Melbourne does not deserve Origin..

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Jun 13, 2003
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Game is wasted on Victorians
Comment by Mike Colman
June 16, 2006

WITH New South Wales put to the sword and the future of Origin assured for at least three weeks, the deciding game heads to Melbourne and an audience that neither wants nor deserves it.

You have to wonder, don't you?

Here we have been told over the past month or so that Origin is on the ropes; that unless Queensland can make a go of the current series the greatest phenomenon in the history of rugby league is . . . well, history.

And now, with Queensland footballers and their supporters doing their bit on Wednesday night, the most attractive match for the past decade goes to Melbourne, where it will be cast like pearls before swine.

Not that I'm totally against playing Origin in Melbourne. I reckon they should get one game. Just as soon as they agree to play an AFL grand final in Brisbane or Sydney.

When is the Australian Rugby League going to face up to the fact that Melbourne is a lost cause?

Melbourne has one of the best teams in the NRL but Victorians have next to no interest in supporting it.

Now they have been handed one of the jewels in the rugby league crown and they couldn't give a damn.

The official line is that Origin is heading to Melbourne to promote the game in Victoria, but surely no one believes that. There is only one reason the game is going there - and that is so rugby league's de facto owner, Channel 9, can make a few more bucks.

Not that even they seem too interested.

How did the network's Victorian programmers handle Origin II on Wednesday night? By replaying it from 11pm after showing an AFL Legends game featuring fat, old former players trying to relive past glories.

And this is a city that deserves a live Origin decider?

It was the same in the Melbourne press.

On Wednesday morning, the Herald Sun devoted one story to Origin, 15 pages in -- next to a single-column preview of the rugby union Test being played in Melbourne this weekend.

The same issue featured seven pages on the football World Cup and five on AFL.

Which sums up the situation perfectly.

Melburnians are world champions at jumping on the sporting bandwagon when it is trendy, and disappearing when it is time to put in the hard yards.

The city still holds the world record for the largest crowd to watch a game of baseball, to say nothing of the then-record 87,161 who showed up to watch Origin I at Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1994.

And badminton officials are still trying to work out what happened to all those fans who lined up to get into the Commonwealth Games back in March.

So if any city was going to go ga-ga over the Socceroos this week, you could bet your Collingwood beanie it was going to be Melbourne.

But will the round-ball game still be getting seven pages of gushing copy in the morning paper a year or two from now?

Of course not.

It will be down the back of the bus with rugby league, union, baseball and badminton.

Melbourne is an AFL city, and it will never change.

And the quicker football, rugby union and rugby league fans and administrators accept that and get on with their lives, the better.

If there is one thing that has come to the forefront over the past couple of weeks, it is just how many great football codes we have in Australia.

Has there ever been a better week of top footy than this one? From Wallabies to Socceroos to Maroons and Blues, we've had one high after another.

The only downside has been the argument over which code is better, and which one is about to swallow the others whole.

Sorry, but arguing over which code is better is like arguing over who loves his wife more.

As long as you love yours, who cares about how much anyone else loves theirs?

And trying to change anyone's mind is like banging your head against a brick wall or, even more futile . . . playing Origin in Melbourne.

Pointless article, but I'm sure it will have it's supporters although I'm not sure he knew it was sold out when he wrote it...
Pantsless said:
Pointless article, but I'm sure it will have it's supporters although I'm not sure he knew it was sold out when he wrote it...

Normal pointless crap coming from the pen of Coleman, afterall if we didn't care it wouldn't be a sell out would it?

The reason the Legends match was shown rather than Origin was because of RATINGS. The Legends match got over 500,000 viewers in Melbourne, something live coverage of Origin would get in Melbourne and hasn't got in the past when 9 has shown Origin Live into Melbourne. Still Don't worry I'm sure Origin 3 will get LIVE coverage this time round.

The Storm get crowds on par with a few Sydney based clubs (hello Parramatta and South Sydney) and have to put up with playing in a ****hole of a ground, poor weather and a fixture that isn't confirmed until 5 weeks before the match.

Still I guess the major point Coleman is missing is that by playing Origin 3 in Melbourne you are giving the code down here a MASSIVE shot in the arm that no TV campagin or amount of success can bring.

Still never let anything stop you guys in the North having a dig at us Vics.

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Origin 3 is fully sold out. There will be a crowd equal (or greater) than that which turned up at Suncorp during the week.

