Motlop: G.O.N.E

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Wells won't be going anywhere.
He is the 'leader' out of the two, it was no suprise how quickly Junior improved when Wells came to our club, Wellsy set the example of work ethic - something Motlop didn't have too much of at that stage.

Wells will wave him goodbye and get on with the job - he is too good a player, leader and person to be worrying about the club turning over another player.
When a good friend leaves our workplace, you feel a little sad when they go, but you get on with the job - life goes on!

Trade for L.Power (unlikely but would be great) and pick up Krakour with a late pick and he can fill straight in Junior's spot - dynamic, unpredictable, can turn a game in a quarter and he can become Wellsy's new mate....sounds good to me!

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benno87 said:
Please do not promote a Motlop for Picket trade.

He was great at North Melbourne but he is not what we require right now.

A Pickett-Motlop trade won't happen because we'd lose bigtime. Obviously because Motlop's 5 years younger. But if we could get Pickett as an add on to the deal packaged with Salopek then it'd basically be a Motlop-Salopek swap remembering Salopek's probably only about 20 and went 5 in the Wells draft was actually expected to go 3 after Wells. And we'd get Pickett in addition.

If Pickett was a miss we wouldn't have really given up anything to get him.

Make it happen Dean.
Zero chance of getting Salopek for Motlop. Our primary need is midfielders, we won't be trading any away.
bee dee said:
As l have said before Wells will be next to walk

There is a risk all interstate players will want to go home - human nature. An aboriginal mate of mine played junior footy (at same club - couple of years younger) with Wells down in Mandurah and still stays in touch from time to time, he rates him highly in terms of committment and dedication. Describes him as "not" the type to pack up and go home for "soft" reasons. Of course this is no garantee. But I do rate his opinion. Interestingly he believes there were a number of others at the same level with Wells but never had his desire to succeed. Time will tell, but I see him sticking around for a fair while.
tashibatts said:
Attempting to be objective.. :(

It seems to me that Watts is more of a key forward than a key backman.. tell me if I am wrong..

And that isn't really what we need (ChJones, Thompson, Sav, Hale, McIntosh, Petrie {on a good day} ).. we need a key defender..

Go Roos

Watts is/will be twice the player of any of those players you listed.

It's one thing having key position forwards in numbers its another thing to have QUALITY key position forwards.

Watts = Quality

Make it happen Dean.
mark73 said:
whats the go with this Fergus Watts...has he ever played?
nobody could possibly be serious about trading Motlop for a player whose sat in the SANFL for two years...there would need to be more in than that besides one thing we dont need is forwards...
oh dear.

He was drafted two years ago and played some games last year.

His form in the SANFL has been very good this year and the only reason he didn't get a spot in the 22 was because the Crows kept winning and the forward line was doing its job.
Porthos, considering that Motlop is also a automatic starting player don't you think that trading on senior player for another would be a fairer trade?

Like I said, I haven't seen any of the 3 players I suggested actually play, was purely going on their draft selection position and their size.

Whilst Motlop has had a few injuries concerns, as you yourself have mentioned it doesn't mean he deosn't still have considerbale trade value ( like Salopek, who you've stated should be retainined and is still highly valuable despite being innjury prone).

Anyway, Port and North seem to have a decent trading relationship, neither side seem determined to rip each other off, so I hope we will see an win-win deal done.
It is a waste of time recruiting these aboriginal players from up north. He wants to play closer to home. Good luck, the Darwin Dingbats are a f*cken long way from getting an AFL licence. I remember the effort that had to be put in to keep him here the first time. No point swapping him for Pickett, he was just another a*sehole who turned his back on the club to be closer to home. Let him go home to play footy around a dusty paddock and think about the opportunity he is losing. I hope we win a flag in the next few years and the whole team sticks their finger up as a gesture to Motlop doing nothing out bush. ******** off loser.
Nevbuster said:
It is a waste of time recruiting these aboriginal players from up north. He wants to play closer to home. Good luck, the Darwin Dingbats are a f*cken long way from getting an AFL licence. I remember the effort that had to be put in to keep him here the first time. No point swapping him for Pickett, he was just another a*sehole who turned his back on the club to be closer to home. Let him go home to play footy around a dusty paddock and think about the opportunity he is losing. I hope we win a flag in the next few years and the whole team sticks their finger up as a gesture to Motlop doing nothing out bush. ******** off loser.

