New Brisbane Stadium (2032 Olympics)

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And the Victoria Park Stadium is dead already:

Statement by the government on which recommendations it accepts or rejects:

  • Miles Government accepts 27 of 30 recommendations from the independent Sport Venue Review for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
  • Go ahead for new Brisbane Arena in a different location at Roma St precinct.
  • Upgrades planned for the Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre (QSAC) and Suncorp Stadium, subject to due diligence and consultation with games partners.
  • Exploring legacy transport opportunities to link QSAC, QEII hospital, and Griffith University with connected precincts in the city.
  • Proposed new stadium for Victoria Park ruled out.
  • Gabba rebuild will not proceed.
Bad result for AFL/cricket

Doesn't change the fact that the Gabba is going to have to undergo regular refurbishments just to keep to an acceptable standard
What’s the ongoing costs for Gabba going to be up to 2032?
Bet will be over 1-2 billion.

Politicians never stop being clones of each other even from hundred years ago. What’s good for short term but in the end costs more in the long term- that’s the politicians’ unofficial slogan.

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What’s the ongoing costs for Gabba going to be up to 2032?
Bet will be over 1-2 billion.

Politicians never stop being clones of each other even from hundred years ago. What’s good for short term but in the end costs more in the long term- that’s the politicians’ unofficial slogan.
People don't like the idea of the upfront cost of things, whether it's better todo it straight away or not. At the end of the day qld Labor are on the brink and one of the best ways to avoid the public backlash or spending 3 billion is to not do it
People don't like the idea of the upfront cost of things, whether it's better todo it straight away or not. At the end of the day qld Labor are on the brink and one of the best ways to avoid the public backlash or spending 3 billion is to not do it
They’re on the brink because they don’t have ambition or foresight.
This is all very confusing to follow. I was on here a few hours ago and thought a new stadium was being built. Now I've got no clue what's happening.
Straight out of Utopia.

Pay a think tank to come up with a report of what should happen.

Revert to Plan A because the recommendations were too expensive.

Only for the cost of Plan A to exceed budget and for the end result of the project to be redundant basically the time it is renovated (built)

Absolute Cluster Fk this.
People don't like the idea of the upfront cost of things, whether it's better todo it straight away or not. At the end of the day qld Labor are on the brink and one of the best ways to avoid the public backlash or spending 3 billion is to not do it
It’ll end up costing 4+ billion having to liven up Brisbane anyway.

Suncorp stadium v LA Olympic stadium. Horrific
They should never have went for thee Olympics if they're not willing to spend money. What a disaster and an embarrassment really. I suppose, atleast that Old premier was having a crack. Would have got this done
As I earlier stated once in this thread when the Games were awarded, the costs would start spiralling quickly once the "Keeping up with the Jones' " factor creeps in. Perhaps many of you can now see how no modern Olympic host city has ever gotten out of hosting the games for anything less than $12 billion since 2012. Premier Anastasia promised that the Games could be held for $5.5 billion. I certainly knew that that was crap at the time, and time has proven me right. But at least Premier Steven Miles (despite my opinion that he is a smug, goose of a human being) is making a realistic decision to contain the blow outs, even if it is only being politically forced upon him. Queensland already has a perfectly good purpose built athletics complex with two running tracks which seats some 50,000. Yes the QE2 is old, dating as far back as 1978. He has proposed to do a $1.6 billion makeover of that facility. That is still a very considerable amount of money considering that Perth Stadium didn't cost that much to build, and $1.6 billion should virtually transform the old QE2 into a genuine 45-50,000 capacity show piece. Brisbane needs to put her vanity aside and to do what is practical and affordable for those paying for the Games. The Games are still going to cost billions so they need to explore every aspect of where money can be spent as effectively and efficiently as possible. Backing out of or cancelling the Olympics is not an option. It's easy enough for these arse-clowns to propose spending upwards of $3.6 billion to put a new stadium in Brisbane or totally re-build the Gabba, but it's our money that they are proposing to fritter away. it's too easy to spend lavishly when its other people's money when you are a government official.

Let's face it, if they can't transform the QEII sports centre for $1.6 billion, then somebody is seriously either on the take or taking the piss out of tax payers:


In so many ways, this is history repeating itself. Between 1949-53 Melbourne dithered it's way around trying to decide where to host the Olympics. There was a three way public brawl between the Victorian Agricultural Society, Athletics Victoria and the Victorian Football League over who would get the stadium and where it would be built. The matter was finally settled with the intervention of the State Premier John Cain (Senior) who told everybody that the Games would be held at the MCG whether the Melbourne Cricket Club bloody well liked it or not. In those days the MCG was very archaic but at least it was already built and it was large. For a relatively modest upgrade they built the Olympic Stand and gave everything else a fresh lick of paint. In the end nobody complained that the MCG was unsuitable or that the stands didn't match or look modern. It was all about the sport after all. Once competition gets underway all people are interested in is the events and how well they are organised and conducted. As long as the athletes and officials get where they need to go on time and they are happy and comfortable in their digs then the host city gets a big thumbs up from the IOC and the international community.

Let Brisbane and its people showcase itself in 2032 as Melbourne did during the 1956 Games. With exception of the Olympic Pool none of Melbourne's venues were a showcase, but everybody still talks of Melbourne's Olympics as the "Friendly Games" where the city and its people carried the day, not the venues.