Bandwagoners? Sure there's a few, but I don't know where this goose gets off questioning Melbourne's proven ability at supporting events such as this en masse. If you want to real bandwagoner, look no further than South Sydney. Where are the 50,000 who went marching to save their pelts a few years back?
Lidge said:
Bandwagoners? Sure there's a few, but I don't know where this goose gets off questioning Melbourne's proven ability at supporting events such as this en masse.
Melbourne has a proven ability of supporting "events" sure, but it's track record in "putting in the hard yards" week in week out for anything other than AFL is pitiful.
littleduck said:
Melbourne has a proven ability of supporting "events" sure, but it's track record in "putting in the hard yards" week in week out for anything other than AFL is pitiful.

Anything other than AFL!

Soccer (still unsure why there's only 1 x A League side in Melbourne)

All have grass roots infrastructure and support of the relevant national governing body to make the necessary investments.

Can't say the same of the 2 x rugby codes - other than the occasional transplanted big event. By nature they are designed to attract theatre goers and boost TV audiences in NSW & QLD.

Melbourne Storm - are going OK a decade in. Fair to say they're done better in the 1st decade off field than the Swans did in Sydney.
For the last time of course Origin was always going to sell out! it's a major event, it got 87,000 odd thousand last time, did it make RL more popular, maybe a little, but the AFL is the only code in this city which can sustain good crowds in a season fixture...

Lets hope the storm can get crowds etc, but people that think because the NRL are puting a some money into Melbourne, it's going to be more popular than AR here are kidding themselves...
WITH New South Wales put to the sword and the future of Origin assured for at least three weeks, the deciding game heads to Melbourne and an audience that neither wants nor deserves it.

Yep Melbourne doesn't want it, which is why Origin 1+2 rated so well even at a late timeslot.

Also.. err... Its a sell out, and it was almost a sell out before game 2!!

You have to wonder, don't you?

Wonder what? Who pays your wage ffs!

Not that I'm totally against playing Origin in Melbourne. I reckon they should get one game. Just as soon as they agree to play an AFL grand final in Brisbane or Sydney.

RL needs to promote the game in Melbourne, this is how they see it can be best done. Just like the AFL putting thousands of $$$ into Sydney and Brisbane to promote the game of AFL. SoO is different to an actual Grand Final also.

When is the Australian Rugby League going to face up to the fact that Melbourne is a lost cause?

Yep lets go back to the NSWRL/QLD... :thumbsdown:

Melbourne has one of the best teams in the NRL but Victorians have next to no interest in supporting it.

The crowds are about the same as any NSW team. I agree though the crowds should be higher with the great footy being played. Perhaps we will see it rise when we actually get a decent stadium built!

Now they have been handed one of the jewels in the rugby league crown and they couldn't give a damn.

Sell Out.

The official line is that Origin is heading to Melbourne to promote the game in Victoria, but surely no one believes that. There is only one reason the game is going there - and that is so rugby league's de facto owner, Channel 9, can make a few more bucks.

HAHAHAHAH nice one.

And the official line is correct, it is here to promote the game, get over it.

How did the network's Victorian programmers handle Origin II on Wednesday night? By replaying it from 11pm after showing an AFL Legends game featuring fat, old former players trying to relive past glories.

He should call channel 9 and see how many complaints have been made by RL supporters. Every year we call up/email them to complain.

Even when the SoO is on so late it gets good ratings!

Melburnians are world champions at jumping on the sporting bandwagon when it is trendy, and disappearing when it is time to put in the hard yards.

Hahaha hard yards? look at the crowd figures each week who turn up to the AFL. Look at the Storm supporters turning up each week compared to Souths and Parra pathetic figures. They are in the HEARTLAND of Rugby League and they get less than 9000?

And badminton officials are still trying to work out what happened to all those fans who lined up to get into the Commonwealth Games back in March.

That was a once in a life time event, and it just shows how sports mad this city is. ALL sports... You just condradicted yourself, saying we only care about AFL and the paper only has AFL in it.. then you are saying how many turned up to the commonwealth games. FFS.

But will the round-ball game still be getting seven pages of gushing copy in the morning paper a year or two from now?

Well idiot, the world cup will be over by then.

Melbourne Victory gets pretty good coverage and great crowds!

Melbourne is an AFL city, and it will never change.

