Motlop's "personal issues"

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How about you get the **** off of Mots' back? How does that sound?

I agree with you on the Motlop issue alone (although admittedly I've missed the last two games due to other commitments), but not everything on here has to be positive. If someone thinks they're entitled to have a crack, they should have a crack. It's an Internet forum, I'm sure the players have thick enough skins that they can cop a bit of criticism from us anonymous people behind a computer screen.
I agree with you on the Motlop issue alone (although admittedly I've missed the last two games due to other commitments), but not everything on here has to be positive. If someone thinks they're entitled to have a crack, they should have a crack. It's an Internet forum, I'm sure the players have thick enough skins that they can cop a bit of criticism from us anonymous people behind a computer screen.

well my personaly opinion is, in tough times you stand behind your players and back them in 100%. im sure Mots is copping enough shit from opposition supporters. how bout we get behind him and show him some support.
well my personaly opinion is, in tough times you stand behind your players and back them in 100%. im sure Mots is copping enough shit from opposition supporters. how bout we get behind him and show him some support.
Personally I don't think he's worth persisting with because the output doesn't match the hype and the off-field soap opera isn't worth the trouble. He's 28 years old. Motlop is capable of the mercurial which is great. I'd rather see consistent performance than sometimes OK performances. He's made a career of getting by on perceived talent and performance which in my opinion isn't there.


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I am a cleaner, I have personal issues which causes me to become lazy and do a bad job, causes my company to lose money and as a result, I get sacked.

Pretty simple really, if you are playing shit, you dont play. Choco didnt understand that and as a result, his company lost money and he lost his job.

we do NOT accept mediocre performances and its Primus' job to enforce this.
i reckon TPFP is a better home for True believers King Tredrea

we like having the ability to express an opinion here without being banned

i think we should all get behind Mots. hes a Port player going through a tough time. yeah hes not playing good footy atm but does us bitching about how much hes struggling help? no no it does not. the amount of whining on this forum is enough to make someone ill. you are all such soft, soft excuses for supporters its not funny.
well my personaly opinion is, in tough times you stand behind your players and back them in 100%.

It's people with opinions like these which led to Choco getting a contract extension and our club losing the chance to get a guy who has coached Richmond, yes RICHMOND, to the same W-L as us. I'm sure nobody in here goes into gameday wanting Motlop to fail. Everyone in this thread would love him to come out against the Bulldogs and kick a bag next week. But if he is failing, then he shouldn't be in the side. It's that simple.

I suppose you support the gold pass system as well?
How about you get the **** off of Mots' back? How does that sound?

Firstly - try actually reading the original post thoroughly and think about it a bit, then write your response before coming out all guns blazing and embarrassing yourself. The main point of it was that he shouldn't be getting picked if his personal issues are so extreme that they're the genuine reason he's been so out of form. Because you're clearly not bright enough to understand what that means, I'll spell it out - it's a criticism of the people selecting him to play.

Secondly - why should we get off the back of people who are blatantly damaging the club, its performances, its culture and its image? Apathetic "supporters" who sit on their hands and cheer on the team no matter what drag any organisation down to a level where mediocrity is accepted (refer to Freo supporters in past years cheering off their team after a loss).

yeah hes not playing good footy atm but does us bitching about how much hes struggling help? no no it does not.

You think our analysis / discussion in any way hinders his form? Don't flatter yourself. I intend to make whatever observation and analysis I like about my club, positive or negative. If you don't like it, don't read it.

the amount of whining on this forum is enough to make someone ill. you are all such soft, soft excuses for supporters its not funny.

I'll tell you what makes me ill - having to continually hear from Victorian commentators and non-Port supporters about how our playing group are downhill skiers, dishonest in their efforts and that our club is flailing and not respected. And none of that would hurt if it wasn't true. So go back to your lounge room, stick on your 2004 grand final DVD and pretend it all happened yesterday. You're as pathetic a supporter in my eyes as I am in yours.
It's people with opinions like these which led to Choco getting a contract extension and our club losing the chance to get a guy who has coached Richmond, yes RICHMOND, to the same W-L as us. I'm sure nobody in here goes into gameday wanting Motlop to fail. Everyone in this thread would love him to come out against the Bulldogs and kick a bag next week. But if he is failing, then he shouldn't be in the side. It's that simple.

