Gym & Misc Member Profiles - Post yours!

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All Australian
Apr 18, 2008
AFL Club
We see alot of members offering advice but who are these people? I think the regular members on this board should provide a little information on themselves so we know who we are getting advice from and who we are talking to, also to learn more about the guys here. Ill go first.

Age: 23
Height: 187
Weight: 85
Body type: Somewhere between ecto and meso
Qualifications in the industry: none

Supplements: currently using: WPC, maltodextrin, creatine, jack3d (every now and then)

Diet: Most of my protein comes in the way of food, tuna, chicken, steak, eggs and cottage cheese. I also normally get approx 5 and 2 serves of veg and fruit per day. Ive recently started eating alot more and noticed a big difference in muscle gain.

Goals: Build muscle, reach 90kg (200 pounds) with about 10% bodyfat
Achievements so far: Reduced body fat to approx 12% and added roughly 10kg muscle in 2 years

Sport played: Football
Re: Member Profiles

Age: 33
Height: 168
Weight: 80 - ish
Body type: elements of all 3 but meso more then the others
Qualifications in the industry: cert 3/4 for 5 studio business owner for almost 2 years...research far out weights qual seminars are shit at best

Supplements: currently using: i don't class protein powder and fish oil as supp's, they should be none, they're a waste of money

Diet: 6 weet bix and shit load of milk for breaky...maybe an apple in somewhere in there...4 eggs/bacon, 2 pieces of toast, bowl of veg..chicken and veg...chops and veg...give or take...1 - 2 cheat meals a week (if i don't give in)

Goals: all performance based so going into this off season i wanna get my strength back to where it was (150kg deadlift, 115kg bench press) but even more importantly have them carry over into football so turn my strength into explosiveness

Achievements so far: well i've been at my goals before so i'll get to the strength bit before christmas hopefully but my achievements won't be seen until this time next year when footy finishes

Sport played: Footy
Re: Member Profiles

hmm, not sure if i'm acknowledged as someone who should be giving advice on here cos i'm one of the skinny guys but anyway..

Age: 20
Height: 183 or 184cm
Weight: 80kg
Body type: ecto (was 47.5kg before starting gym(just before 17th bday, around the same height)

Qualifications in the industry: none

Supplements: choc whey and mesomorph sometimes if i need to squeeze a workout in and i feel tired

Diet: i mainly eat tuna, steak, mince beef, chicken breast, bread, pasta, rice and fruit and vegetables
getting around 250 carbs, 250 protein and 90 fats every day. sometimes carbs blows out to 300+ but in my situation it doesn't really matter

Goals: lol bit embarassing to be honest..since i've started i've been aiming for the 'ben cousins' look. obviously won't look the same due to bone structure, genetics etc. but around that size i would be happy with..not sure about bf% because his was very low almost all the time but hopefully i stay dedicated enough to do it

Sport played: have played cricket, footy, soccer, indoor soccer, basketball and did competitive swimming for a year. but currently only indoor soccer

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Re: Member Profiles


Wouldn't it be easier just to post pics?
I could be taking weight loss advice from a fat guy pretending to be a personal trainer for all I know.

Much better system... Photos don't lie. This is me :thumbsu:


In all seriousness, great concept. Here's me:

Age: 23
Height: 171~
Weight: 73
Bodyfat: never measured ~12% at a guess - abs visible
Body: In between Meso and Endo
Qualifications: None
Supps: Obviously Whey, dextrose, BCAA's, Glutamine, Creatine, Multi, Fish oil as staples. Bulk Nutrients Pre work out here and there. Alcar when cutting and currently using Gaba to test out its sleep improving qualities I read so much about.

Goals: 2x BW Deads and Squats x 6. Improve on weak points - calves. Cut for summer starts today - Have 9 weeks to get ripped. Be up on stage in the next 5 years.

Sport: Football for all but this year.

Diet: Chicken mostly, beef, broccoli, sweet potato, carrots, apples, rice, bread, olive oil etc keep it pretty simple.

Achievements: DL 140kg x 4 (strength), I don't bench atm so DB chest 40kg x 8 (controlled for mass), Squats 110 x 6 (strength - bit disappointing atm)

Added around 8kg's of muscle in 2 and a bit years of training on and off unfortunately (two extensive spells of 4-5 months really cost me)
Re: Member Profiles

So you're actually doing this to be a bodybuilder? Can I ask why it appeals to you?

I love being competitive. Football stopped for me at the end of last year because my body couldn't cope with it anymore. With about 8 weeks int he season to go I was on pain killers for shin splints, groin troubles and foot problems just to train (We were finals bound so I kept playing).

I now turn to the gym to find that competitiveness. At the moment I'm competing with myself every time I train, but in the future I hope to compete against others.

I have a few mates competing, so I've been following how they go about it and I'm really interested in doing it.
Re: Member Profiles

Age: 32
Height: 178cm
Weight: 75kg
Bodyfat: Approx 13-14% (dexa scanned a month ago at 15.52% @ 78kg)
Qualifications: None (just a lot of reading)
Sports: None
* Whey - Purely used to "correct" macros at end of day if my protein from food is lacking
* Creatine
* Multi + fish oil
* BCAA - only as i'm doing fasted training/leangains
* Bulk Nut PWO NT - workout in the morning and i'm not a morning person

Current Diet: Keto whilst cutting
Bulking Diet: Whatever foods that hit my macros, when i was bulking earlier this year it was around 200g pro, 80g fat, 400g carb.