Hang on, you have just mentioned all sports than we go to see?

If there is one thing that has come to the forefront over the past couple of weeks, it is just how many great football codes we have in Australia.

Of which all Melbournians support.

The only downside has been the argument over which code is better, and which one is about to swallow the others whole.

Sorry, but arguing over which code is better is like arguing over who loves his wife more.

sainters said:
For the last time of course Origin was always going to sell out! it's a major event, it got 87,000 odd thousand last time, did it make RL more popular, maybe a little, but the AFL is the only code in this city which can sustain good crowds in a season fixture...

Guess you didn't go to a Victory game last year?

I guess you dont compare Storm crowds with the rest of the league...

And i guess you dont see how much of a ****hole Olympic Park is.
Think I'll go though this article bit by bit and make this joke of a writer look even worse than he does when you read though it the first time.

WITH New South Wales put to the sword and the future of Origin assured for at least three weeks, the deciding game heads to Melbourne and an audience that neither wants nor deserves it.

If we didn't want it we wouldn't of sold it out and if we therefore don't deserve it even after selling out the "jewel" of Rugby League then nor does Sydney and New South Wales which FAILED to sell out Game 1 and its only chance to see an Origin clash this year. Pretty much sums up matters when the heartland of Rugby League can't sell out the "jewel" and the backwater the doesn't care for the "jewel" does.

You have to wonder, don't you?

You have the wonder the point of this article??? Are you just pointlessly bashing Melbourne for the sake of it or do you fear that NSW are about to have their arses handed back to them again in Melbourne when if the were in Sydney NSW would more than likely do the arse handing back?

Here we have been told over the past month or so that Origin is on the ropes; that unless Queensland can make a go of the current series the greatest phenomenon in the history of rugby league is . . . well, history.

And now, with Queensland footballers and their supporters doing their bit on Wednesday night, the most attractive match for the past decade goes to Melbourne, where it will be cast like pearls before swine.

Ooh plays the man and not the ball. I smell fear.

Not that I'm totally against playing Origin in Melbourne. I reckon they should get one game. Just as soon as they agree to play an AFL grand final in Brisbane or Sydney.

What does the AFL Grand Final or the AFL in general have to do with the ARL deciding where it plays any of its Origins matches. If it decides to play Origin on the Moon they can, just don't go using the AFL's showpiece game as a agruement tool to put your point across.

When is the Australian Rugby League going to face up to the fact that Melbourne is a lost cause?

Let me guess you aren't a support of Beach Volleyball in Iceland then?

Melbourne has one of the best teams in the NRL but Victorians have next to no interest in supporting it.

Just about as much interest in supporting it as South Sydney and Parramatta to name just two clubs.

Now they have been handed one of the jewels in the rugby league crown and they couldn't give a damn.

We sold it out, that's giving a damn. Sydney didn't sell Origin 1 out, that's call not giving a damn.

The official line is that Origin is heading to Melbourne to promote the game in Victoria, but surely no one believes that. There is only one reason the game is going there - and that is so rugby league's de facto owner, Channel 9, can make a few more bucks.

How can Channel 9 make more money out of playing the game in Melbourne rather than Sydney??? Either way, people will watch and the likelyhood is more people will watch in Melbourne than ever before because of the promotion and that in turn EXPOSES people to Rugby League that haven't been exposed before and hopefully a few get along to a Storm match or two. Same with those at the match. No doubt the Storm will have their people at the match handing out flyers and the like and will promote the hell out of their next home game. But I guess you fail to see that point. You fail to see what good this will do. You just want to give up and go home and become the NSWRL once. To hell with the rest of Australia.

How did the network's Victorian programmers handle Origin II on Wednesday night? By replaying it from 11pm after showing an AFL Legends game featuring fat, old former players trying to relive past glories.

Ratings for Legend's match at 8.30pm = 500,000
Ratings for Origin 1 at 9.30pm = 230,000
Ratings for Origin 2 at 11pm = 100,000

There is a reason why they did it and it was because a game featuring fat, old former players trying to relive past glories was always going to rate better in Melbourne than Origin 2 would.

It was the same in the Melbourne press.

On Wednesday morning, the Herald Sun devoted one story to Origin, 15 pages in -- next to a single-column preview of the rugby union Test being played in Melbourne this weekend.

