MRP / Trib. Nankervis on Lloyd

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Cats fans embarrassing them selves in here. Why not take the high ground instead of the petty tit for tat point scoring garbage

But didn't you post this in here?

Just popped into their board to see what the vibe was regarding weeks and spotted this

"Nank shouldve ironed out Franklin the campaigner instead".

So they're clearly taking it well

You’re right, we don’t know.

But I do know that Stewart had +/-3 seconds to make his mind up and still went through Prestia. Nankervis had a split second from the footage I’ve seen. Both would regret it, but Stewart had far more time at the time in which he could have done something different, whereas Nankervis chose to bump and then had no further time to re-assess.

So both poor acts, but I am quite comfortable in labelling Stewart’s a poorer act.

I feel like you're being a little disingenuous here. Stewart was running to close space and put pressure on, and yes would have looked to bump. The big problem is, is that Prestia jumps in the air to tap on the ball, and then when he comes down, his centre of gravity lowers considerably. Stewart completely f*cks it up though, and even the most hardline of Tigers supporters would admit that at quarter time looked completely mortified about what he'd done.

Just as Nank didn't mean to 'iron out' Lloyd, but completely f*cked it up, so didn't Stewart. It's all too tribal for mine if people can't actually agree that players aren't going after players in this day and age - given how much the landscape has changed.
Cats fans embarrassing them selves in here. Why not take the high ground instead of the petty tit for tat point scoring garbage

I literally posted something akin to 'no player means it', a few pages back - and got responses of 'Stewart was premeditated, it was different' etc. etc. etc.

Even when being neutral it still doesn't work.
I feel like you're being a little disingenuous here. Stewart was running to close space and put pressure on, and yes would have looked to bump. The big problem is, is that Prestia jumps in the air to tap on the ball, and then when he comes down, his centre of gravity lowers considerably. Stewart completely f*cks it up though, and even the most hardline of Tigers supporters would admit that at quarter time looked completely mortified about what he'd done.

Just as Nank didn't mean to 'iron out' Lloyd, but completely f*cked it up, so didn't Stewart. It's all too tribal for mine if people can't actually agree that players aren't going after players in this day and age - given how much the landscape has changed.

I saw it differently. Importantly I don’t see Prestia’s centre of gravity being considerably lower, given that he’d just landed from being outstretched and tapping (ie didn’t take possession) the ball to Graham.


As I said earlier Stewart hit Prestia harder after travelling further and seeing the play happen for a lot longer. But somehow we’re meant to believe that a guy who has made a name for himself as a great intercept defender - who can read the flight path of a wobbly, light Sherrin in windy conditions quicker and better than most of his opponents - couldn’t work out the trajectory of Prestia’s larger, heavier torso and instead just “f*cks it up” and gets Prestia squarely in the head instead. I don’t buy it.
I saw it differently. Importantly I don’t see Prestia’s centre of gravity being considerably lower, given that he’d just landed from being outstretched and tapping (ie didn’t take possession) the ball to Graham.

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As I said earlier Stewart hit Prestia harder after travelling further and seeing the play happen for a lot longer. But somehow we’re meant to believe that a guy who has made a name for himself as a great intercept defender - who can read the flight path of a wobbly, light Sherrin in windy conditions quicker and better than most of his opponents - couldn’t work out the trajectory of Prestia’s larger, heavier torso and instead just “f*cks it up” and gets Prestia squarely in the head instead. I don’t buy it.

So why would he be mortified after the fact? If he'd meant it...he would have looked smug and not shaken up?

That's what I don't understand here, why do you choose to believe a player had intent to do something, rather than accept it was bad judgement? You're literally saying he wanted to iron him out...but then there is literal footage of him at quarter time available to all, showing that he was extremely shaken when he realized what had happened.

He'd never been suspended before this game, and just decided 'yeah today's the day I flatten an the first quarter...while we're two goals up.'

I don't understand why you guys are so intent on 'everyone being out to get you'...with some kind of persecution complex...when I am literally sitting here trying to say that players get it wrong from time to time - and few to none are looking to ban themselves for 3+ weeks, hurt a player, hurt their team by missing games, and damage their own reputation - by performing these acts.

I just can't talk about these things with you guys anymore. Even when I'm trying to argue the 'neutral' side, it's only ever correct if it aligns with the general opinion of your fanbase...not the wider community.

I mean I could sit here and be like 'oh Nank could have tackled...he wanted to iron him out because Lloyd had 11 touches to that point and was their best player on the ground along with Gulden, blah blah blah'...but it would be disingenuous because there would be no logical reason for it.

Instead though, Nank didn't mean it. De Goey didn't mean it. A previously blemish free Stewart who showed contrition after the fact, he meant it - because...reasons. Because he's an intercept 'better than most of his opponents' defender, he could never get someone high, give away a free kick, or genuinely make a mistake on the field. Nope it's all malicious. Prestia jumping in the air and tapping it on changed nothing, and Stewart should have judged that he was going to tap it on, where his center of gravity was and that his head would be lower - all in seconds while running full pelt to impact the contest.