I can appreciate your disgust and you're NOT ALONE.

But stuff like this is uncalled for. Just wish the guy some luck and look at the possibility of North benefiting from a valued trade. We did very well with Peter Bell's trade didn't we. ;) Jess Sinclair is playing career best footy.

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vlad76 said:
What he did two years ago wasn't great but we were all just happy it got worked out.

Would someone mind explaining to me what happenned in this incident 2 years ago?
palisades said:
Motlop = MotFLOP

We got far better value from Adrian McAdam

There is an extreme UNEVEN balance here. Great point Palisades.

McAdam was BRILLIANT and without his '93 & '94 contributions, who knows if North would of raised up so suddenly to become a force and then have McAdam leave to quickly re-adjust with that same hunger / urgency.

Whereas Junior was ultra inconsistant and gave us a cameo role that we seem to HEAVILY rely on last season. (some ppl here think Junior was a messiah :rolleyes: ) Can't be said he left us high n' dry as we got Thommo to be the fwd lynchpin that we really needed, not a showpony that played when he felt like it. Didn't think we missed him much. Infact, I know we didn't miss him. We got to 5th and know too well we LACKED a RUCKMAN !! to get so far !

McAdam >>>> Junior
apollo_creed said:
oh dear.

He was drafted two years ago and played some games last year.

His form in the SANFL has been very good this year and the only reason he didn't get a spot in the 22 was because the Crows kept winning and the forward line was doing its job.
My point entirely.Could'nt break into their reasonable but unspectacular forward line.I don't know enough about the guy to be honest so I will refrain from making too many comments on him but,I have seen what Motlop is capable of and he would be picked automatically in North's 22 not to mention quite a few others so I still think there would have to be something else (decent) involved.
salamander said:
Not happy.

I saw enough at the end of 94' to suggest that Motlop would be a star. I was devastated when he walked out on the club last year, and thrilled that he finally decided to stay, so thrilled in fact that I entrusted his number to my kids footy jumper.

Where's the loyalty? He has never been able to tap into that huge reservior of talent we all know he's got, he hasn't repayed the club for all the time and effort put into him.

We owe him no favors. I urge the club to hold out hold out for the best deal available or send him to the PSD.
As much as I would love to agree with you and see that scenario follow through,I think it would be a real flirt with danger to take the tough stance approach.The Roos can't afford to play too harder ball because they could end up with nothing.
If an agreement could'nt be made and he went in the draft there would be nothing stopping a club doing a deal (like PA)with Carlton for an early pick and securing Motlop that way ensuring we end up with no compensation whatever.It is true the club has got to be hellbent on getting top quality for him but I hope for god's sake they don't do a Mark Williams/Nick Stevens negotiation because to be honest we could'nt afford it.
rooloc said:
If he wants to go trade hard. Motlop to Brisbane with 3rd pick for L. Power
Now thats something to get excited about :thumbsu:

That's more like it! Can't believe that names like Watts and Salopek are being thrown up for the likes of Motlop. Rest assured that other clubs are aware of his true value and we may end up with a gun player like Power. And how happy is Kerr over in the west? Isn't there friction between him and the captain, even though his girlfriend is Ben's sister? Might be a bit more friction after last nite!!!
if i remember correctly wanganeen was motlops idol when he was younger.
being that next year will be wangas last do you guys think part of the reason for motlop leaving might be to play alongside wanganeen? (if he was to go to port)
Shagga#6 said:
Porthos, considering that Motlop is also a automatic starting player don't you think that trading on senior player for another would be a fairer trade?
That would be why Pickett is on the table.

Anyway, Port and North seem to have a decent trading relationship, neither side seem determined to rip each other off, so I hope we will see an win-win deal done.
I agree that it would be nice for a win-win, though I reckon we got screwed twice last time. If you've got any more Cochranes hanging around, we don't want them.

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Motlop: G.O.N.E

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