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I thought I was going to see a spear tackle at 19 secs. :D

The Rugby game looks like fun, even though I don't care for the sport.
I like that there's a variety of different tackles. I also noticed a couple of gang tackles ie more than one player tackling, can we expect to see this in the AFL title?
Ok, so kind-of back on topic :)

The Rugby League Live trailer is here:


Be sure to up the resolution as it's set to low resolution by default!

ok that looks absolutely mental. Great work. I like the fact we can extrapolate some of the way the AFL might work out of that clip too ;)


That was Craig "Covers" Bowler from the office - a fine upstanding Essendon supporter

sounds like a top fella!
That was Craig "Covers" Bowler from the office - a fine upstanding Essendon supporter who actually stayed for all of the match last week even though I was really giving it to him all night - especially for the first two minutes of the last qtr! :)

Generally stills never look as good as a game in motion.

Not to be taken out of context I hope :D.

As for the last sentence, I can't wait to see what the AFL game will look like in motion then after the amazing screens you showed.

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Tell Craig he's earned another sale with that trailer.
Looks absolutely stunning!
Makes me even more excited for this AFL game.:)
Tell Craig he's earned another sale with that trailer.
Looks absolutely stunning!
Makes me even more excited for this AFL game.:)

i'm with this guy.
i pre-ordered today...and i will definitely be picking it up...the camera angles are sweet and the gameplay looks smooth and fun. good job ross and team
Wow! NRL looks fantastic I had never even seen a screen shot of it until the trailer just then but definitely looks good for the rugby fans on here. This just builds the hype for AFL even more now, cannot wait to see gameplay in motion hopefully real soon.
The rugby game does look great however the AI doesn't look all that good.

For instance, there are alot of bits where there is a pass and the guy breaks straight through because the defenders have zero awareness of a pass occuring. Also things like at .13 where the defender charges at the line and completely misses the guy who is just running in a straight line. Or like at .31 where everyone is completely flat footed and no one is moving when the ball is in the air.

These things are just the AI though, and of course this is going to be completely different than the AFL game's AI. Things like tackling, ball physics and the graphics look great. The stadiums are amazing.
The rugby game does look great however the AI doesn't look all that good.

For instance, there are alot of bits where there is a pass and the guy breaks straight through because the defenders have zero awareness of a pass occuring. Also things like at .13 where the defender charges at the line and completely misses the guy who is just running in a straight line. Or like at .31 where everyone is completely flat footed and no one is moving when the ball is in the air.

These things are just the AI though, and of course this is going to be completely different than the AFL game's AI. Things like tackling, ball physics and the graphics look great. The stadiums are amazing.
There are a few strange moments. The one from 44 seconds to 46 is a bit strange. Showing 7 players running towards the try line with 2 opposition players in tow, I just don't really understand how the attacking team could get THAT many players in front of the opposition. I can't say I've ever seen that happen before in real life.

I think the main thing though is that the game does look fun, which is the thing that most should care about. And if it's got gameplay that gets close to WCR (which as I stated before is my fave Rugby game) then I'll at least be happy.:)

And for something that will just get better as the years go on it shows a lot of potential (a lot more than I was honestly expecting).

I think the thing to hope for with the upcoming AFL game is that the AI just gives enough of a challenge, you expect a few bugs or issues here and there with AI but as long as there's nothing game breaking or really exploitative then it should remain very fun to play, and online can change things up as well.
Holy cow! If Rugby League wasn't the worst sport in the world then I would buy that game! The players actually look "fast" and I just cannot wait to see Juddy sprinting out of a centre clearance and kicking a goal from 50!
I played a fair bit of a rugby league game back several years ago. I found it heaps of fun, even though I barely like the sport.

In the FAQ there is a picture of Buddy from the game. While the face and hair look a bit off from side on, his physical stature looks very accurate. Kudos.

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I think the thing to hope for with the upcoming AFL game is that the AI just gives enough of a challenge, you expect a few bugs or issues here and there with AI but as long as there's nothing game breaking or really exploitative then it should remain very fun to play, and online can change things up as well.
i really hope "speed" does not become a bug in the AFL game...

I hope the game is more than just "ruckman taps ==> Judd gets ball ==> Judd sprints out of pack untouched ==> Judd runs for 50m ==> Judd shoots for goal"

i remember when Craig Bradley could do this in one of the older AFL games
Who does everyone reckon will be the 2nd commentator? I have a feeling it will be a fox commentator maybe BT? But I do hope it is Bruce , hope
Ross and the boys haven't been sick enough to make us put up with walls, lane or underwood!!!

Just out of interest over the years who have commented on the footy games so far
99- pc - Bruce and Leigh Matthews?
Live 04 - Christie malthouse boundry rider
06 was that the last game made? Dennis commetti , gerard healy and malthouse again?

Trying tothink back has, quaternain, Garry Lyon, Dermott Berreton been the other callers?
I think the commentating team of Commetti, Quartermain and Taylor would be really good. However if we could only have 2 of the 3 then Commetti and Taylor, since I'm a Pies fan I'd love to hear him record his love lines for Leon Davis.
Who does everyone reckon will be the 2nd commentator? I have a feeling it will be a fox commentator maybe BT? But I do hope it is Bruce , hope
Ross and the boys haven't been sick enough to make us put up with walls, lane or underwood!!!

Jeez i think i'd return the game as faulty if Underwood was commentating on it.
"It's the strangest thing but every time i play a match there's this horrible scratching sound like a cat trying to dig a hole in concrete."
Jeez i think i'd return the game as faulty if Underwood was commentating on it.
"It's the strangest thing but every time i play a match there's this horrible scratching sound like a cat trying to dig a hole in concrete."

Something tells me (common sense), that BigAnt have probably realised that most of us wouldn't tolerate having her commentate on this fresh AFL game. In the unfortunate event that she may be in the game, the Mute button will certainly come in handy!
Heya Ross, in Rugby League Live, is there a mini game where you try to shove 2 guys heads up 1 guys bum?? *hehe*

No, seriously, the trailer looks amazing. I like Rugby League but have never thought of buying it as a game but I think you have converted me to another buyer right here.

Looks like you'll all be keeping your jobs for a bit longer.

Well done BIG ANT!
Also things like at .13 where the defender charges at the line and completely misses the guy who is just running in a straight line.
The guy wasn't a defender he didn't tackle him cos they were on the same team.

Or like at .31 where everyone is completely flat footed and no one is moving when the ball is in the air.
Agree with this though, my only explanation is maybe they were all in an offside position when the ball was played, thus couldn't get involved in the play. other than that they were very flat footed
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