I suppose you support the gold pass system as well?

Careful, you're making too much sense. Some people can't handle any kind of critical analysis :rolleyes:
Firstly - try actually reading the original post thoroughly and think about it a bit, then write your response before coming out all guns blazing and embarrassing yourself. The main point of it was that he shouldn't be getting picked if his personal issues are so extreme that they're the genuine reason he's been so out of form. Because you're clearly not bright enough to understand what that means, I'll spell it out - it's a criticism of the people selecting him to play.

Secondly - why should we get off the back of people who are blatantly damaging the club, its performances, its culture and its image? Apathetic "supporters" who sit on their hands and cheer on the team no matter what drag any organisation down to a level where mediocrity is accepted (refer to Freo supporters in past years cheering off their team after a loss).

You think our analysis / discussion in any way hinders his form? Don't flatter yourself. I intend to make whatever observation and analysis I like about my club, positive or negative. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I'll tell you what makes me ill - having to continually hear from Victorian commentators and non-Port supporters about how our playing group are downhill skiers, dishonest in their efforts and that our club is flailing and not respected. And none of that would hurt if it wasn't true. So go back to your lounge room, stick on your 2004 grand final DVD and pretend it all happened yesterday. You're as pathetic a supporter in my eyes as I am in yours.



maybe you should start acting like one
hey ash78 are you one of those supporters that twidles there thumbs and bronx cheers in the last qtr when we are down? harden up lad

If you want to intelligently discuss any of my points (you haven't responded to a single one), I'll happily engage. But I sadly suspect all you're capable of is drumming out lame, cliched insults.

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I suppose you support the gold pass system as well?

Get over these gold pass system comments. Motlop has earned his spot in the last two weeks.

Firstly - try actually reading the original post thoroughly and think about it a bit, then write your response before coming out all guns blazing and embarrassing yourself. The main point of it was that he shouldn't be getting picked if his personal issues are so extreme that they're the genuine reason he's been so out of form. Because you're clearly not bright enough to understand what that means, I'll spell it out - it's a criticism of the people selecting him to play.

Secondly - why should we get off the back of people who are blatantly damaging the club, its performances, its culture and its image? Apathetic "supporters" who sit on their hands and cheer on the team no matter what drag any organisation down to a level where mediocrity is accepted (refer to Freo supporters in past years cheering off their team after a loss).

You think our analysis / discussion in any way hinders his form? Don't flatter yourself. I intend to make whatever observation and analysis I like about my club, positive or negative. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I'll tell you what makes me ill - having to continually hear from Victorian commentators and non-Port supporters about how our playing group are downhill skiers, dishonest in their efforts and that our club is flailing and not respected. And none of that would hurt if it wasn't true. So go back to your lounge room, stick on your 2004 grand final DVD and pretend it all happened yesterday. You're as pathetic a supporter in my eyes as I am in yours.

Motlop was given a chance by the coach while in bad form, and is on the improve. To state that he is still in bad form, and being given a gold pass is absolute crap.

KT tells anyone who bags this club out to get ****ed, I love it. What i don't love is people who give the players crap. Some of the threads on this board have been utterly embarrassing over the past few weeks, to call someone "apathetic" because they don't sink their heels in when someone is performing badly is nothing short of delusional. Stop trying to justify such behaviour, and harden the **** up and support the club through a tough time.
hey ash78 are you one of those supporters that twidles there thumbs and bronx cheers in the last qtr when we are down? harden up lad

Supply a reasonable arguement rather than personal insults and people may actually listen to you and take you seriously.
Get over these gold pass system comments. Motlop has earned his spot in the last two weeks.

Motlop was given a chance by the coach while in bad form, and is on the improve. To state that he is still in bad form, and being given a gold pass is absolute crap.