Believe whatever you want to believe. I'm done. You guys are just exhausting.
Cats fans embarrassing them selves in here. Why not take the high ground instead of the petty tit for tat point scoring garbage
Actually pretty embarrassing to see the cats v tigers shit fight pop up again from the same old posters when the Degoey hit is the most recent and “like for like” type of hit

I’m pretty dirty at Nank for doing it
Was completely unnecessary and although I don’t think he intended to iron him out completely it doesn’t matter if is intent was just for some body contact or whatever

3 - 4 seems around the mark but I’m almost inclined to put my tigers hat aside and say 4 because it’s clearly something we don’t want to see in the game anymore and just a shit move all around
So why would he be mortified after the fact? If he'd meant it...he would have looked smug and not shaken up?

That's what I don't understand here, why do you choose to believe a player had intent to do something, rather than accept it was bad judgement? You're literally saying he wanted to iron him out...but then there is literal footage of him at quarter time available to all, showing that he was extremely shaken when he realized what had happened.

He'd never been suspended before this game, and just decided 'yeah today's the day I flatten an the first quarter...while we're two goals up.'

I don't understand why you guys are so intent on 'everyone being out to get you'...with some kind of persecution complex...when I am literally sitting here trying to say that players get it wrong from time to time - and few to none are looking to ban themselves for 3+ weeks, hurt a player, hurt their team by missing games, and damage their own reputation - by performing these acts.

I just can't talk about these things with you guys anymore. Even when I'm trying to argue the 'neutral' side, it's only ever correct if it aligns with the general opinion of your fanbase...not the wider community.

I mean I could sit here and be like 'oh Nank could have tackled...he wanted to iron him out because Lloyd had 11 touches to that point and was their best player on the ground along with Gulden, blah blah blah'...but it would be disingenuous because there would be no logical reason for it.

Instead though, Nank didn't mean it. De Goey didn't mean it. A previously blemish free Stewart who showed contrition after the fact, he meant it - because...reasons. Because he's an intercept 'better than most of his opponents' defender, he could never get someone high, give away a free kick, or genuinely make a mistake on the field. Nope it's all malicious. Prestia jumping in the air and tapping it on changed nothing, and Stewart should have judged that he was going to tap it on, where his center of gravity was and that his head would be lower - all in seconds while running full pelt to impact the contest.

Believe whatever you want to believe. I'm done. You guys are just exhausting.
For start, most Tigers here aren't "intent on 'everyone being out to get you'". Most here have labelled Nank's actions as poor and worthy of a 3-4 game suspension. If you believe the other Tiger supporters then you're dumb enough to be falling for trolls. Which is it?

Stewart is mortified because he's realised the seriousness of his actions. The bad judgement of Stewart was having the intent in the first place, not that he got a little confused between where he thought Prestia's head and torso were. Sure, maybe he didn't think he'd knock Prestia into the following week, but he had an open Prestia 25 metres ahead of him, ran towards him, ran past the ball and then still chose to drive his shoulder into Prestia's jaw. Have a look at the screenshot in post 94... there is literally nobody between Prestia and Stewart just in that screenshot. A wider angle from a second earlier might reveal 40m of open space between the two.

You're not arguing a neutral side. You're arguing for Tom Stewart, and you've seen an opportunity in the Nankervis action to get back at all the Richmond supporters who called out Stewart. Thing is, I agree Nankervis could have tackled or lessened his impact. I do think Nank (and JDG) did mean to make contact. But they literally reacted in the split second, whereas Stewart had way more time and space to act (and then react) differently. I could be be making more arguments for Nank but I'd rather not defend him for that action. It's just whataboutism on your behalf. Next you'll be defending Milburn on Silvagni.

I think I've put forward some rational points, I've explained them and you're now choosing to label me with a persecution complex. I can't just have a different opinion, it's just a wrong opinion (according to you).

Before you call any Richmond fans exhausting maybe call out some of your Geelong cohort who popped up on here calling Nank gutless, sniping, coward, dog, weak, ... calling for 5+ weeks... stifling any rational conversation.

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I want to dispel the myth that Nank is slow and clumsy, if this were true than no44 could of just goose stepped around Toby, unless we know for sure that that is not a part of no44's repertoire?

It's up to the Tigers hierarchy now to go find footage of no44 performing a goose step, do that and we can get Nank off!

I'm confident, big Nank will be taking on the WCE!
For start, most Tigers here aren't "intent on 'everyone being out to get you'". Most here have labelled Nank's actions as poor and worthy of a 3-4 game suspension. If you believe the other Tiger supporters then you're dumb enough to be falling for trolls. Which is it?

Stewart is mortified because he's realised the seriousness of his actions. The bad judgement of Stewart was having the intent in the first place, not that he got a little confused between where he thought Prestia's head and torso were. Sure, maybe he didn't think he'd knock Prestia into the following week, but he had an open Prestia 25 metres ahead of him, ran towards him, ran past the ball and then still chose to drive his shoulder into Prestia's jaw. Have a look at the screenshot in post 94... there is literally nobody between Prestia and Stewart just in that screenshot. A wider angle from a second earlier might reveal 40m of open space between the two.

