Blind Freddy would have known to get similar seating at the new Stadium as people had at Subi was going to cost extra. My ticket came in around what I expected at $720.00 which is only slightly more than what I was previously paying, however I do want an aisle seat so may change my seat if I can find what I'm looking for as they have put me almost at the end if the aisle - can't stand having to climb over all and sundry as may turn up in their lapThe "preview" view changes depending on when you look. Go in there now and you'll see that they're all taken. I'm guessing the re-allocation window is still open for some members during the day and shuts down at night.
I've read all the instructions, so I understand I've got a chance of moving location once the window opens up, it's just that the "preview" feature is not telling us the entire story.
It also wouldn't be an easy job, but WCE haven't covered themselves in glory. It looks like a bunch of long-term members, who are used to sitting at ground level on the wing, have been moved into the back rows of the upper tier, and are going to have to pay the extra cash to move back to a seat that is in a similar location i.e. ground level and not 3rd tier.
Anywhere like block 120 at $830 a ticket is the first choice, anywhere from 521 to 515 in a row closer to the front is the second choice, with our current allocation of row 18 in block 521 the last resort.