KT tells anyone who bags this club out to get ****ed, I love it. What i don't love is people who give the players crap. Some of the threads on this board have been utterly embarrassing over the past few weeks, to call someone "apathetic" because they don't sink their heels in when someone is performing badly is nothing short of delusional. Stop trying to justify such behaviour, and harden the **** up and support the club through a tough time.

this is EASILY the best post i have read for a very, very long time. HARDEN THE **** UP and support the PAFC you soft centred donkeys. o
Get over these gold pass system comments. Motlop has earned his spot in the last two weeks.

I disagree he's earning his spot. So do most neutrals that I've spoken / listened to.

Motlop was given a chance by the coach while in bad form, and is on the improve. To state that he is still in bad form, and being given a gold pass is absolute crap.

He's had a gold pass pretty much since returning from injury. Some of his efforts have been nothing short of embarrassing and have severely undermined the efforts made by the PAFC to do the team thing and stop being front-running downhill skiers.

KT tells anyone who bags this club out to get ****ed, I love it. What i don't love is people who give the players crap. Some of the threads on this board have been utterly embarrassing over the past few weeks, to call someone "apathetic" because they don't sink their heels in when someone is performing badly is nothing short of delusional. Stop trying to justify such behaviour, and harden the **** up and support the club through a tough time.

It's worse than apathetic to get so emotional and upset at anyone who dares to criticise anyone while the club slide to its lowest point in 140 years - it's negligent.
this is EASILY the best post i have read for a very, very long time. HARDEN THE **** UP and support the PAFC you soft centred donkeys. o

Still with the insults. You and Lurk3r must be a pair of married Ostrichs or something. If you cannot see how terrible Motlop has been, and how he got back into the team after 1 poor SANFL game, and then proceeded to be a complete liability on the field, then I dont think it is worth anyone trying to discuss it with you. Pathetic really.
Still with the insults. You and Lurk3r must be a pair of married Ostrichs or something. If you cannot see how terrible Motlop has been, and how he got back into the team after 1 poor SANFL game, and then proceeded to be a complete liability on the field, then I dont think it is worth anyone trying to discuss it with you. Pathetic really.

nah whats pathetic is supporters that decide to sink the boots into their own because things arent going so great.
nah whats pathetic is supporters that decide to sink the boots into their own because things arent going so great.

KT and Lurk3r - I'd love you to answer these questions...

Do you like where the club's at? Do you enjoy it being derided by the rest of the footballing community? Do you feel happy going home / turning off the TV after yet another soul-destroying, pea-hearted effort?

If not, have you even bothered to try and rationalise how it's sunken to its current depths? And are you so offended by any form of critical analysis that you see it as "soft centred"-ness? If so, don't read opinion-based forums... and go assess who needs to HTFU.
nah whats pathetic is supporters that decide to sink the boots into their own because things arent going so great.

Well, get used to the mediocrity that currently purveys this once great club then.
I have no issues with criticism when criticism is due. '

There is no way in the world that Motlop's Friday night performance deserves the criticism he is copping.

Yes he may have been ordinary before that and he probably should have been dropped but he wasn't.

His current form warrants his selection so lets get off his back and see if he can keep improving. I am sure everyone here would love to see Motlop back to his full potential for the PAFC.
That would be an OK result, but I'd be happier if he had a couple more good games to prime him for trading to Gold Coast for a young player of a type we desperately need.

He is not going to in our next premiership side, and Gold Coast could probably do with a showpony.
Still with the insults. You and Lurk3r must be a pair of married Ostrichs or something. If you cannot see how terrible Motlop has been, and how he got back into the team after 1 poor SANFL game, and then proceeded to be a complete liability on the field, then I dont think it is worth anyone trying to discuss it with you. Pathetic really.

How was motlop "terrible" on friday night. I'll agree that he had a few bad games in weeks preceding, but that was weeks ago.

He didn't stay in the game but he still kicked 2.2 and set up one up. Not to mention the massive tackles he laid.

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Motlop's "personal issues"

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