Meet Up Meet Matthew Richardson at the club

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Yep. Corroborates what I was told a few months ago. So, what does this tell you about Koch and his basic motive for being chairman of the little blue-collar club from the swamp that is no such thing?

His motivation is .....?
Yep. Corroborates what I was told a few months ago. So, what does this tell you about Koch and his basic motive for being chairman of the little blue-collar club from the swamp that is no such thing?

He's King Nebuchadnezzar? "Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?"

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He's King Nebuchadnezzar? "Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?"
He’s Chairman goddam MOI!
Perhaps he talks it down to blue collar swamp levels so his paltry achievements when he departs are not hanging out there like a big ole pair of donkeys balls.
Yep. Corroborates what I was told a few months ago. So, what does this tell you about Koch and his basic motive for being chairman of the little blue-collar club from the swamp that is no such thing?
If the club makes the "brave" decision to not persist with Hinkley and the financial position is still tenuous next year I expect Koch to tire of his plaything once the glow of the 150th has waned and quit.
What part of having co-captains increased our chances of winning the flag in 2019 did I misunderstand?
That was the EXCUSE, not the reason behind having co-captains. If they had gone with the truth, it would have been better:

"Look, we don't have a clear captain this year. We are going to nominate two and see how they go. For this reason, the #1 guernsey will be on sabbatical, until we figure this out. It is not something we like to do, but it is necessary. When we have a captain again, this club's long-standing tradition will be resumed."

Done. People would still whine, but they would know the actual reason. Moreover, the club would be seen as at least acknowledging the tradition and its importance.

The way they sold the co-captaincy was worse than the decision to go with two captains.
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“I was shouting out questions like “where’s my refund”, etc and the “fans” in front of me were obviously from the hand clapper brigade as they were turning around and giving me the dirtiest of looks.”

Mate, what did you think they were going to reply? I understand your anger and disappointment, we all do but maybe work on your post match questions.
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Yeah I actually think that's something we do well and could go a long way to explaining some of the surprising trades/delistings we've made over the years.

The idea is right, but the execution is wrong. The one time that we really needed a bit of 'nobody is bigger than the team' was during coaching negotiations in 2017.

EDIT: Oh, and the other time was when we pissed all over 149 years of history and tradition to make sure we didn't hurt Captain Wakeboard's feelings.
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My (entirely uninformed) guess: the players, having a decent understanding of what does and what doesn't work in football, quickly became disillusioned when a gameplan they instinctively felt didn't work began yielding results in line with their expectations.
Well, if your guess is correct, 'gameplan' would be under the auspices of the head coach, surely....

And yet here we are.

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I find it staggering that after a couple of losses our "culture collapsed" in 2018 after being 11-4...

That just beggars belief and fills me with less confidence than ever going forward with the same pillars still in place (Koch, Thomas, Hinkley).
The issue was NEVER the "couple of losses... after being 11-4", but the couple of WINS after being 9-4. The games against StK and Carlton have made clear that there was something wrong. I thought we were deliberately playing below our possibilities. We weren't...
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That was the EXCUSE, not the reason behind having co-captains. If they had gone with the truth, it would have been better: ...
The truth was a far worse reason for destroying a long standing, the club's entire history, tradition.

The truth is the tradition was destroyed at Hinkley's whim so he could save face and have the captain of his choice while still allowing the players to have the captain of their choice. With the coach and the players so far apart it is no wonder we ended up seeing a performance like the North Melbourne game when finals and the coach's future were on the line.
He's King Nebuchadnezzar? "Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?"

Didn't he then go spend some considerable time eating grass?
The truth was a far worse reason for destroying a long standing, the club's entire history, tradition.

The truth is the tradition was destroyed at Hinkley's whim so he could save face and have the captain of his choice while still allowing the players to have the captain of their choice. With the coach and the players so far apart it is no wonder we ended up seeing a performance like the North Melbourne game when finals and the coach's future were on the line.
I agree the decision was bad, but don't you agree that neither player is captain material? Or, at least, not ready to be captain?

"We don't have a captain" would be true. Since neither DESERVED the #1, no one would have worn it. The tradition would have been observed; even if not properly.

The way it was done, it looked as if the tradition didn't matter. Sorry, but that's way far worse. It is THE WORST thing that could have done, actually...
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Which one is Nebuchadnezzar?

Funnily enough, Rastafarians believe that they are part of the original 12 tribes of Israel, which is why they sing that song. The chorus is lifted from Psalm 137 and a lament over the 40 years the Israelites spent in captivity in Babylon before being freed by Cyrus the Great. 40 years also being the time they spent wandering the wilderness due to their lack of faith.

I’d like to think we’ll be out of this mess earlier than that.
So the club has sent Ken & I’m guessing 2 other assistant coaches over to the US to further their development. We couldn’t afford to sack him, but look proactive in trying to improve his performance & lift his credentials. The course coordinator must have his hands full.

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Meet Up Meet Matthew Richardson at the club

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