NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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Do you think that these seats on boards and committees are hot property ? Up here in Sydney it's often hard to find people willing to take on executive positions in clubs - people are pushed and prodded to put up their hands, then there is no reneging if you show signs of saying "OK", or even if you are a bit slow to say "NO".

Yes would have to agree its very hard to get people to volunteer to do anything these days let alone run a football club, bit harsh blaming the board Michael what is the club expected to do with such a poor season unfolding, they have recruited better this year than ever before from where I sit, is the board expected to wait until the end of the year or act now and try to salvage the season somehow, they can not really sack the players who ultimatly are the ones putting the horrible performances in, so they have done what any reasonable football person would expect, replace the coach with someone who might be able to get the results that the old coach could not and get this playing group to start rewarding the loyalty of blokes like Ben Cleaver, Daniel Johnson, David Smith & James McCabe who have all from I undertand refused overtures from clubs like mine for more $$$.

Glenn Gorman has had nearly three years from memory at the helm of that club and if his players are not up to the standard required it is either he has not developed them or the playing list is sub standard, you only had to watch a few games they have played this season (I have only seen 3) and they appeared to have no real game plan, thier kick in set up costs them goals every week with turnover after turnover, I think the new coach has a massive task ahead of him to try salvage what he can and teach these young players how to play accountable football, I am tipping some players might not be so safe in thier position anymore as being an outsider that is new to the club he will surely use his football nous and swing the axe on players who are under performing regardless of who they are at the club or how long they have been there, with some good coaching he may even develop a few new stars to add to the likes of Cleaver, Johnson, McCabe and Robinson.

For mine I would think that the AFL would be glad that for once in thier lifetime that club is making hard choices and stakings it claim to be a genuine club capable of standing on its own two feet and at least doing what it should have been doing under previous administrations, I think they have done some great things in the past year or so even if they do sting me $5.00 for my car at Greenway and another $5.00 for myself (I dont mind supporting football clubs even when they are the opposition), they have signage all around the oval now, they seem to have new staff in place and the people are always friendly and they attract good crowds.

Good on them I say and well done on being bold and doing thier best for their club, like justa says it hard to get people to put their hand up you do not attack those that do unless your prepared to step in and do better.

People who throw stones live in glasshouses!
I feel Tuggeranong without the backing of it's own leagues club will be perpetually be behind the 8-ball compared to Ainslie, Eastlake, Queanbeyan and Belconnen. Obviously I have no idea what is happening down at the Hawks but Gorman seemed to have a raw end of the stick and unless the Board has a suitable replacement lined up then the whole process could go pear-shaped next year.

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Hey ZZZ...this was a fair call by you pre-blackout - what is your prediction now after the turmoil at Tuggeranong in the past 24 hours ? I'm thinking that teams have a habit of rebounding big time after a sudden change of coach.
IMO, I'd be nervous if I was a SydUni fan knowing what awaits on the weekend.

Not 100% sure as I dont really know enough about the club / players but I did say a few weeks back there was 'smoke' about Dragavevic talking to players in Melbourne about coming up to NEAFL as he would be coaching & some of the chat was about pre June 30 this year. So if Dragacevic is trying to make out he knew nothing and has stepped in as requested - thats not 100% true
Given this, there maybe some players loyal to Glenn Gormon that take an indifferent attitude towards remainder of season.
Syd Uni will have a few back this week so it will be a tight contest between to 2 teams that are hopelessly undermanned in comparison to top 5 teams in comp ( Ains , Qybn,Eastlake,Swans, Hills )
Jay Shannon who was sacked after a mid season player review by Port Magpies will be on the ball for Belconnen 1st grade after 1 training session which will be tonight!!!

My mail is some players out there are spewing!

If he has been training over at Port it would be a no brainer that the bloke would get a game, NEAFL is not like the old ACTAFL you put your best 23 players out on the park, Belconnen have not had the best season so far but have done the best with the kids they have got, perhaps there are afew players that are on the fringe that would be spewing but perhaps Lokan needs a player of Shannon's calibre to fix a weakness somewhere.