Don't let the facts get in the way of the truth though. The column on the Union Test was just on training and the Story on Origin was a full match preview with a full color graphic of the team line ups. The reason it was so far back was it was behind the normal AFL coverage and of course the Australia vs Japan coverage and no newspaper in the country's AFL heartland was going to not devote 5 or 6 pages to that game BEFORE Origin 2's build up. Also you failed to note that on Thursday, all TV news service in Melbourne ran with Origin 2 and there was 2 articles on two pages (one at the front of sport and one towards the back) on the game itself, plus a box on the back page about the decider being in Melbourne. But again admit that to make your story sound better.

The same issue featured seven pages on the football World Cup and five on AFL.

It was the first full issue after the Australia vs Japan match so of course ANY paper was going to devote 7 pages to that match including those in Sydney and Brisbane no doubt and 5 pages of AFL is pretty much a slow news day and I'm sure Sydney and Brisbane papers had simular amount of pages on RL?? What makes those cities any different?

Melburnians are world champions at jumping on the sporting bandwagon when it is trendy, and disappearing when it is time to put in the hard yards.

Rich is the word I'm think of.

The city still holds the world record for the largest crowd to watch a game of baseball, to say nothing of the then-record 87,161 who showed up to watch Origin I at Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1994.

Baseball match that was held before a session of athletic at the 56 Olympics and therefore no there was watching the baseball, but waiting for the athletics program to start. As for the Origin crowd in 94 well it was built up as the must see event, match was a fizzer and then Super League split the game apart and the ARL dropped the ball in this state for too long. Only now are they getting act together down here.

And badminton officials are still trying to work out what happened to all those fans who lined up to get into the Commonwealth Games back in March.

and six years on, I'm sure all the Handball officials in Sydney are STILL trying to work out what happened to all the fans who lined up to get in to the must see event of the Olympic Games. Massive crowds for minor sports happen at ALL major events like the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games.

So if any city was going to go ga-ga over the Socceroos this week, you could bet your Collingwood beanie it was going to be Melbourne.

But will the round-ball game still be getting seven pages of gushing copy in the morning paper a year or two from now?

Of course not.

But that will be the case in every single paper in the country. Melbourne hasn't jumped on a bandwagon here, we are behaving like every other city.

It will be down the back of the bus with rugby league, union, baseball and badminton

Melbourne is an AFL city, and it will never change.

What about the crowds and pages and pages of article on the Melburne Victory??? Yes we do love our AFL and yes we are an AFL city for which it will never change, but we are more open than you think. Just because the Storm don't get AFL size crowds and 7 pages worth of articles in the Herald Sun everyday doesn't mean people in Melbourne aren't willing to try other open or don't try/play other sports.

And the quicker football, rugby union and rugby league fans and administrators accept that and get on with their lives, the better.

Why??? Its comments like this that stop these sports from getting ANY footing in Melbourne because the support from interstate gives up too willingly.

If there is one thing that has come to the forefront over the past couple of weeks, it is just how many great football codes we have in Australia.

Only nation in the world that could handle four major football codes on this level after the USA.

Has there ever been a better week of top footy than this one? From Wallabies to Socceroos to Maroons and Blues, we've had one high after another.

True. But why bring in the Blues they gave us nothing:D

The only downside has been the argument over which code is better, and which one is about to swallow the others whole.

No code will, it only morons who believe it and talk it up.
Yes anything other than the AFL.

Lidge said:
Anything other than AFL!


The Australian open(s)... events which have 'international' written all over them.

The first couple of days for one test match. Pura cup match crowd are quite small compared to other states.


NSW has 3 NBL teams, 2 in Sydney. QLd has 3 NBL teams. All 6 of these teams get larger crowds than the sole victorian side.

Bigger crowds in NSW

Soccer (still unsure why there's only 1 x A League side in Melbourne)

Sydney and even Brisbane get larger crowds. In the last season of the NSL Sydney had 5 teams, plus two more in NSW... virtually all 7 NSW teams had larger crowds than the Melbourne team, as well as the Perth Glory.


large scale events only......

All have grass roots infrastructure and support of the relevant national governing body to make the necessary investments.

I would gather Melbourne is the largest city in the world without a quality rectangular playing field.

And any record will show that virtually every week-in/week-out sport in Melbourne, other than AFL draws smaller crowds than Sydney.

