Most misused talent

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All Australian
Sep 3, 2003
Guantanamo Bay!
AFL Club
West Coast
Which current WWE superstar in your view isn't being used to his/her potential.

I reckon it would have to be Val Venis when he had his chief Morley gimmick he looked to be going places but it came to a sudden halt and he's back maineventing on Heat, if he had the right gimmick i believe he could draw & possibly mainevent.
Sean Morley main eventing? He'd need to look up charisma in the dictionary first.

The most underused talent currently would have to be Big Stevie Cool. Guy is a good worker, very charismatic and excellent on the mic.
Well after watching Raw they seem to be hinting at a stevie richards push with him beating test making it 3 in a row.

but it will fail to go anywhere because of his size we all know that Vinnie Mac has a big guy fetish.

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Stevie Richards' work in ECW was astounding. He really is a fantastic comedy worker - I was quite regularly in tears. My favourite Stevie incident was where he was going to sue Missy Hyatt for sexual harrassment after she kissed him. The bit he did after Mick Foley's last ECW match (which I understand will be on the DVD) was hilarious as well.

As for some other misused talent: try,

Ultimo Dragon
Lance Storm
Paul London
Matt Hardy
Yep, Lance Storm has been treated so poorly.

The guy is a brilliant worker, with some well known weaknesses, however Paul E showed you can still get him over despite the weaknesses.

Shame Vince and his daughter don't have half the wrestling nous of Paul E.
Yeah i agree RVD and alot of the lighter workers like Guerrero, Benoit, and Jericho have not been properly utilised, hell the entire Cruierweight divion has been misused for that matter.
Have to agree that every small wrestler has been underutilised. i would up until Survivor Series, Chris Benoit was being underutilised but he seems to be getting a big push and my tip to win the rumble plus title at wrestlemania.

I also think that lance storm and val venis would be a good heel tag team if they got rid of their gimmicks. Make them the boring guys who just disassemble every tag team there is. I also quite like the "If i can be serious for a minute..." lance storm. Something to work with maybe...
Paul London - brilliant Indie talent, probably great future in the biz, and the WWE choose to bring him in, how? By having Brock "one facial expression" Lesnar squash him in no time at all. Unforgivable!
Ditto for Spanky - this guy is charasmatic and can work really well, why not fued the guy with Spike instead of burying him in squash match pergatory?
Misused? The list can go on and on and on:

Lance Storm
Chris Jericho
Chris Benoit
Rene Dupree
Molly Holly
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio

I think I'll stop before I get too worked up here.:D

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Rene Dupree.
With Randy Orton, will be the future of wretling. Hopefully Edge can make a full comeback, and Brock Lesnar can continue on his merry way and things will start to look up.
But to answer your question... Rene.
Also worth asking, does anyone think that WWE will find it hard to turn Rene from an American hating character into a heel in his own right?
O'Haire's lack of a push has baffled me.

In my mind, he is a far better worker then his old Power Plant colleagues, Mark Jindrak and Chuck Palumbo.
Ultimo Dragon was one of the best workers in the world before his injury, and now that he's made an incredible comeback against everybody's expectations he can't even get on Smackdown. Ridiculous.

Lance Storm is also horribly wasted, along with many others. Hopefully they start following the lead of Spanky and head off to indi promotions that will actually give them a decent run.
I totally disagree with Val,Hardy and Lance to a certain extent.


Val: although his mic skills are good. And he is a OK wrestler he just cannot connect with the fans.

Hardy: Insanely overrated. Very average mic skills and a unconvincing wrestler. Lived off his brothers looks and the swanton bomb.

Lance: A very good wrestler but his style does not suit the WWE. He wrestles a technical style like Benoit or Angle but the fact is that he is not at Benoit or Angles level as a wrestler. Has no Charisma or mic skills.

I agree with Paul although it looks like he may starta a feud with Kidman over the SSP. And O'Haire although hes never really appealed to me is a wasted talent.

And i totally disagree with you listing of Big men you deem should be replaced by O'Haire except for Albert. Big Show I believe is on the verge of really breaking thorugh. Finally teh WWE are really putting him over as nearly invincible and wrestlers are showing a fear of him. And as for Morgan, How can you pss judgement on a guy that has been on the main stage for a few months??? He CAN work well. While his mic skills arent great he can only get better a future Heavyweight title contender.
Lance Storm is the next Benoit in waiting the wwe just need to repackage him properly maybe something that see's him revisit his old team Canada gimmick from his run in wCw.

Hell he was over enough there to win the US, Hardcore & cruiserwieght titles
Christian is brilliant in comedy scenes. He's not being misused now as they are building a feud with him and Y2J. He should be just a bit below main event status after this feud.

My picks are:
Steven Richards
Test (although his skills have depreciated)
Lance Storm
Billy Kidman
Paul London
RVD (although he remains in the midcard/uppermidcard ranks he should be used in more angles)
Matt Hardy
Originally posted by Presti_is_god

Lance: A very good wrestler but his style does not suit the WWE. He wrestles a technical style like Benoit or Angle but the fact is that he is not at Benoit or Angles level as a wrestler. Has no Charisma or mic skills.

Actually, he has plenty of skill on the mic, and frequently gave great promos in ECW. He has just been held back on the mic in WWE because of his character. His style is actually more Japanese-style high-flying than technical, but again because of his character in WWE he hasn't been able to show that. I've got same tapes of him wrestling Ultimo Dragon in Japan, and he is near unrecognisable compared to his use in WWE.

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Most misused talent

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