Murray FL 2018

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Did you see the incident? Because those that attended the tribunal on both sides didn't. The player in question would be one of the fairest country footballers Currently playing the game. I'll be honest I wasn't at the game, so not judging either way. But know the big fella well and would be certain he wouldn't deliberately inflict harm on anyone. #dontjudgewhatyoudontsee

Has never been reported in his 12 years at Nathlia
How could Rumba get carved up 32 goals to 5 by Numurkah with some of the talent they have in the team seriously? Ex Essendon players Lovett Murray and Atkinson to start with.
How could Rumba get carved up 32 goals to 5 by Numurkah with some of the talent they have in the team seriously? Ex Essendon players Lovett Murray and Atkinson to start with.
Especially when Rumba are 5 points off the points cap.....

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How could Rumba get carved up 32 goals to 5 by Numurkah with some of the talent they have in the team seriously? Ex Essendon players Lovett Murray and Atkinson to start with.

It is what it is Doc,we had a few key players out unfortunately but in saying that, that is no excuse and Numurkha are a very very good side, all credit goes to them!! They a finishing the year off strong
Maybe. Do u think its ok to have clubs granted extra points because they have the money to recruit.
But I think it is critical that clubs aren't encouraged to recruit young adolescent kids from other clubs.
It sets a terrible precedent, that they expect for the rest of their playing life.
All clubs in the MFL and many other leagues face varied challenges.
The points system is discrimative against some and advantageous to others whilst it has proven to have no direct correlation to a premiership winning side.
But I think it is critical that clubs aren't encouraged to recruit young adolescent kids from other clubs.
It sets a terrible precedent, that they expect for the rest of their playing life.
All clubs in the MFL and many other leagues face varied challenges.
The points system is discrimative against some and advantageous to others whilst it has proven to have no direct correlation to a premiership winning side.

Agree with Most of your post. Though need to keep in mind the points system isn't designed to fix the now, it's an aid to help clubs for the future. To put an emphasis on junior development and retention. "The phrase "club ****" will hopefully become a thing of the past. I'm all for clubs receiving extra points to keep them sustainable as long as these clubs are attempting to get the entire process right and not just win a senior flag.
Agree with Most of your post. Though need to keep in mind the points system isn't designed to fix the now, it's an aid to help clubs for the future. To put an emphasis on junior development and retention. "The phrase "club ****" will hopefully become a thing of the past. I'm all for clubs receiving extra points to keep them sustainable as long as these clubs are attempting to get the entire process right and not just win a senior flag.

As I hate generalisations can someone tell me which clubs in the AFLGM region aren't attempting to get the entire process right?
Agree with Most of your post. Though need to keep in mind the points system isn't designed to fix the now, it's an aid to help clubs for the future. To put an emphasis on junior development and retention. "The phrase "club ****" will hopefully become a thing of the past. I'm all for clubs receiving extra points to keep them sustainable as long as these clubs are attempting to get the entire process right and not just win a senior flag.
Has there been any increase in junior development or increase in players numbers ?
A points system ain't going to improve the biggest issue .
Players integrating from junior grades into senior players .
Has there been any increase in junior development or increase in players numbers ?
A points system ain't going to improve the biggest issue .
Players integrating from junior grades into senior players .
Think Nathalia would be a good example. Bowen Smith, Bailey Bell, Nathan Oakes and more all playing seniors before there time.
Just a statement, that going forward id be happy for clubs that meet a criteria, be granted more points than a cap allows.

I'm sorry but I'm going to push this because IMO clubs especially mfl and pdfnl all attempt to do the right thing. So I'd be keen to know who you think is doing the wrong thing. Otherwise if you can't put up names then is this actually an issue within our clubs in our area?

The point system is putting $$ and time into compliance measures that would be better spent in this area on measures that give clubs (especially those struggling to get suitably qualified personnel as volunteers) assistance to improve their position. Whether that is coach mentoring, administration assistance, something tangible that will actually get improvement for these clubs that are important to communities.

What's your criteria for granting extra points? Should the base be lowered to allow more of a spread of points to allow for differing circumstances??

I'm not totalling against point system. But it's current form is detrimental for clubs in some cases. I'm yet to see AFLGM put in place anything that actually helps clubs that are already in the hub.

Gleeson spruiking about the academies saying it will help
Clubs as the kids will take the knowledge back to the clubs is garbage. That won't happen. The education needs to come into the clubs.

You can't just put in restrictive measures and not also offer assistance to community clubs to help them improve IMO.

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Think Nathalia would be a good example. Bowen Smith, Bailey Bell, Nathan Oakes and more all playing seniors before there time.
IIRC Nathalia won the grand final last year and had 20 points up their sleeve. They are also looking pretty good this year and have not got close to their point cap.
As such it is hard to see that the points system has had any affect at Nathalia.
IIRC Nathalia won the grand final last year and had 20 points up their sleeve. They are also looking pretty good this year and have not got close to their point cap.
As such it is hard to see that the points system has had any affect at Nathalia.
But development has. It has forced the club to develop within, but also has allowed players to move to other clubs in other leagues to continue their development. The one thing I understand is that when a player moves from Nathalia, the club stays in contact with them, not to pressure to come back, but to make sure that they are happy with their move. I listened to an interview with Chris Atkins from Ky and he could not speak highly enough of his move to Nathalia, and that he would recommended the club to anyone who was interested with playing there. he mention that the reason Nathalia did so well was that the young kids were involved with activities of the club and that all they wanted to do was play seniors there. Sort of like a source of pride to me.
But development has. It has forced the club to develop within, but also has allowed players to move to other clubs in other leagues to continue their development. The one thing I understand is that when a player moves from Nathalia, the club stays in contact with them, not to pressure to come back, but to make sure that they are happy with their move. I listened to an interview with Chris Atkins from Ky and he could not speak highly enough of his move to Nathalia, and that he would recommended the club to anyone who was interested with playing there. he mention that the reason Nathalia did so well was that the young kids were involved with activities of the club and that all they wanted to do was play seniors there. Sort of like a source of pride to me.

