Not directed at you Guju but rather more generally. I mentioned it briefly earlier but want to elaborate.
This concept of "Investing" - whether it be real estate, shares, bonds, etc - heck, even just putting it in the offset account or term deposit.
Most is actually "Gambling". You can do a lot to put the odds slightly more in your favour, but you are still playing a game where someone else is making (and changing!) the rules, and you have minimal influence on the board.
Make a realistic assessment of yourself - what are your strengths and weaknesses - find good people around you to help where you are weak, or lack exposure. A good Broker, Financial Planner, Accountant/Tax Agent, Property Manager, Real Estate Agent, Tradesmen, etc. Build your 'team' that can help you. (They will all make money by helping you be successful).
1. Invest for a purpose or goal - Know WHY you are investing not just because you can or think you should.
2. Research/Educate - you need to be smarter than the market. People get lucky all the time, but you cannot rely on luck.
3. Plan and Review - made a bad investment decision? Don't make another one by simply leaving it to rot - actively review and restructure your investment plan constantly.
4. Draw on your expertise/interest/talents. If you aren't a wannabe tradie - don't take on a renovation project. If you aren't a designer don't look at up-market reno, if you aren't a builder/developer - don't take on a development project. Most, if not all of these projects that end up successful are due to an inherent skillset of the person in charge (or luck).
5. If you do NOTHING else, play safe. PATIENCE. Standing still you will go backwards slowly, but that's better than stepping into oncoming traffic.
This concept of "Investing" - whether it be real estate, shares, bonds, etc - heck, even just putting it in the offset account or term deposit.
Most is actually "Gambling". You can do a lot to put the odds slightly more in your favour, but you are still playing a game where someone else is making (and changing!) the rules, and you have minimal influence on the board.
Make a realistic assessment of yourself - what are your strengths and weaknesses - find good people around you to help where you are weak, or lack exposure. A good Broker, Financial Planner, Accountant/Tax Agent, Property Manager, Real Estate Agent, Tradesmen, etc. Build your 'team' that can help you. (They will all make money by helping you be successful).
1. Invest for a purpose or goal - Know WHY you are investing not just because you can or think you should.
2. Research/Educate - you need to be smarter than the market. People get lucky all the time, but you cannot rely on luck.
3. Plan and Review - made a bad investment decision? Don't make another one by simply leaving it to rot - actively review and restructure your investment plan constantly.
4. Draw on your expertise/interest/talents. If you aren't a wannabe tradie - don't take on a renovation project. If you aren't a designer don't look at up-market reno, if you aren't a builder/developer - don't take on a development project. Most, if not all of these projects that end up successful are due to an inherent skillset of the person in charge (or luck).
5. If you do NOTHING else, play safe. PATIENCE. Standing still you will go backwards slowly, but that's better than stepping into oncoming traffic.