You're not arguing a neutral side. You're arguing for Tom Stewart, and you've seen an opportunity in the Nankervis action to get back at all the Richmond supporters who called out Stewart. Thing is, I agree Nankervis could have tackled or lessened his impact. I do think Nank (and JDG) did mean to make contact. But they literally reacted in the split second, whereas Stewart had way more time and space to act (and then react) differently. I could be be making more arguments for Nank but I'd rather not defend him for that action. It's just whataboutism on your behalf. Next you'll be defending Milburn on Silvagni.

I think I've put forward some rational points, I've explained them and you're now choosing to label me with a persecution complex. I can't just have a different opinion, it's just a wrong opinion (according to you).

Before you call any Richmond fans exhausting maybe call out some of your Geelong cohort who popped up on here calling Nank gutless, sniping, coward, dog, weak, ... calling for 5+ weeks... stifling any rational conversation.


There is no-one in between Stewart and Prestia - agreed. Therefore, Stewart has to contest, otherwise Prestia will get it out the back to his forwards streaming forward (which he does with the tap on)

Prestia looks like he's going to take possession, but misjudges, ball hits the ground and bobbles up above his head (as the next screencap shows):


Ball is now above Prestia's head, and has a Geelong player about to tackle him, and Stewart in front of him, so (cleverly) decides to knock the ball on:


Prestia is now in the air, and Stewart is just about to make contact - as Prestia knocks ball on


Prestia is coming down from knocking the ball on, and Stewart is inches from making contact


Prestia still hasn't landed when Stewart makes contact. Stewart flushes his jaw and his head in illegal contact, after previously being in line with his chest a split second before.


Now if indeed you aren't trolling and this isn't an exercise in Richmond = good/everyone else = bad, can you accept that Stewart had no way of predicting the future, and he didn't know that:

a) Prestia was going to miss the ball
b) The ball was going to bobble above Prestia's head
c) He was going to tap it on and not take possession, and therefore feet were going to leave the ground

If you accept the above, then you can accept that this is not 'whataboutism', but me generally trying to argue that in this day and age, players do not intend to rub others out - especially those that show contrition after the fact. I am using Stewart as an example, because it has been sworn black and blue that Stewart was the exception not the rule...and that Geelong players are 'dirty snipers' and Richmond's are not.

For mine, this goes to the question of intent, and just like I didn't believe Gaff meant to knock out young Brayshaw at the time, De Goey young Hewett, Nank on Lloyd, and yes Stewart on Prestia, nor do I believe any player is INTENTIONALLY trying to rub out another player - like Lloyd on Brad Sewell back in the day, or Hall on Staker.

I've not deviated from this opinion on most of these cases, so it's not 'whataboutism', or 'amelioration', or 'selective bias', or whatever term you would like to use about these incidents. To the layman supporter, Nank, Stewart and De Goey all committed shit acts, and all should get their right whack. It doesn't make them bad's a contact sport, and they're all very competitive/very tough men on the field going at each other for two hours straight - in one of the hardest games on the planet to play and officiate.

If you choose to believe that Stewart chose to commit the act ahead of time, without acknowledging the extenuating factors in place that I've shown above, then that's selective bias on your own behalf. There is literally 2 seconds difference in those screen caps, and a whole heap changes in the blink of an eye - that's how quick and 360 degree our sport is.

I'm legitimately trying to argue intent across the board, and say that 'players get it wrong from time to time'...yet you're arguing 'players get it wrong...except for Stewart who is a gutless sniper and who meant to take out Prestia...because reasons.' That's why I think we're at a complete impasse, and that's why I'm not going to bother after this post.
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You’re confident eh? Well then I’m confident Nankervis thought “I’m 110kgs and when I bump Lloyd in the head he’ll be finished for the night”

Neither of us have a clue what the “perp” was thinking
He bumped but did not want to hit his head but being taller he accidentally did.
So different to Tom Stewarts hit.
Wait, I forgot Prestia never took the footy, so Stewart’s only option was to bump.

Lloyd had the footy, so Nank had tackle or bump, but chose bump.

Nank far worse. 7 weeks.
Now you’re being silly.
3-4 weeks move on.

can we stop with the stupud stewart freeze frame comparisons like were trying to figure out the kennedy assasination

your all embarrassing yourselves

If a tackle is 3 weeks then surely a late bump is 4.

More than 4 is dumb and would be appealed. But 3 is a limp wristed number too.

So it will probably be 3.
If a tackle is 3 weeks then surely a late bump is 4.

More than 4 is dumb and would be appealed. But 3 is a limp wristed number too.

So it will probably be 3.

probably will be 3 given track records of these things

personally as a richmond supporter dont care if he gets 3 or 4, it was a sh1t act they need to get out of football, and ill take my lumps when my teams players do this.

hell if it was the start of the season id accept an even greater punishment so long as the precedent was upheld

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MRP / Trib. Nankervis on Lloyd

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