I am tipping that the Tigers get rolled this week but they will not go down by much, Klemke has them very well drilled and they will only need a sniff of victory and they will go for the jugular which is one of their trademarks this season, I reckon Swans by 3 goals in the end though.
Not 100% sure as I dont really know enough about the club / players but I did say a few weeks back there was 'smoke' about Dragavevic talking to players in Melbourne about coming up to NEAFL as he would be coaching & some of the chat was about pre June 30 this year. So if Dragacevic is trying to make out he knew nothing and has stepped in as requested - thats not 100% true
Given this, there maybe some players loyal to Glenn Gormon that take an indifferent attitude towards remainder of season.
Syd Uni will have a few back this week so it will be a tight contest between to 2 teams that are hopelessly undermanned in comparison to top 5 teams in comp ( Ains , Qybn,Eastlake,Swans, Hills )

Regardless of the smoke and fire stuff, I think the board at Tuggeranong have done the right thing and have been very brave, the Hawks were going backwards this year under Gorman and they had to act to stop the rot so to speak, which they did, and if your right ZigZag about a few players loyal to Gorman having an indifferent attitude for the remainder of the season then I hope the new coach weeds them out and makes an example of them by dropping, the Hawks have enough problems to overcome without players causing problems and perhaps that was Gorman's problem in that his players think they run the club and not the coach, I feel sorry for him cause he is a really nice guy he just was not getting results.

I hope they win this week and start enjoying thier football again.

Eastlake have a tough game against the Hornets this weekend, I am tipping they go down by 4 goals.
If he has been training over at Port it would be a no brainer that the bloke would get a game, NEAFL is not like the old ACTAFL you put your best 23 players out on the park, Belconnen have not had the best season so far but have done the best with the kids they have got, perhaps there are afew players that are on the fringe that would be spewing but perhaps Lokan needs a player of Shannon's calibre to fix a weakness somewhere.

I am tipping that the Tigers get rolled this week but they will not go down by much, Klemke has them very well drilled and they will only need a sniff of victory and they will go for the jugular which is one of their trademarks this season, I reckon Swans by 3 goals in the end though.

So you think it's OK for a complete stranger to the club to be selected without even making an appearance or two in the reserves to earn his selection???

Let alone to have not even trained with the group.

Considering that my mail is some players were not happy with Love coming straight back in after being away for 6 weeks and now this.

It's only my opinion but a week or two in the Ressies would have been the way to go.

The guy has been told he is not required for Ports 1st's or Reserves and he is 22.

Says something about what they think of the lads ability.

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Where's the search function when you need it. I reember a North poster or two claiming no East Conference side would go close to winning a cross conference game this year and the bottom teams in Qld were much better than the top teams in the East confernce.....

Well, Well, Well done Eastlake.
Did not see the game but it looked like the Tigers put in a pretty good effort from half way through the 2nd term.

Down by 40 at 1/4 time and near 10 goals during the 2nd the lads got within 2 goals during the last only for the Swans to kick 5 unanswered goals.

Tigers were without K.Klemke, B.Klemke, Mitch Daniher and Sam Jensen.

Anyone see the game.....Porkhead, One 4??
Tuggies pumped by 14 goals.

Bowman and Steen quit from the coaching staff during the week after Gorman sacking.

To think this club could have merged with Western Creek several seasons ago and been half decent.....a club, Sth Cross to dip some funds in
Tuggies pumped by 14 goals.

Bowman and Steen quit from the coaching staff during the week after Gorman sacking.

Only one contributor to this forum tipped the winner here, and I don't expect anyone would have picked the margin even if they DID tip the winner. What went wrong ? Were the players protesting about the events of the week ? It's a bit odd that Everitt kicked 6 - he's only kicked one in the previous 7 matches. Can any eye witnesses fill us in on what happened here...did the Tuggeranong backline tank ?
Tell you what - Tuggeranong's got some work to do real fast because the "human headline" is due to turn up the weekend after next.
Whats going on with Canberra clubs ATM??

We have one who has been in turmoil since mid last season with coach quitting, this season an assistant coach leaving much to the delight of the other assistant coaches, the new coach not wanting a current assistant coach, players unhappy that guys come straight back into the side after a holiday or straight into side without training.

Another club has been struggling for years, show improvement last year, dump their coach, 2 assistants quit, team cop a flogging against another struggling side.

WFT is going on!
Only one contributor to this forum tipped the winner here, and I don't expect anyone would have picked the margin even if they DID tip the winner. What went wrong ? Were the players protesting about the events of the week ? It's a bit odd that Everitt kicked 6 - he's only kicked one in the previous 7 matches. Can any eye witnesses fill us in on what happened here...did the Tuggeranong backline tank ?
Tell you what - Tuggeranong's got some work to do real fast because the "human headline" is due to turn up the weekend after next.

Thats a terrible result from them. ITs not like sydney uni are any sort of powerhouse. Usually a new coach means players want to put in a good first effort to give a good first impression to the new coach. Not so here obviously. I don't know any of the inner working but I'd suggest that the previous coach must have been pretty popular with the players and his sacking clearly knocked the stuffing out of them.

Better get back on the horse soon, could end up being a long season.
Thats a terrible result from them. ITs not like sydney uni are any sort of powerhouse. Usually a new coach means players want to put in a good first effort to give a good first impression to the new coach. Not so here obviously. I don't know any of the inner working but I'd suggest that the previous coach must have been pretty popular with the players and his sacking clearly knocked the stuffing out of them.

