Near Death Experiences

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Norm Smith Medallist
May 25, 2017
AFL Club
West Coast
Following in the same vein as life great experiences I thought this would make an interesting topic. Surely we would have one of these in the archives but can be stuff going through and finding it.

Anyone had one.
I had one when I was 19. I'm 35 now.
Was in the passenger seat of a friends Toyota Land Cruiser and he was driving way to fast on a dirt road. Doing about 100. Long story short he lost control and we rolled about three times. Ended up landing on its side. Was a miracle we both got out with a few minor injuries. I had my whole head basically what felt like grinding on the roof. Blood everywhere. Ambos came and stitched it up. Fractured wrist. Apart from that I escaped without no serious injuries. That car was completely destroyed. Caved in itself up until the area we were sitting in.

Still look back thinking how the hell did we both survive that without serious injuries. Those Toyota Land cruiser were built pretty strong back in the day. Built like a brick. Was a 1985 model. If it was a newer model we would have no chance.
That's my closest near death experience.
I got burnt days after my third birthday. Third degree burns on over half of my body. Was given a 5% survival chance once I arrived at hospital. Most days I wish I did pass coz life has been shit house ever since.

Got a few other near death experiences but that one has effected me the most.
When I was about 10 we were at a cliff and I was told not to go on the grass because it's slippery. So I decided to go on the grass and I slipped down.

Nobody noticed, and I think it might have been just as well, because if anybody panicked at that time any number of things could have gone wrong.

I was also aware that calling for help would have used energy that I needed for getting back up.

I didn't make a sound, I just fortunately managed to crawl back up by grabbing onto the grass and not making any sudden movements.

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Car flew off a raised highway while I was on my way to work in 2014. Hit me front-on, inverted and airborne. The driver died and his passenger was severely disabled. I got knocked out, snapped the steering wheel with my chest (broke 16 ribs), broke a collar bone and an ankle. Took a little recovery and still feel a little discomfort occasionally but pretty lucky.

Like the OP, my car was an old 4WD and build like a tank. Still got crushed into a cube. If I was driving my other car I would have been decapitated for sure.
Brendan Goddard's hanger and resulting goal in the dying minutes of the GF of 2010.
I was rollicking around in standing room.
It was as good as done, going to win, finally.
But nah, shit dont work like that down at Moorabbin.
When I was about 10 we were at a cliff and I was told not to go on the grass because it's slippery. So I decided to go on the grass and I slipped down.

Nobody noticed, and I think it might have been just as well, because if anybody panicked at that time any number of things could have gone wrong.

I was also aware that calling for help would have used energy that I needed for getting back up.

I didn't make a sound, I just fortunately managed to crawl back up by grabbing onto the grass and not making any sudden movements.

reading your post it feels like i was there!!! great presence of mind to divert all energy to climbing up in a slow and careful manner.
when you got back to safe land did you let all an sundry know?
reading your post it feels like i was there!!! great presence of mind to divert all energy to climbing up in a slow and careful manner.
when you got back to safe land did you let all an sundry know?
No I would have got in trouble but I think I told the story as an adult.

It seems that everyone I know has had to get through at least one near death experience which is a scary thought for any young parents.
I was starting a mining business in Abu Sayyaf (ISIS) territory in Mindanao Philippines

The Philippines army would only go as far as the jungle's edge and we had to make our own way in and out. We entered the terrorist's camp, armed to the teeth, to announce ourselves and our intent of changing the status quo. There were quite a few moments during the engagement where I thought, this isn't going to end well, with decapitation being their preferred method.


We ended up winning a peace award
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First one I was 16 and messing around with some mates one night around the corner from one of their houses. I was running down the road which was a hill, tripped over, broke my fall with my head (knocked myself out right there) rolled down the hill banging my head repeatedly on the way down.
Result: Fractured skull, brain damage. 2 weeks in an induced coma 2 weeks after that I dont remember awake in hospital another month in rehab learing how to walk and function again still no sense of smell and problems controlling my anger as much as I should at times.

