Need A Root Canal - Cant Afford It

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not this again. you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
It was told to me by a qualified dentist,it happened to me after getting a white filling from a qualified dentist.
I'm sorry if it affects the sale of white fillings(and it portrays dentists into a similar category to panel beaters who like to use bog) but its your word against another dentists.

If you are going to peddle white fillings don't kill nerves myth you better edit the Wiki

Dental composite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... composite could ultimately irritate or kill the tooth's nerve. .... Direct dental composites can be used for: Filling gaps (diastemas) between teeth ... - Cached - Similar
I'm 21 and am still under my parents health fund. We have all the bells and whistles - while it is expensive we use a majority of them.

I hate the dentist so when I do go once in a blue moon I just have to pay the gap of whatever is not covered. Usually no more than $100.

Seriously ask your parents about their health insurance MG and if you are still under it, if not, ask to be put under it. So not cool being 16 and paying your own bills/board.
there's no white filling peddling here... dentists should offer every option, the pros and cons of each in a particular situation and let the patient decide what they want... similar to any other profession, really.

there are countless brands of resin and countless brands of bonding agents and techniques of bonding them. and there are countless dentists using different combinations of these with differing levels of skill and care. i.e, lots of variables. if placed improperly, or if a tooth nerve is already inflammed (from decay or a crack) then it's highly possible that a nerve could die after having a white filling put in. the same way that a tooth nerve could die after an amalgam is put in, or a glass ionomer cement... any time a tooth is cut, there is risk or stirring up the nerve. if a resin is not properly bonded and is placed very deep into the tooth, then yeh, there's a good chance it's going to lead to inflammation of the nerve and may kill it. but to say that white fillings kill nerves and to infer that it's some sort of dental conspiracy is plain ludicrous.

as for that wiki dental composite article, there's not a long wrong with it. i think you've just brushed over the bits that you fail to understand and focussed on the "killing the nerve" line and the "white filling conspiracy" (which isn't actually in the article, but is clearly in your mind)...

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing... wiki professors... google doctors.. internet experts...

if anyone actually has a dental question they want answered or an opinion on something, you can PM me.

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Had a pretty bad accident about 2 years ago. Fell about a metre and a half face first into a "truck pit", knocked out one tooth completely and snapped two others. The fixes have been rather temporary and one has snapped twice again since.

Never really looked into the Thailand idea, is it clean? What is the English like?
Had a pretty bad accident about 2 years ago. Fell about a metre and a half face first into a "truck pit", knocked out one tooth completely and snapped two others. The fixes have been rather temporary and one has snapped twice again since.

Never really looked into the Thailand idea, is it clean? What is the English like?

Christ, snapping a tooth in half looks like the most painful thing imaginable. I'd rather be shot in the face by a tank.

What's worse, immediate-pain wise? Losing a tooth completely, or getting one snapped?
Ah well the two snapping the second time was just the tempory cap, so not really "snapping". So immediate pain wise it was all as bad the first time. Was absolutely smashed though so wasn't as bad as it could have been, lot of worrying about what mum would say though ha. Spent about 5 hours in hospital. Had to have a couple of stitches in my leg, got a hair caught in it, absolutely screamed. I remember waking up in the chair at home thinking, "Surely that was a dream." The mates were still at the party when I got out of hospital, they were telling me I should get a gold one.

I had 2 root canals the day after the accident though and one. So much trauma in my mouth made the root canal hurt so so much. Had another a month or so later, and it was nothing compared to the first couple.
I'm covered under my dads and his wifes health insurance and I'm 21. You can be covered under your parent/s health insurance until you are 21. Then between the ages of 21 and 25 you can continue to be covered as long as you are single as a dependent extention, which means you pay about $30-$40 a month to stay on their cover. I'm still under my dads health insurance and I'm single, all I need to do is pay $33 a month (I'm with MBF) to still be covered. Once you turn 25 or in a relationship before that time you must then gain your own cover.

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Need A Root Canal - Cant Afford It

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