Better get back on the horse soon, could end up being a long season.

Having not seen the game we can only speculate, Tuggeranong players must have been flat with all the emotion they have been through in the past week, Dragicevic will have to take a serious look at list no doubt and discard the under perfromers and start blooding some new boys, most likely starting with his backline with the look of that scoreline.
No backline Tanks, Maybe give up. I would say the on-ballers might not have performed pressure wise and we all know the end result of that. The big test/gauge will come this week against Ainslie, last time they met TFC lost by 60 odd.
Did not see the game but it looked like the Tigers put in a pretty good effort from half way through the 2nd term.

Down by 40 at 1/4 time and near 10 goals during the 2nd the lads got within 2 goals during the last only for the Swans to kick 5 unanswered goals.

Tigers were without K.Klemke, B.Klemke, Mitch Daniher and Sam Jensen.

Anyone see the game.....Porkhead, One 4??
Yep ABH I was at the game.
Haven't put anything online yet as I was still calming down and not wanting to say something that I might regret later.
Now I think that the Swans would have won the game but at the 13 minute mark of the last quarter the Tigers had got back to 12 points down and it was well and truely game on.
A boundry throw in, Kaine Stevens wins the ball, swings onto his left and kicks it up the line, under a fair amount of pressure, it bounces a couple of times and runs out of bounds and is pinged for deliberate, absolutely shocking decision.
The Swans took the kick quickly and found a forward who converted. Swans clear the next centre bounce and all of a sudden they are 4 goals in front and its all over. Now I know one decision wont make a huge difference but every 50/50 decision went the Swans way and a couple in their forward line were laughable and it cost the Tigers a goal. Maybe I am just too 1 eyed but it seems every time they get the rub of the green and most teams need things to go their way to get over them. They don't need the "guys in green" to help them as well.

Swans got off to a great start and it was 7.7 to 1 goal at quarter time and it looked like the bad old days and how far the Swannies, the Tigers were punished for every mistake and the Swans were running all over the place and appeared to have way too much firepower, the second quarter was only 2 points different but the 3rd quarter was all the Tigers and they were within 4 goals at 3/4 time, they were putting pressure on all over the ground and the Swans were making some uncharacteristic mistakes, Tigers kicked the first 2 goals of the last and there was a distinct feeling that the Tigers would run over the Swans but then the decision came and the wind was taken right out of the sails and the Swans ran away with it.

7 goals probably didn't do justice to the Tigers, but as I said in the beginning the Swans looked in control and with the team they put on the field most of us at the ground would have taken a 7 goal loss at the start and said thank you good effort but the Tigers really did show an enormous amount of spirit and fight their way back into a game that they never really had any right to be only 2 goals down with 15 minutes to go.
Yep ABH I was at the game.
Haven't put anything online yet as I was still calming down and not wanting to say something that I might regret later.
Now I think that the Swans would have won the game but at the 13 minute mark of the last quarter the Tigers had got back to 12 points down and it was well and truely game on.
A boundry throw in, Kaine Stevens wins the ball, swings onto his left and kicks it up the line, under a fair amount of pressure, it bounces a couple of times and runs out of bounds and is pinged for deliberate, absolutely shocking decision.
The Swans took the kick quickly and found a forward who converted. Swans clear the next centre bounce and all of a sudden they are 4 goals in front and its all over. Now I know one decision wont make a huge difference but every 50/50 decision went the Swans way and a couple in their forward line were laughable and it cost the Tigers a goal. Maybe I am just too 1 eyed but it seems every time they get the rub of the green and most teams need things to go their way to get over them. They don't need the "guys in green" to help them as well.

Swans got off to a great start and it was 7.7 to 1 goal at quarter time and it looked like the bad old days and how far the Swannies, the Tigers were punished for every mistake and the Swans were running all over the place and appeared to have way too much firepower, the second quarter was only 2 points different but the 3rd quarter was all the Tigers and they were within 4 goals at 3/4 time, they were putting pressure on all over the ground and the Swans were making some uncharacteristic mistakes, Tigers kicked the first 2 goals of the last and there was a distinct feeling that the Tigers would run over the Swans but then the decision came and the wind was taken right out of the sails and the Swans ran away with it.

7 goals probably didn't do justice to the Tigers, but as I said in the beginning the Swans looked in control and with the team they put on the field most of us at the ground would have taken a 7 goal loss at the start and said thank you good effort but the Tigers really did show an enormous amount of spirit and fight their way back into a game that they never really had any right to be only 2 goals down with 15 minutes to go.

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NEAFL - Eastern Conference 2012

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