Do we have any high flying business types here? Why has Gale hung around for so long? I know we need to find the right man but I'd want someone in place now to start getting things moving.
It's surprising there was no inbuilt succession planning as a ready replacement for the CEO but maybe there was and we still did our full due dilligence by seeing what else was available in the market.
Gale has a lot of knowledge and would be across all aspects of Richmond from football, commercial, afl house relationships, community programs even down to HR/medical so you don't just let them walk out the door straight away. You have a transition plan and let him keep steering the ship so the new person coming in can hit the ground running.
Those saying he's head is already in Tassie are massively disrespecting him- he bleeds yellow and black and I trust him that he'd still be doing everything in his power to ensure that the Tigers as an organisation are well placed for the new CEO to take the reigns.