But is that new,in last two years, or something that nathalia has always done?? Because they are nowhere near the points cap so those grand final players and current players must be home grown??

I just don't think clubs in this region have neglected junior development to the extent everyone claims.

No one is answering who hasn't put put in the effort in the past?

What is considered a good criteria for extra points being allocated?
But is that new,in last two years, or something that nathalia has always done?? Because they are nowhere near the points cap so those grand final players and current players must be home grown??

I just don't think clubs in this region have neglected junior development to the extent everyone claims.

No one is answering who hasn't put put in the effort in the past?

What is considered a good criteria for extra points being allocated?

Good criteria could be,
- Population
- distance to major towns
- recent success (lack of)
I'm sure clubs could come up with more.

My original statement wasn't about a particular club not doing things well at all. It was a statement that IMO. Clubs should be able to apply for extra points, as long as they are ticking all the other boxes, so that the extra points granted isn't just a quick fix.
Good criteria could be,
- Population
- distance to major towns
- recent success (lack of)
I'm sure clubs could come up with more.

My original statement wasn't about a particular club not doing things well at all. It was a statement that IMO. Clubs should be able to apply for extra points, as long as they are ticking all the other boxes, so that the extra points granted isn't just a quick fix.

So you don't know any clubs who weren't doing the right thing regarding JD yet you claim the point system is fixing that long term??

More full time jobs in marketing advertised for AFLGM. Marketing what exactly and why can't current staff do it?

Those $$ could employ people to be on the ground at clubs. More mentorship for junior coaches.

My frustration is you all seem so content that the point system will fix something that perhaps isn't the real cause of the issues we have.

If we raised our level of vision away we may see a lot more could be gained if we insisted they coupled this with more training and assistance at club level.

Don't sell the region short by allowing more office jobs to be added to their ever growing list of employees. Demand more.
So you don't know any clubs who weren't doing the right thing regarding JD yet you claim the point system is fixing that long term??

More full time jobs in marketing advertised for AFLGM. Marketing what exactly and why can't current staff do it?

Those $$ could employ people to be on the ground at clubs. More mentorship for junior coaches.

My frustration is you all seem so content that the point system will fix something that perhaps isn't the real cause of the issues we have.

If we raised our level of vision away we may see a lot more could be gained if we insisted they coupled this with more training and assistance at club level.

Don't sell the region short by allowing more office jobs to be added to their ever growing list of employees. Demand more.

I'm not commenting on any club doing anything poorly. Clubs have there own battles to deal with. I have an opinion which I believe I'm entitled to. And that is that the points system will help clubs in the long term. Full stop! It's my opinion.
I'm not commenting on any club doing anything poorly. Clubs have there own battles to deal with. I have an opinion which I believe I'm entitled to. And that is that the points system will help clubs in the long term. Full stop! It's my opinion.

I merely challenged that opinion by asking whether it was based on facts, which I believe I'm entitled to also. Sorry if I came across too strong.

My opinion is the points base is too high.
I agree their needs to be criteria for increased points. This criteria should be transparent and in the case of location, size of town etc those points be a permanent increase. I agree clubs lose points for success (premiership) hence needing a lower base that's not to say we start clubs at that lower base. Also need lower base to allow for a greater spread of points to allow for vast degree of circumstances we have in the AFLGM region.

I still believe the regions clubs do attempt to do the right thing with JD. I also believe clubs across leagues in AFLGM need to be considering if juniors comps are helping or hindering club senior football as well as work together to insist AFLGM put more emphasis on help at club level.
I'm not commenting on any club doing anything poorly. Clubs have there own battles to deal with. I have an opinion which I believe I'm entitled to. And that is that the points system will help clubs in the long term. Full stop! It's my opinion.
The value of the points system or salary cap IMO, will be how it evolves and how quickly it evolves.
Reducing points or spending available to clubs within its current flat format , which is the indication , is only going to serve to wipe out specific clubs.
Some clubs are able to maintain a higher player budget and recruiting campaign then others due to certain factors .
However for every positive there is always a negative .
E.g.. Remote communities often don't have to compete as hard for locals money . They therefore are able to maintain a higher player budget .The negative to that is they have to pay more to get players to their remote community and generally have a higher turnover of players.
If these clubs are not allowed to have more points and salary cap they be unable to compete and in turn will fold.
Likewise in Shepp , Congupna and Rumba are forced to compete for junior players who are being pushed heavily to GVFL aligned SDJFL junior clubs.
There are numerous variations which haven't but IMO need to be considered
Was a spectator at the rumba Rams match on Saturday from about half way through the thirds onwards on the weekend and would just like to say I've never seen more disgraceful behaviour on a footy field that what I seen in the last 10 minutes of the thirds where deni players were getting hit behind play when not watching and umpires not having the guts to do anything about it to the seniors where yet again umpires not standing up for what's right. Deni have lost there senior captain from a cowards act while he was on the ground where the opposing player none other than Whyman come over and kneed him whilst he was trying to get up from a contest.He was airlifted to Melbourne hospital Sunday afternoon with kidneys problems and is not recommended to play contact sport for a long time. It's about time this league stopped pussy footing around this problem and seriously considered there future in the league, but we all no that won't happen dont we? Absolute discrace.
This happens on a weekly basis and nothing is done about it. The best things all clubs could do is boycott playing them and they along with the league would soon get the message. Any hint of action being taken against them and the vilification card is played. Very sad but the club needs to get fairdinkum with their own
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