MY two cents. POST OPINIONS here and only Here

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Re: My Take On watch should happen from here.

I read in one of Sheedy's books about when he applied for the Essendon job. One of the questions they asked was 'We have a skilled core group - what do we need to do to improve?' Sheedy's reply was 'You have no skillful players'. He was saying to the club 'From an outsiders point of view, and from a guy who played in multiple premierships, you are not serious'.

I think we need someone to come into the club (whether as coach or Football manager - preferably as coach) and say 'These players are no good. They need to improve hugely'.

At Richmond, we seem to laud our young players too soon, and are happy to let our old players remain at their current levels. There does not seem to be a drive towards improvement, and if you don't make those improvements - well, "Next!".

For that reason, I think we should target Matthews and Malthouse or Williams as No 1 rather than Hardwick or Buckley. We need someone with authority to stand up to the board and supporters and tell them the hard truths. Tell them publicly, as well. I'd even be happy with Sheedy. I am happy for the coach to bag the players. (Remeber Blight and 'Pathetic Pittman'? Well the Crows won the flag that year). I was not surprised when Malthouse said 'We can't beat Geelong'. That's a message to the supporters that he knows they need to improve, and are trying to. But at least they are realistic about it.

But if we take on another untried 'rookie' - well, the board/supporters/coterie groups will just ignore the hard lessons. It must be someone from outside the Richmond fold.

The best example is when we chose Frawley - it was between him and Tony Elshaugh. Elshaugh was assistant coach at North - reigning premiers. Frawley was assistant coach at Collingwood - spooners. Frawley had also spent his whole life at St Kilda watching the ball fly over his head through the goal - what the hell did he know about success, or how to achieve it?

If we have to pick a rookie - no, dont.


Look i have been banging on about this for a few years now it's pretty simple.Other teams know if you come out and hit them hard 90% of the time they turn there toes up it's a problem the club has had for years.How to fix it is to ask every player to lay 2 tackles a quarter it's not that hard after a while they become a stronger side and learn to play for each other and also they have to learn to sherpard protect the player carrying the ball give him an extra 3 meters to deliver the ball properly.How many of our players let an oppenet run past them and tackle our player carrying the ball.In saying all this it won't stop me from going to surport the boys it's just the way i have seen this for years now.Cheers
I have no idea what can be done about it or what is the best course of action. Pure and unadulterated self-interest seems to be what drives us, which is hard to deal with.


I think (know) that we need a new coach from outside the 'system' with no baggage. Someone who has never been at Richmond and who does not have his eye on other things when taking on the role. Someone who will come in and crack a few heads and maybe expose a few for what they really are. Unfortunately even if we get the next decision right in terms of coaching, the 'process' once again will dictate that few lean years might be in order before we can get a competitive side on the paddock.

The thing that is most troublesome is that perhaps the people in charge of making this decision are part of the problem and thus will just continue to perpetuate the problems we have.

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RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Something has gotta give, How dare anyone suggest that we endure the pain of 18 more weeks of this. New beginnings inspire HOPE. There is NOTHING to be gained in continuing on this road to nowhere. In 6 months the head coach has overseen the playing group fall from a competitive outfit to a rabble. With record a membership base ea loss is like a death by a thousand cuts. I wont be back until there is CHANGE:eek:
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Something has gotta give, How dare anyone suggest that we endure the pain of 18 more weeks of this. New beginnings inspire HOPE. There is NOTHING to be gained in continuing on this road to nowhere. In 6 months the head coach has overseen the playing group fall from a competitive outfit to a rabble. With record a membership base ea loss is like a death by a thousand cuts. I wont be back until there is CHANGE:eek:

I second this motion.
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Something has gotta give, How dare anyone suggest that we endure the pain of 18 more weeks of this. New beginnings inspire HOPE. There is NOTHING to be gained in continuing on this road to nowhere. In 6 months the head coach has overseen the playing group fall from a competitive outfit to a rabble. With record a membership base ea loss is like a death by a thousand cuts. I wont be back until there is CHANGE:eek:

Totally agree. Supporters should start sending memberships back to the club until they do something about their pathetic coach and players...
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Something has gotta give, How dare anyone suggest that we endure the pain of 18 more weeks of this. New beginnings inspire HOPE. There is NOTHING to be gained in continuing on this road to nowhere. In 6 months the head coach has overseen the playing group fall from a competitive outfit to a rabble. With record a membership base ea loss is like a death by a thousand cuts. I wont be back until there is CHANGE:eek:

Well said.
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

tiger fans should boycott the games by not attending.

if the players dont want to be out there then why should we!

wallace promised us finals in 5years and sustained success.

all he has delivered is a wooden spoon (likely a second one too)

and dud players like mcmahon and tambling.

we will be lucky to win a game this year let alone play in finals.

this clubs get an F a big fat ****ing failure our club is.