Second one I was 18 and was driving my sh!tbox Ford Laser to work down a windy/hilly part of road and I decided that everyone going the speed limit was going too slow so I was doing a buck twenty in and 80 kay zone. Lost control cannoned into the embankment in the middle of this split roadway and ended up on the roof. Last thought before the accident was 'this is going to hurt'. First thought after the accident 'sh!t I have to get out before my car catches on fire' (too much GTA lol) so I undid the seat belt, landed on my head and crawled out the drivers window. I was soo lucky that I did not take out anyone else that morning or go off the other side of the road because that is a steep drop and I probably would have died.
A couple that in hindsight probably could have gone way wrong I guess. First one is this.

Had AK47s pulled on me in West Africa. Was taking some photos late in the evening as the sun was setting across the dusty streets of a small remote town of something I clearly shouldn't have been. Two men in full camo charged at me shouting a local dialect which I didn't understand whilst pointing their guns right at me. Luckily I remained calm (probably due to being a bit confused more so than being a Ross Kemp type 'hero') and managed to go through my camera to show them I was a legit tourist, not the worst spy in history. I walked away and relayed the story to a local at the place I was staying who said that was my one and only pass, next time they'll just shoot.

Kept a pretty low profile for the following days after that, definitely no photos. Ever more creepy was someone had been into my room and gone through all my stuff the following day after I went out to adventure to a nearby attraction.
Driving on the freeway at 110 km/h in the right hand lane. Passing a semi-trailer on my left, it all of a sudden put on it's indicator and started moving into the right hand lane. I had a car behind me, so in the split second I had to decide, the only option was to floor it and pull right onto the verge/grass. Just outran the truck then pulled back left going 130 km/h about 20m before the grass/verge ended in a concrete barrier and overpass bridge.

20 m more and my wife and I were gone. Truck driver pulled up next to me on the freeway and waved apologies after it happened. If he'd stopped, I would have killed him with my bare hands. Had to stop for 15 minutes to settle the adrenaline before continuing on my journey.

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Driving on the freeway at 110 km/h in the right hand lane. Passing a semi-trailer on my left, it all of a sudden put on it's indicator and started moving into the right hand lane. I had a car behind me, so in the split second I had to decide, the only option was to floor it and pull right onto the verge/grass. Just outran the truck then pulled back left going 130 km/h about 20m before the grass/verge ended in a concrete barrier and overpass bridge.

20 m more and my wife and I were gone. Truck driver pulled up next to me on the freeway and waved apologies after it happened. If he'd stopped, I would have killed him with my bare hands. Had to stop for 15 minutes to settle the adrenaline before continuing on my journey.
Need to probably do a defensive driving course. This would have been the safest thing to do.
Nothing like anything above

When I was 18 went through an intersection going roughly 75 when it was red in the wet but luckily no one was coming. Must have just tuned out.
It's not until you're older that you realise how shit a P plater you were.

When I was in Florida during Contiki around 5 years ago I wandered off from the main pack in an area that looked a bit sketchy but not too daylight.

Night time rolls around and I walk out of where I am after making friends with some locals who had eventually gone their own way. Looks abandoned af and the only people around look dangerous.
Not sure if it was correct but at the time I got the feeling that if it was known I was a tourist (and lost for that matter), I would have been robbed at an absolute minimum.
Waiting 10 min for an Uber felt the longest 10 min ever.
Driving on the freeway at 110 km/h in the right hand lane. Passing a semi-trailer on my left, it all of a sudden put on it's indicator and started moving into the right hand lane. I had a car behind me, so in the split second I had to decide, the only option was to floor it and pull right onto the verge/grass. Just outran the truck then pulled back left going 130 km/h about 20m before the grass/verge ended in a concrete barrier and overpass bridge.

20 m more and my wife and I were gone. Truck driver pulled up next to me on the freeway and waved apologies after it happened. If he'd stopped, I would have killed him with my bare hands. Had to stop for 15 minutes to settle the adrenaline before continuing on my journey.
Were you in his blind spot?, Only reason he would have changed lanes with you coming across at the same time. If he genuinely didn't look first before indicating he was changing than that's poor driving and recklessness. You have a reason to bash that drivers windscreen in IMO or at least throw something at him for nearly killing you. Apologies after the fact don't change it.
There's a scene in the movie adaption of Dimboola where Bruce Spence skols from a bottle of advocaat / Irish creme and then collapses passed out.

As a 16 year old left alone one night, I tried to recreate the scene with a bottle of creme de menthe. Woke up in bed the next morning in a pool of vomit. No memory of it.

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