Can't say the same of the 2 x rugby codes - other than the occasional transplanted big event. By nature they are designed to attract theatre goers and boost TV audiences in NSW & QLD.

AFL has a history of being hostile to any sport that even appears to compete against it. I wouldn't restrict this attitude to just the 2 rugby codes.

Melbourne Storm - are going OK a decade in. Fair to say they're done better in the 1st decade off field than the Swans did in Sydney.

How do you quantify that claim. We always get crowd comparisons to the Swans crowds for the first ten years comapred to the Storms.

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54,000 people say that they DO deserve it. They are even considering selling more tickets for standing room only, such is the interest.

And I'd say the Melbourne Vs Brisbane game will get a handy crowd as well on Friday night. Dare I say, 15,000+.
robbieando said:
Just about as much interest in supporting it as South Sydney and Parramatta to name just two clubs.
Over the next few years... after the investment in Victoria picks up.. and more "big" games are played there... some of the smaller Sydney clubs are gonna have their egos dented quite a bit the Storm.

The Storm will have a better stadium, higher crowds and more sponsorship potential than a few clubs I can think of in the Sydney area.. that'll really pi$$ off a few people.
copa said:
Over the next few years... after the investment in Victoria picks up.. and more "big" games are played there... some of the smaller Sydney clubs are gonna have their egos dented quite a bit the Storm.

The Storm will have a better stadium, higher crowds and more sponsorship potential than a few clubs I can think of in the Sydney area.. that'll really pi$$ off a few people.

I'll believe that when I see it.
If only, if only it was held at the MCG and it got 80,000+ (a sellout wouldn't of been out of the question either).

Wouldn't that shut high level league administrators and journalists up.
pcpp said:
If only, if only it was held at the MCG and it got 80,000+ (a sellout wouldn't of been out of the question either).

Wouldn't that shut high level league administrators and journalists up.

At the MCG they wouldn't of got a sell out and would of been lucky to get to 70,000 tickets sold, therefore opening up to the likes of Coleman and Hadley to cry about poor Sydneysiders not getting a chance to watch Origin when they didn't sell out Game 1, 6 week before.

Still having game at Telstra Dome is the right move because it creates a sell out without too much effort and now officials can spend the next three weeks promoting the code and not getting people to buy tickets which is better than anything they could of wished for and a plus over playing it at the G.
Ronin said:
I'll believe that when I see it.

A NEW sponsorship deal worth more than $1.2 million has thrust Melbourne Storm into the realms of rugby league's elite.

It is understood the new arrangements with joint major backers Medibank Private and superannuation fund Host Plus are among the richest in the NRL.
They compare favourably with deals held by established glamour clubs Brisbane and the Sydney Roosters, as well as several Melbourne-based AFL clubs.

"I will never divulge exact details of our financial dealings, but let me say it is a very good deal," Storm chief executive Brian Waldron said.

Just a few thousand behind the crowd average of some sydney clubs...


THe stadium is coming.. that's a certainty.

So it's starting to happen ..... and it is currently there for you to see.
As others have mentioned it has sold out, although I was suprised at how cheap ticketmaster7 were selling the tickets for; seats that normally sold for 40 dollars were being sold off for 17 dollars.

I'm heading down to Melbourne for the week and unfortunately missed out on tickets..much to the disappointment of some. On the ticketmaster7 website it said the match begins at this true?
Hawkk said:
As others have mentioned it has sold out, although I was suprised at how cheap ticketmaster7 were selling the tickets for; seats that normally sold for 40 dollars were being sold off for 17 dollars.

I'm heading down to Melbourne for the week and unfortunately missed out on tickets..much to the disappointment of some. On the ticketmaster7 website it said the match begins at this true?

7:30 as usual. At least that's what I think mate. :thumbsu:
Hawkk said:
As others have mentioned it has sold out, although I was suprised at how cheap ticketmaster7 were selling the tickets for; seats that normally sold for 40 dollars were being sold off for 17 dollars.

I'm heading down to Melbourne for the week and unfortunately missed out on tickets..much to the disappointment of some. On the ticketmaster7 website it said the match begins at this true?
I think you may have been mislead on to accounts.

1. The 'standing room only' tickets are selling for $35 apiece and $25 for the kiddies. $17 tickets for a reserved seat!! I wish.

2. The game will start at 8pm, not 4pm.

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Melbourne does not deserve Origin..

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