Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

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Barnaby doin' it for the farmers :thumbsu:

Why does regional Australia put up with this?

“We absolutely need high-efficiency, low-emission coal-fired power stations,” Joyce said, before sharing his thoughts on coal exports.

“No one likes big holes in the ground … but the point is, you like your health system, you like your education system.

“This money has to come from somewhere. From the red rocks – iron ore. From the black rocks – coal.”

They really are open about turning us into a banana republic.

As it is, we've got a less diverse economy than Namibia and Uzbekistan.

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In this Government that should ensure a promotion.

Charged us $400,000 over 8 years taking chartered flights to and from Canberra rather than flying commercial.

It's hardly Bridget McKenzie levels of rorts.

And I'd love to see a price breakdown if he'd flown business class for all those flights instead, I can't imagine the cost being too much different...
Charged us $400,000 over 8 years taking chartered flights to and from Canberra rather than flying commercial.

It's hardly Bridget McKenzie levels of rorts.

And I'd love to see a price breakdown if he'd flown business class for all those flights instead, I can't imagine the cost being too much different...
Yes by all accounts Chester is a decent guy. My comment was more aimed at his colleagues the Beetrorter, McKenzie et al.
I'd love to know how Beetrooter can attend a restaurant with a covid positive case from his own party, no doubt all of them shaking hands, then somehow walk away not classified as a close contact (I assume 'health experts' just took his word that he didn't go near the infected person, like that's worth anything), while people all over the country are stuck in quarantine, classified as being close contacts for being at a place as big as a supermarket or Bunnings store, with no direct physical contact with the positive case.

How on earth can they prove that nobody at the restaurant who had direct physical contact with the infected case didn't also have direct physical contact with the Beetrooter as fast as they did?

The maggot was back in parliament house the same day, now he's running around the community with no mask on.

One rule for the majority, another for the *special* people.

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Charged us $400,000 over 8 years taking chartered flights to and from Canberra rather than flying commercial.

It's hardly Bridget McKenzie levels of rorts.

And I'd love to see a price breakdown if he'd flown business class for all those flights instead, I can't imagine the cost being too much different...
It’s six hours from Sale to Canberra, he could drive and be there quicker than it takes a lot of MPs to fly
Charged us $400,000 over 8 years taking chartered flights to and from Canberra rather than flying commercial.

It's hardly Bridget McKenzie levels of rorts.

And I'd love to see a price breakdown if he'd flown business class for all those flights instead, I can't imagine the cost being too much different...
Particularly would also need transportation from Gippsland to main airport for flights. Add in extra time involved..
Mind with zoom etc one hopes travel costs become more rational for all parliamentary representatives
Particularly would also need transportation from Gippsland to main airport for flights. Add in extra time involved..
Sale is hardly the back of Bourke. His spending on travel dwarfed Rick Wilson for example (whose WA electorate is more than three times the size of Victoria)

Totally unjustifiable and it’s mind boggling that there are people in here defending him
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Sale is hardly the back of Bourke. His spending on travel dwarfed Rick Wilson for example (whose WA electorate is more than three times the size of Victoria)

Totally unjustifiable and it’s mind boggling that there are people in here defending him
Rick Wilson has Kalgoorlie which has an airport with commercial flights.
And you would expect him to drive it would you? So you’d need to pay a driver for the 6 hour trip.
And you would expect him to drive it would you? So you’d need to pay a driver for the 6 hour trip.
Or he could drive himself direct. Or he could drive the two hours and change to Tullamarine. All options much cheaper than a chartered flight and all options that would get him to Canberra quicker than a lot of more isolated MPs.

Embarrassing you’re defending this stuff just because you like the bloke
Or he could drive himself direct. Or he could drive the two hours and change to Tullamarine. All options much cheaper than a chartered flight and all options that would get him to Canberra quicker than a lot of more isolated MPs.

Embarrassing you’re defending this stuff just because you like the bloke
3 hours to tulla from sale isn’t it?
Can you give examples of other mps driving themselves to Canberra/ to airport?
And what do the actual parliamentary regulations say about it?
(And the amount here is trifling compared to the waste on other lnp “projects” for mates. So there’s are threshold of give a ****)
Not sure why you need to project emotional terms like “embarrassing “ it just makes you (to use another emotional word) “pathetic”
Looking at the most recent quarter only on ipea website I’m not seeing much difference between littleprouds expenses and chesters
(Interesting that the ALP member with surname Chester spent much less, also country representative)
3 hours to tulla from sale isn’t it?
Can you give examples of other mps driving themselves to Canberra/ to airport?
There are plenty that do it for practical reasons even if they don’t have to under the regs

Anyway the point is moot, bottom line 2-3 hours of chauffeured transport to Tullamarine is still cheaper for the taxpayer than thousands of dollars to charter a flight from Sale to Canberra

Looking at the most recent quarter only on ipea website I’m not seeing much difference between littleprouds expenses and chesters
(Interesting that the ALP member with surname Chester spent much less, also country representative)
lol because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and doesn’t do it any more

Proof enough of how much of an unnecessary rort it was
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3 hours to tulla from sale isn’t it?
Can you give examples of other mps driving themselves to Canberra/ to airport?
There are plenty that do it for practical reasons even if they don’t have to under the regs

Anyway the point is moot, bottom line 2-3 hours of chauffeured transport to Tullamarine is still cheaper for the taxpayer than thousands of dollars to charter a flight from Sale to Canberra

lol because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and doesn’t do it any more

Proof enough of how much of an unnecessary ro
Can you tell me when he was caught (for purposes of getting data)
There are plenty that do it for practical reasons even if they don’t have to under the regs

Anyway the point is moot, bottom line 2-3 hours of chauffeured transport to Tullamarine is still cheaper for the taxpayer than thousands of dollars to charter a flight from Sale to Canberra

lol because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and doesn’t do it any more

Proof enough of how much of an unnecessary rort it was

It was $50,000 a year, so hardly thousands of dollars per individual flight given how many trips he probably took. Easy on the hyperbole there.

And I'd say he would still probably be doing it (perhaps not as regularly) but covering the cost himself.

Yes I like Chester but I'm not defending him for that. I can appreciate why he'd want to charter a flight. I think his rorts are on the mild end, there's been far worse committed with no punishment and his reasons would be understandable (to be more efficient with his time, both in Canberra and back in Gippsland). He's got a good record as an MP so I'm prepared to cut him some slack. Obviously you aren't, that's ok, can appreciate why you'd see it that way. But chill on the hyperbole, you aren't auditioning for a spot on Sky here.
It was $50,000 a year, so hardly thousands of dollars per individual flight given how many trips he probably took. Easy on the hyperbole there.
Mr Chester's flights to and from Lakes Entrance cost between $2100 and $3150, according to the latest expense records.


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Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

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