the stadium into the future.

The arms length nature of the MCG Trust relationship with the MCC should be examined given it gifts the Melbourne Cricket Club $millions each year. These are taxpayers funds & the Trust is not held to account.

The MCC trust is an act of Parliament because Yarra Park is Crown land. The MCC own the stadium but not the land - hence the role of the trust.

It won't change.

The MCC is a unique check and balance between the AFL and total dominance of the football public in Victoria (they already stand over every other state)

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