For the record, let's have a quick look back at the grandiose proposals for Melbourne between 1949-53:

The VFL's 1953 proposal for the 56' Olympic Stadium at Princess Park:




The Victorian Agricultural Society's preferred plan for the Showgrounds:


Athletics Victoria's original proposal for Olympic Park 1949:


... And what Melbourne finally got:

MCG 1952

MCG 1952.png

Below: Welcoming Queen Elizabeth 1954 just before it's transformation for the Olympics began


A 1954 model of the original proposed Olympic Stand to makeover the MCG (Below) was hastily put together to salve the visiting IOC President Avery Brundage who was angry with Melbourne for its squabbling and who was publicly threatening to take the Games away from Melbourne and award them to Philadelphia:


1956 and the Games only months away and the new Olympic Stand getting its finishing touches:


... And after its 1956 Games makeover: The old girl looked as pretty as a picture despite the old grandstands it would have been teaming with atmosphere at the time.



MCG 1956.png

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Maybe add The Gabba in brackets to the title as the LNP and ALP have both stated there will be no new stadium.
Or amalgamate the two threads.

The Queensland Premier Miles latest quote.
"Continue to invest there (Gabba)"
"New plan to do more incremental upgrades." in regard to The Gabba.

The LNP has committed to another Olympic review in October if elected.
But they have stated no new stadium will be built.
What should be looked at is where the future home of the Brisbane Lions and the future home of Test Cricket in Brisbane will be. All I have heard about the GABBA recently has been that the inner workings of the ground don't work and it won't be able to host events like AFL football or Test Cricket past the time of the 2032 Olympics. Does Queensland want to build a new GABBA at its current location, or do we build a new venue at a new location. The venue will pass the Olympics venues having a future use as the venue will be the home of the Brisbane Lions and the home of Test Cricket when it is played in Brisbane. Brisbane is losing to Perth and Adelaide because both cities have new venues or upgraded venues for Test Cricket.

The space at the GABBA is one of its drawbacks. However if it took the East Brisbane Primary School site and all surrounding land, and connected to the new Cross River Rail Station, from what we have seen would be a wonderful stadium.

The 2032 Olympic Games should be an opportunity for Brisbane to create a venue that will be that main stadium for the games, and will be the home of the Brisbane Lions and Cricket in Brisbane.
It should be decided that if the GABBA is not rebuilt then the new stadium which will host the Olympics will be the future home of the Brisbane Lions and Test Cricket in Brisbane. The GABBA is said to be in such away that it will no longer be viable to be a venue after the 2032 Olympics.
The QEII stadium is not a venue that could be turned into an AFL venue or a Test Match venue. What I have seen of the venue from here is it is a temporary venue which has lasted for 40 years after the 1982 Commonwealth Games. I have heard that it is close to forests of Koalas which need to be protected.
Holding the ceremonies for the 2032 Olympics at Suncorp Stadium is wrong. Most Olympic Games have had the ceremonies at the Track event. The only one I can think of was the 2016 Rio Olympics which did not.
In Adelaide they have rebuilt the Adelaide Oval and in Perth they have built Optus Stadium. These venues have put the GABBA in Brisbane in a poor position if they are fighting to be a host of a Test Match each summer. This should be the opportunity for Brisbane to create a stadium that will host Test Matches in the future. If it is the venue which has hosted cricket since the 1930's in Brisbane, the GABBA or if it is a new venue, decide on it now before it is too late to build a stadium for the 2032 Olympics.

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A very cool one. Government knocked it back though.

Olympics will be a dud at this rate.
Is there a cut off date for discontinuing the Olympics ala Melbourne/Victoria for commonwealth games.

Government are sitting on their laurels doing nothing about it, when it’s the Olympics after LA who we all know are going to absolutely go all out
This has suddenly gone from a dud event to one they need to nail. Paris was the most relevant games since Athens.
This has suddenly gone from a dud event to one they need to nail.

Well they got to do it so the Australian taxpayers don't have to fork out too many $ billions.

Paris was the most relevant games since Athens.

That might seem the case if you watch Ch9 but I was overseas at the time
and you basically had to search for coverage.
Is there a cut off date for discontinuing the Olympics ala Melbourne/Victoria for commonwealth games.

Government are sitting on their laurels doing nothing about it, when it’s the Olympics after LA who we all know are going to absolutely go all out
Just wait for 26th October. If QLD gov changes, then it'll be right back on track.
L.A. is about the only city to make a profit on the Olympics.
They will be going all out to duplicate that - NOT spending lavishly.
I am old enough to remember the LA games in 84. They only made a profit because they used existing venues across the city. LA was bristling back then with large indoor stadiums that were easily converted to host events. They even utilised their original 1932 stadium for the athletics after giving it new scoreboards and a lick of paint. They commercialised everything, and everything was up for sale. Even the signage and wayfinding signs had advertisements. All of the venues were sponsored and used their commercial names. The volunteer uniforms featured commercial branding and logos. All of that coupled with the American broadcasters all wanting the rights to broadcast the games in their own country led to a record broadcasting rights settlement. That was how it made a profit. Other than that, the games were relatively a ho-hum event to Australia. Everthing was 18 hours behind AEST so we mostly watched replays. The Opening Ceremony was done in daylight and they tried to make it look like a Vegas stage show. At the time we all agreed that it didn't work and that the Closing Ceremony was actually way better.

Having travelled there last year, I can certainly say that LA is not picturesque or pretty, nor does it have an epicentre. It’s just an expansive concrete spread about four times the area of greater Melbourne. It's "downtown" (or CBD) is just office towers and county government buildings with no shops, theatres, cafes or entertainment of any description. Its tourism spots are spread out far apart but interconnected by very wide freeways. Public transport is slow and non-existent for many parts of the metropolitan area. There are whole areas where tourists and visitors are seriously advised not to go into because of crime and gang territorial domains. There are certainly much nicer cities in America to showcase itself but it's LA that will host for a third time. Go figure?
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New Brisbane Stadium (2032 Olympics)

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