Past: Was 92+kg, 30%+ body fat, unfit and hadn't trained in years, so spent the last 18 months getting back into shape. Dropped 23kg, bulked up 8-9ish kg, now cutting back again for summer.

Short term goal: To get to 8% bf or as close to it by christmas
Long term goal: 78kg @ 8%

Strategy: Cut til christmas, and then spend most of next year slow bulking and gaining as much mass/strength as possible.

Training: 4 day split with 1-2 days cardio

Current PB's:
* 5k run in 21:40ish.
* DB Bench: 42.5 x 5
* Squat: 105 x 5
* Dead lift: 152.5 x 5
* Standing Press: 60 x 5

Squat is a little low as i only introduced it 3 months ago. Really need to get it up to around 125x5 to get in line with my other lifts. I suspect part of it is form.

* 1 x bw Press (currently 0.9x)
* 1.5 x bw Bench (currently around 1.3x)
* 2 x bw Squat (currently 1.6x)
* 2.5 x bw Dead lift (currently 2.3x)
(Current numbers are using 1rm calc)

* 5km run in under 20mins

I don't train for any sports or anything. Just for the fun of it. Love the challenge of pushing myself to and past limits.
Re: Member Profiles

That's a good point - i updated my profile to include my most recent dexa scan results too.

Won't post a photo yet, but will once i hit my goal (not happy with where i'm at currently lol).
Re: Member Profiles

Here's a mini transformation for you lot that like pics. The July 30 pics are after my 4 month lay off and the Sep 16 are after 10 odd weeks of training. Have trimmed up slightly since then. Hopefully next set of pics will be in much better shape for my summer holidays.

First time I've ever posted pics on the intrawebz so be kind to my pasty white body!

I've linked the album pages instead of filling up your IPhone screens with pics.

Also hit a new PB for deads today. Introduced straps a month ago now and am going through the weights (so much easier when the bar isn't slipping through your fingers). Did 150 x 3 which is 2xBW so my goal above won't last too long. Will have to re-assess.

Also noticed I was way out with height. First time I've measured in a long time today and I'm about 167-168 cm's. After seeing the BF% pics I'd most likely class myself just outside 12% and go with 13%.

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Re: Member Profiles

Ok if others are putting some up, may as well put money where my mouth is lol.

Took this today, i'm about 3-4kg away from my goal which i'll hopefully get to in 6-8 weeks. Sitting at 13-14% body fat, compared to 30%+ before i started training.

Profile on previous page.

Re: Member Profiles

Nice work!

See, this is an accurate assessment.

That is actually around 13-14%, whereas I see so many others try to claim to be, yet they've got love handled, puppy fat etc.

Vascularity over the chest/deltoids would indicate to me thats more like 10% max. 13-14 is very generous.. Just my opinion though..
Re: Member Profiles

Vascularity over the chest/deltoids would indicate to me thats more like 10% max. 13-14 is very generous.. Just my opinion though..

That's what I was thinking. Difficult photo to gauge though. His stomach clearly holding something, however it could be water.

Always been a very subjective topic.
Re: Member Profiles

Age: 20
Height: 200cm
Weight: 93kgs
Bodyfat: Not sure, ~7-9%
Qualifications: Current student Exc Science
Sports: Football, Cycling
Supps: caffeine!!!
No idea how to post pics,
Awesome mate must have dedicated yourself very profusely.

Height: 180
Weight: 70
Age: 29
Bodyfat: No idea.
3km: 10.20
Beep: 14.8
Supps: Tomato Sauce
Sport: Running. Done 4 half marathons now; tackling my first Marathon next year. Gotta get it done before I'm 30 because thats what I told myself on my 27th bday :)
Re: Member Profiles

Pretty big unit, Whomb.

Re. Ben, looking good mate, would love to see the growth you would be able to achieve if football and to a lesser extent cycling weren't holding you back. What level are you playing at these days?
Re: Member Profiles

I guess it's time for me to do this, I'm shy though hah.

Age: 21
Height: 180cm
Weight: ~80kgs
Bodyfat: ~16% by the looks of things
Body type: Traits of all three but mainly ectomorph - I'm what you'd call a 'skinny-fat kid' - have never had troubles putting on belly fat and love handles. I wouldn't say I'm a hard gainer - not like the hard gainers I train with but I'm certainly not as gifted as a true mesomorph.
Qualifications: None. I have stolen my sisters text books though - she's a sports scientist. :D
Sports: Currently nothing. Have history in footy and swimming mainly - rep level for both. Others are Basketball, Volleyball and beach volleyball.
Supplements: Whey, Waxy Maize, Glutamine, flaxseed oil and multi. I have a mass gainer that I'm taking too - won't bother getting another after I've finished though.
Diet: Currently bulking (35:55:10), will start a keto in 4 weeks time from Monday.
Past: In the past I've just been skinnier and weaker.

Goals: Squat 1.5 x BW for 12 reps, Dead 2 x BW for 6 and Bench 1.5x BW for 8. Also want to hit 90 kgs and cut down to 85kgs with 5-10% bodyfat.

Training: 4-5 days/week resistance training. No cardio.

Not sure if I should put any of my current lifts up, people judge that shit haha.

Anyway, here's a pic:


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Gym & Misc Member Profiles - Post yours!

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