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Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

If all our players put in like richo does we would be winning every match :)

Until they do we have no hope :(
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Interesting to see which 'supporters' here are members and which aren't. If you're a member, you've already paid for your membership so your going to show the club up by not attending? You've already played for your ticket... :confused:
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

tiger fans should boycott the games by not attending.

if the players dont want to be out there then why should we!

wallace promised us finals in 5years and sustained success.

all he has delivered is a wooden spoon (likely a second one too)

and dud players like mcmahon and tambling.

we will be lucky to win a game this year let alone play in finals.

this clubs get an F a big fat ****ing failure our club is.
Could not agree more - lets start this week and not turn up to the north game. We as Richmond supporters cop a pretty bad wrap, yet we are the most loyal supporters in the comp. We have put up with this crap for far too long and as a result are now a part of the problem. Give me any other club that has under acheived for so long and that can post a record membership, The fact that we continue to sign up and turn up in numbers is not helping. Im not saying that we abandon the club as that just cant be done its in our blood, but we do need to send a message and an empty stadium on Saturday night may just do that - It wont affect us its a North home game. As for the tossers that say we are whingers and have jumped off, id challenge any other supporters to watch what weve had to watch over the past two decades and see if you can darw a crowd ever, we always stick fat but need to try something as the organizattion has taken advantage of our loyalty for too long now.
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

Something has gotta give, How dare anyone suggest that we endure the pain of 18 more weeks of this. New beginnings inspire HOPE. There is NOTHING to be gained in continuing on this road to nowhere. In 6 months the head coach has overseen the playing group fall from a competitive outfit to a rabble. With record a membership base ea loss is like a death by a thousand cuts. I wont be back until there is CHANGE:eek:

See you, Bo :rolleyes:

Why not just address the issues, where the problems are around the club, do your own mini review because as I said in the post I created before, nothing seems to be going on in this review the club are supposed to be having.

They've said he's the coach for 2009, so we're stuck with him. So do we make the most of the year and try and address the problems or do we sit and mope for the rest of the year.
Re: Why we played so bad ? Answers Included

Want the real answer ?

It's because our players have no heart, no desire to be the best, no fire in the belly and they wouldnt even know how to stand up for themselves when their character is being questioned.

Doesnt matter who is coaching us, its the same old story. Terry's time has come but bookmark this a new coach wont change our fortunes, you are a fool if you think that is all thats required to become successful.

what he said ^^^^
Alright I am starting to cool off a bit :D

There is good young talent in the side, no question of that (IMO).

The coaching situation has me perplexed to some extent, if we sack Wallace and a new bloke comes in and tears the joint down totally - from a list perspective - that could be counterproductive. Don't know the answer here.

I do believe we need to give the young guys an extensive opportunity this year, even the maligned guys like JON, Hughes etc. See what they can do. I don't think Terry truly embraced that in his first two years and it is costing us now.
Re: RFC- Don't treat us with contempt

I'm not too sure what this thread is actually asking for.

Saying change but not stating what you want to change?

well my post definatly asks for change. (post is on second page)
i cant speak for the rest of the posts here. Allthough to my defence...i didnt put the post in this topic...i had my own topic but a mod moved it in here?
yes it does. he would be the number 1 back in your team. take the number 1 forward every game.

We would not let Luke Mcguane anywhere near our club. He is what we would call a 'germ' down at Carlton.

Is there training tonight ? My Grandma is free to conduct a skills session. She said she would also be happy to show you how to tackle and put your head over the ball. Oh! And she has more respect in the football world than Terry Wallace so listen to what she says.

She is also happy to clean up any of the horse shit that was dumped down there today.


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MY two cents. POST OPINIONS here and only Here

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